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be clean with respect to God and hurt themselves, and behold, the coming to the Lord needs to be taught.


In one house many people live in the same family and all have their own money and hide from one another their money, their conditions and works, habits and pleasures and each one is on his own with their habits, oh, but it is not so among those who are on the way with the Lord, because this is not what the Lord told to His little flock of old and then the church at its beginning, and all were only one love, only one bread. Oh, but is the love of Christ? Oh, does it work the brothers? Does it come to reach to the Lord?


Oh, how many would be to know, to learn and to work before the Lord those who want to have salvation and not sin on their way! Oh, how many, how many would be to be ordained and beautified in the brotherly life, the life with God, sons!


I am looking with the Lord everywhere are those who want to walk in the holy way with their lives, with brotherly walking on the way, oh, and I am looking in detail and see that everywhere the breaking of the will is needed and then a life with the Lord as well. The main sin, the one of which all other lameness of the Christian comes, this sin, this pride makes the Christian to exalt himself as God over himself. Oh, you are small, Christian son, but you think you can hold God as weak in you and for you. There is no prayer to lift you up to be with the Lord’s will, because if prayer comes before the Lord and you do not want to be as God wants you to be, then the calling upon you works in heaven and you can suffer from your carelessness, and behold, how is the Lord supposed to work with you? Those that pray for the people know this too; they know how to pray or not to pray for you, oh, and how well it would be for you to ask from the Lord, to ask to be able to do what the Lord wants, to ask with humility, son, for the humble spirit is weak before the Lord and the Lord does not crush it any more, only for you to have the hope by which you may work, for you need hope by which to keep your flesh in control, to cast away your sadness and will, but more than this hope is for you to know what you want, to want to know this, to know what you hope for, what you believe, what you believe in, why you believe, what you wait for, oh, for otherwise you do not know what you should really do with your hope, with your mind, and the time passes and goes and you remain with your works before the Lord, and you need victory, son. I hear many saying: “I believe, and by faith I keep myself believing and being.” Yes, by faith, but why by faith? You have to know why you believe, what you believe in, and if you do not know, oh, then you do not know to use your faith to your salvation either.


Oh, what a beautiful order the Lord has brought for this people faithful to His coming as word on earth: clean and holy food, Christian clothes all the time, a spirit of prayer with a monachal order, brotherly living in holiness like the first Christians, work for Christ and for His Gospel on earth, and everything by the faith in the word of God, through which hope and love come, and everything done in order to receive the Lord, oh, for the Lord is coming soon, soon, and He is ready to come!


In my time with the Lord and with the people the Christian was wearing a beard when someone dear died, and he was testing the Lord asking how long before the cutting of his beard, the manly ornament left by the Lord for the Christian image. Their lack of love hurt me; it hurt the Lord and those in heaven and the Lord was saying: “What will you do Christian, for now you do not like to wear the holy image, but when it comes for you to wear, will you still wear it, will you fulfill this holy mystery, everything only grace?”


I lived in humility before the Lord for the Christians’ lack of fulfillment and in everything my humble spirit helped me, in which I was walking before the Lord and before the people. The Lord was calling painfully and carefully: “Come out from blocks, My children, (Blocks of flats, tower buildings and live in small houses with the garden next to them, r.n.) come out of the world, and do not be afraid that you perish because of want or famine, for woe to the gain that you use working with your hands for the world!”


Behold the lack of fulfillment of the words spoken by the Lord for this time, for which it has been calling from heaven for such a long time! I have left this book on the table of remembrance on my day of the feast among the saints to wake up the mercy for the Lord in those who always postpone their love of God. 


I have mercy on everyone. Therefore, I have spoken with longing and with a painful spirit of remembrance, for the Lord waits after the Christian, sons in the citadel, and you should let it be known, for it is no joke with the lack of fulfillments in which have remained so many Christians who know the word from the Lord and violate it. However, you should be good and stay under the Lord’s word, for you do not have protectors on earth and you are small, sons, and the people is pretentious and disobedient with respect for the things for his salvation from the midst of the world totally departed from God with its life and step.


Oh, keep yourselves beautiful for the Lord, sons! Those who come to you for their walking with watching, give them from God and from the power of your love for the Lord and for them, to their salvation, and everything for the fulfilling of God’s word, oh, sons! And because of those who do not fulfill and are discontent, oh, we have to sigh and woe for them too.


However, You woke up Your trumpet, Lord, and it sounded and set a spirit of awakening over those who know Your word when it comes and becomes a teacher on Your behalf.


I am comforting all the saints, Lord, all of them, as my today’s speaking has been such a great comfort for them.


And now, take care to put in Your today’s book into the book and to strengthen the work of Your today’s work, and I am bowing down, Lord, and I thank you!


― Oh, My little Virginia, We have to suffer spiritually from the lack of fulfilling of those who hear the Lord and do not choose to be completely in all the love and ministry of the holiness of spirit, of soul and body, and many are weak in their love and fulfillment, and this to the joy of the enemy satan, whom I want to be defeated soon, as soon as possible, oh, but I am not helped by those whom I would like to be saved from the evil that comes and keeps coming over the evil ones, and satan seeks even the smallest evil thing to write it down and to punish with it everywhere, oh, and he is after this people to separate it from Go by not fulfilling the word coming from above.


Now, sons, encourage one another in the spirit of the teaching and ask God for love in those who are few with the love in them!


Now, sons, I am writing your obedience in heaven. You have lifted a table of celebration in heaven for My trumpet Virginia in the midst of all of My saints. I have left a great blessing over you. Love one another as I have loved you, strengthening one another’s walking with the Lord, you and those who are weaker, oh, for I suffer from the rejection of those to whom I give so that they may also fulfill.


Come now with blessing over you in everything you have to work for My work with you, for the city and for those who accompany you in My today’s walking.


And now, I am placing you in the spirit of My peace. Peace to you, sons! Peace in your feasts and in your working days! Peace to you and peace for the city in which I have you with the citadel of My word!


Oh, keep away from oppressions, sons! I leave much, much peace over you to keep it in our midst. Keep close to those with whom I keep you close, oh, and I miss to have you working closely together and rejoicing the Lord, oh, sons! Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:


[1] The Word of God in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, translated by I.A., redactor note.

[2] «And may He establish your hearts, blameless in holiness before our God and Father even to end, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.» (1Thess: 3/13)

«About these people, Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied, saying (This is a quote from 1 Enoch 1:9): Behold, the Lord is coming with ten thousands of His holy ones, …» (Jude: 1/14)

«The heavenly hosts [Or “armies which are in heaven”. Sabbaoth meant “of hosts” or “the armies”] followed Him on white horses, clothed in white, pure, fine linen». (Apoc: 19/14) (The Eastern Orthodox Bible -EOB)

[3] «Then I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven [Or “midair”], having an eternal Good News to proclaim to the inhabitants of the earth, and to every nation, tribe, language, and people». (Apoc: 14/6)

[4] «I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! And its rider is called Faithful and True. He judges and make war in righteousness.

His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits “names written”] and a Name written which no one knows but Himself.

He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”» (Apoc: 19/11-13)


Publication Date: 10-09-2021

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