American library books ยป Religion ยป 2010.07.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the birth of the saint John, the Baptizer by Lord Jesus (free ebook reader .txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซ2010.07.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the birth of the saint John, the Baptizer by Lord Jesus (free ebook reader .txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Lord Jesus

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Oh, man owes to Me, and not I to him, but who wants to understand this justice?


I have told all those who have known the word of My descent: โ€œBite your tongue so that you may not speak evil with it over My work of today and over those who bear My coming,โ€ but if they have forgotten that I told them this, they have violated those that I told them ahead of time so that they may not do them.


I have received into My fold the one how was set apart; I have received the one who knocked to Me to open, to receive him and to have mercy on him forgiving and saving him after that, and here it is the word that goes like this: โ€œSave a thief from gallows and he will help to hang you.โ€ Oh, unbelief comes from sin, not from stumbling, as those who leave My shelter try to say. I am reminding you now of the bishop from TรขrgoviลŸte, (Basil of TรขrgoviลŸte, r.n.), who fell while fighting against Me and against My people, for he had been fighting for seven years against My coming of today as word on earth, and after that he fell. He was covering himself with his unbelief, but the sin of envy was that which was leading his rebellious steps, and this is how he came to blaspheme My work, and then he paid bitterly on earth after that.


It is bad of the man who finds Me in this word and then he leaves Me and the people who are set apart! He who walks away from near My spring, from near My people, that one loses his grace, he loses his faith. The faith of My people is the place where I spring up with My spring of word, and My people is full of grace, full of faith, and whoever leaves it, loses the grace of a disciple. When it was coming closer the testing of My disciplesโ€™ faith, after I had told them that they would be made to stumble because of Me on that night, Judas left the disciples and lost the grace of the disciple, when he left. Even since he started to hate Me because of his envy of the other disciples, he lost the grace of a disciple, and not all My Christians have learned from this bad example in order that they may not fall into this sin, and he who has not learned, has left the brothers, for only those who have doubted and staggered in secret by joining those doubting, blaspheming and denigrating the brothers, only those have got out of the little boat of salvation, and it has happened to them as it happened to the disciple who lost his baptism only because he had listened to the speaking against God. Oh, and this is what happened to these who listened to the spirit of rebellion and of judging of brothers. They took out of My table and ate and then left, because they did not realize what they took, and so it happens to the one who loves himself near God, and a man like that deserves his destiny, and by loving his soul he loses it, as it is written, because he who searches for the mistakes of his brother and not for his, then he sees with what he remains, for it is written: ยซIf you do not have love, then you are nothingยป. When you do not have love and you prove that you do not have it, then you can give your body to be burnt, and you can do any exploit that may enchant and deceive you that you are with God, but you are nothing when you prove to God and to man that you do not have love, for love does not come at random when man works it in every of its aspects illustrated by the Scripture.


Oh, My people, man needs to love correction and to wait for it so that he may be Godโ€™s son, for woe to those without correction upon them, for they are not sons and have not come yet to the making of a son! Oh, he who does not love correction does not have love; he does not have it at all. He may say as much as he wants that he has got it, but a man like that does not have love, he has not given himself to God, for he who gives himself to God and then stays near Him after that, that one stays for his making from God, and this what has to understand the one who wants to become Godโ€™s son by My word of today over the people. Every father disciplines his child and teaches him to get accustomed to obedience, and when he does not listen and does not learn, then his father corrects him, he brings him to obedience and struggles in this way for the good of his child.


The one who comes to become Godโ€™s son needs love, staying near the work of his making from Me. To those who find Me in this word and believe in Me, I will give them the power to become Godโ€™s sons, and this power means obedience, holiness for obedience, admonition for wrong conduct and the whole work of the manโ€™s making in all his time with Me. There is no greater love than this on the way with the Lord for the one who comes to be born of God, for I was obedient to the Father in everything even to the full sufferance of an obedient son, who does not open his mouth before those that are sent for him before the great victory, before resurrection, and this is how I was and am an example of the son of obedience for those who come to Me in order to become Godโ€™s sons. Amen.


Oh, My people, I teach you to be faithful to the work of creation, the work through which all Godโ€™s sons pass, and it passes through them until they want to remain sons, for the pot does not slap the potterโ€™s hand when he does work it and it does not tell him how to work it. My teaching is only longing, and My longing is only mourning, because the longing after fulfilled sons consumes Me, the sons I want to see that they know what they want when they try to come closer to Me by My word full of longing after man. I watch too much for the beautiful stay of those who come to be Mine, and I am deeply sorrow when I have to endure the Christian as he can do and when he can be; however, I watch to find an occasion to make Myself known with My longing after man, to be received with My face upon him and to make My way to him with My correction, with the work of creation, and then to nourish My hope that the one who comes to be Mine will understand, but when I see his discontentment and his lack of love for correction, oh, My wound gets deeper, bitter, more painful and more intense, and I am the Shepherd full of wounds for the life of His sheep, for My life in them, after whom I have been longing and sighing deeply.


Oh, My people, My love is only wound from each son coming to give himself to God. Longing and mourning, watching and hoping, so is My word upon you. John, My Baptizer, reminds you of his work upon the disciples and upon people, which he did in My name, and thus he put repentance in people between heaven and earth, and he is speaking as well upon you now with longing and mourning, as I am, and as I speak and John is giving you from Me, My people. Amen.


โ€’ Oh, Your wound was wound from me, little wounded Lamb, and in my wound I was telling many people: ยซRepent, for the kingdom of the heavens has come upon you!ยป Oh, because of my mercy for You and for the people, I was calling out with longing and mourning for the repentance of those who heard me calling out to them. I am giving to the people of Your wound in me so that its sons may also be as wounded as I am for You, suffering Shepherd.


Oh, keep to the spirit of repentance, people of the grace from above during these days! Oh, you are not supposed to play with this treasure. Repentance keeps the man within the Lordโ€™s spirit and work, in the work of the manโ€™s making. I was full of the spirit of repentance and I had a word of correction against those who were not seeking with repentance. I likened those who had no repentance to the brood of viper, which kill their mother and are not sorry for that and this is the work of those who do not want to repent in front of those who call them to repentance. Oh, repentance is that which gnaws away at the manโ€™s heart and those that are tangled cannot be disentangled but only by the words of repentance so that the man may get away with his heavy burden which gnaws at his heart and then to be humbled and thankful, nourishing his hope full of repentance for the Lord mercy upon him. Oh, it is a great miracle for the Lord to see such souls on earth! Even the Christian is not thankful and the sin of ingratitude brings the Christian to sin; it takes him to denial of God and of brothers, and how is one like this supposed to see repentance any longer? The true repentance is that which does good to the Lord, not to the man, for man deserves punishment not freedom, but the Lord deserves a house and His face in man as He is.


Oh, watching with hope is needed, people of the Lord, because one is not supposed to make jokes with the spirit of repentance which brings the heaven in man and in his conduct and love, which can no longer do any harm around for it, but it can only work with patience and with the longing full of mourning after the things from above, after the comfort of his sufferance after God.


Oh, sons, ask to understand what repentance is, what it does, and what kind of fruit it shows. Do not forget to learn this well and to be the richest in the spirit and the work of repentance, which brings the Lord into your threshold. Both the Lord and I lived in the spirit of humility and repentance. We bowed to each other. Oh, behold what greatness! We deeply felt to do so, bowing to each other. Oh, what greatness! Our bowing and the love for it were sincere, as both of us showed that the lesser one was to be blessed by the bigger one. The Lord was the One Who showed it in this way and thus He has taught man to do likewise, and from this, man has to understand what man is and what God in His greatness full of humility is.


Oh, love to be the sons of the heaven on earth, oh, sons! Learn the mystery of repentance and its endless work! You should not learn from you but from those who work repentance, from those who teach you by doing it and do not forget to learn! This is what I am telling and exhorting you, I, John, the baptizer and prophet, the teacher of repentance and the one who spoke to everyone: โ€œRepent!โ€ Amen.


โ€’ Oh, My people, John, the Baptizer, had the work of admonition in his ministry upon those who loved disorder, and because of this they killed him. I worked in the same way upon disorder

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