TITHE OR HELL YOUR CHOICE by Mike Peralta (life books to read .TXT) π

The Lord told me to come back and tell you that there are streets of gold in Heaven.
"All this belongs to My people," the Lord said, "but, in My church there are many thieves who steal My tithes and offerings! Tell My people that no thief will enter My Kingdom in Heaven!"
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- Author: Mike Peralta
Read book online Β«TITHE OR HELL YOUR CHOICE by Mike Peralta (life books to read .TXT) πΒ». Author - Mike Peralta
"I say to you again that everything in My kingdom is ready for My children. I want all doubting and unbelieving Christians to realize there is a real Heaven. I want to bring all of My children to the kingdom, but whoever does not live by My Word will not enter. This book will help the faithless people.
"I know you are praying for many people, but I cannot answer all of your prayers because some who know My Word are still selfish and they are living for the world. Whoever lives dishonestly and does not respect My words are people I will not bless, even if they are your loved ones.
"Daughter, I want you to think about those you have been praying for, those you know, and I want you to think of which prayers I've answered. Some will never change their hearts to become pure, and they will never be blessed.
"Many Christians are poor and have many problems in their lives because their hearts are not right with Me and they don't tithe. Any Christian who doesn't tithe will not be blessed because they love money more than My Word. Those who love money more than My Word will never see My kingdom. You already know where they will be at the end.
"If anyone comes to Me with an open heart and tries to live with My words, they will be blessed right away, and they will have peace and joy continually. Whoever loves Me and wants Me to bless them must have their heart right toward Me and put Me first in everything in their lives and have a kind heart toward others.
"Sweetheart, I want you to be happy every day of your life on earth. You are My special daughter forever. There will be no end to My blessings for you while you are on this earth.
"I will protect you from everything that I don't like on this earth, and I will never leave your side. You will always have unexpected surprises from Me."
"Lord, You have surprised me with so many things. I never know what You are going to do next."
I could sense that He was smiling at my response. Then He said, "It is time to go back." We got up and began to walk toward the beach.
We embraced, and He said, "I love you, My daughter."
"I love You, Lord."
On May 28, 2000, after my morning prayer the Lord showed me the outside of our church building, and then the vision moved inside the church. I saw the Lord's presence, in His golden gown and crown, standing in front of the pulpit. The inside of the church was filled with brightness. It was as brilliant as the sun. It was then that the Lord told me He is releasing my miracle-working dance to the world.
I want so much to see our church blessed with this dance, and I want to bring glory to my Lord. The Lord has spent countless hours with me to help me prepare for this work.
Truly, whatever I want to do while I'm on this earth is not important to me. Everything is for my Lord and for my brothers and sisters in Christ and lost souls. The Lord has blessed us with everything we need and want in our lives. What we want most now is to put God first, no matter what the situation. I want others to be blessed through me. Actually, I am a very private person, and I don't really want to be noticed by anyone at all. In spite of this shyness in my nature, the Lord has given me no choice but to be noticed by others.
A comfortable life, even for one hour a day, is not what I'm looking for. My heart feels so eager to do God's work, and this aspiration fills my every waking moment. For a long time I've been getting up before 4 am every morning to pray. When you pray almost half a day, each day, you really don't have much time for anything else.
Since the Lord showed me Heaven, I haven't slept the way I used to. There just is not much time to relax. Each day I want to learn so many things about God's words in order to prepare for my ministry, even though my ministry, at the present, simply consists of dancing. The Lord says He will do everything for me, but I still want to know so much about Him and His words. I have an unquenchable thirst and hunger for God and His Word.
There is no easy way to serve the Lord. To please the Lord, we must totally submit everything to Him, including those things we may not want to give up. We just do it because we love Him.
When difficult times come, I make myself think of our Lord's cross, and this memory enables me to endure anything. Whoever wants to be with the Lord Jesus forever must work for His salvation daily, all the days of his life. We cannot be off-and-on Christians, because we do not know when He is coming for His people.
When you get used to a lifestyle of total obedience, you won't want it any other way. When our lives are totally obedient to the Lord, we never have to worry about anything. From time to time we are required to go through certain tribulations and trials. Through these we learn that we always can depend on the Lord and that, no matter what, we have our peace and joy with and from Him.
Friendship With the World Is Enmity With God
I want to tell all the disobedient Christians of this world, please don't be too comfortable with the world. Stay awake, for our Lord Jesus is coming for us. This could happen at any time. Take a moment to read Luke 17:26-36. If you are continually disobedient and enjoy the world more than our Lord Jesus, who died for you, you cannot expect to see His face.
Obedience is very important to our Lord. He has shown me many Christians who will be left behind, including some people I know personally. He is coming for those who are ready and waiting for Him, and this will happen before we know and expect it.
The heart of our Lord is hurting for disobedient people and lost souls. His love within me causes me to think about lost souls and lukewarm Christians everywhere. Because I know what will happen to them at the end, if they don't wake up, I remain very vigilant in prayer for them.
If you are a lukewarm Christian, please pay special attention to what I'm saying. You cannot love anything or anyone more than our Lord Jesus who died for you. If a preacher tells you that all Christians who go to church will go to Heaven, you'd better find another church.
When we are saved, the Lord expects us to pray continually and to study the Bible. So be sure to stay awake spiritually, without depending on everybody's teaching. When you continually study and pray, then you will understand the Bible's teaching, because the anointing will teach you all things. see 1 John 2:27.
After we are saved, we must continually work on our salvation. This means we must obey God's Word and please Him in every area of our lives. This book has mentioned obedience many times, because this is very important to our Lord. He wants to bring everybody into His kingdom. Many Christians have many problems because of their disobedience to the Lord about tithes, offerings and giving to the needy. They still live the same way they did before they were saved.
I have studied many people who give tithes and offerings, and these included my son and daughter and my friends. Those who tithe and give offerings have lives that are continually blessed in every area. Conversely, those who don't tithe, even though they are going to church and do many things for God's work, often find that their lives are never really blessed, and they continually have problems. The Lord is very unhappy with people who are not tithing. See Malachi 3:8-10. The Lord showed and told me clearly that whoever doesn't tithe will not see His face because they love money more than Him.
The tithe is 10 percent of whatever your gross pay is, not net pay. God doesn't need our money, but He wants every believer to bring the tithe to His house so the church can do God's work. Offerings are love gifts for the needy and a giving of thanks to God's house and different areas of ministry. All of God's work requires money. Anyone who is able to do these things faithfully will be blessed by Almighty God the most because it is obedience and shows love. These two things are very important commands of God. If you truly want to be with Jesus forever in Heaven and have a blessed life while you are on this earth, please pay close attention to what the Lord says. I have a responsibility to write the truth of God's words. I wrote this as clearly as I can so new believers and some Christians who are confused about the tithe and offering can fully understand.
--- End of Heaven Is So Real testimony by Choo Thomas ---
The above was only a few of the experiences Choo Thomas had with Jesus. Other experiences are recorded in her book β βHeaven Is So Realβ.
To comment on this passage I first repeat it,
The Lord answered my questions clearly and emphatically. "My daughter, we went to the kingdom."
He quickly recognized the question that was forming in my heart: How did we get there?
"The only ones who will go there are the obedient and purehearted children."
The Master paused for a moment and then went on, "Tell My children to preach the gospel. I am coming soon for those who are waiting and ready for Me."
Now I knew my primary mission. I had seen the kingdom of Heaven, and it was so very real. I'll never forget all the wonderful things I saw.
The Lord added, " Those who don't tithe are disobedient children."
"Should I tell this to anyone, Lord?"
"I want you to tell it to everyone."
Notice here that Jesus told Choo Thomas the following:
1. Only the obedient and pure-hearted children go to the Kingdom of God, also know as Heaven.
2. Those who donβt tithe are disobedient children.
Conclusion: Those who donβt tithe will not go to Heaven instead they will go to Hell.
Again I repeat the passage to comment on it, "
I say to you again that everything in My kingdom is ready for My children. I want all doubting and unbelieving Christians to realize there is a real Heaven. I want to bring all of My children to the kingdom, but whoever does not live by My Word will not enter. This book will help the faithless people.
"I know you are praying for many people, but I cannot answer all of your prayers because some who know My Word are still selfish and they are living for the world. Whoever lives dishonestly and does not respect My words are people I will not bless, even if they are your loved ones.
"Daughter, I want you to think about those you have been praying for, those you know, and I want you to think of which prayers I've answered. Some will never change their hearts to become pure, and they will never be blessed.
"Many Christians are poor and have many problems in their lives because their hearts are not right with Me and they don't tithe. Any Christian who doesn't tithe will not be blessed because they love money more than My Word. Those
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