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nevertheless, not what I desire, but what You desire». (Matt: 26/39) Oh, this prayer full of pain had power in it to keep in it the spirit of obedience to the Father, for in My prayer to the Father I said then: «Not what I desire, but what You desire».


You should know from Me, sons, that the Father had listen to My prayer which I asked for Me at the moment of My bitter cup, for the cup passed, and I was resurrected, and once with Me I drew the dead out, those who heard My voice from the hell when I got into it to take them out. You should know, sons, that on that time My Father did the work beyond human nature, for God is Spirit, even if I had a body on earth to obey the Father in order to take out the bodies of the dead from the hell, but My Father kept Me near Him in the time of the carrying of the cross, and He also carried My body to those in hell, who became flesh so that I might be able to come out and walk on their way out of the hell, for how was satan supposed to be defeated if God had not showed him in the time of My cross that the bodies of the dead came out of the dust and walked on their feet on the earth? (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.)


Oh, I would go on and on speaking with you much about this great mystery of resurrection, a mystery for which My Father told Me to listen and to be born a man and to sow Myself in men with My mysterious work and to come down then by the way of the cross into the hell with My resurrection and the resurrection of the dead.


Behold, I put teaching with power over those who come and take Me from the spring and I tell them this: I have not asked from the Father for Me in My prayer to Him, but I have asked for man, as I was an obedient Son and I said: «Not what I desire, but what You desire, Father!» Oh, how much I would like the man to be accustomed to having the spirit of obedience to the will of the Father in his prayer! Oh, how much I would like the man to be in My image and after My likeness in his prayer to God! Oh, here is the reason why My Father has sent Me as word on the earth! The Father has sent Me to teach the man the love of God, which makes the man god; it makes him God’s son, and the son has obedience and by it he remains a son, for the sons are only those who have a Father, only those who take after their Father.


I measure with the measure taken from the Father, the heart and the conduct of those who come together at the feasts at My spring of word. I rejoice much over some and over some I cry much, for I would like all of them to be in My Father’s image and after His likeness, to be My brothers, oh, and I have a reason to cry! I cry for longing of brothers, for My brothers are those who do My Father’s will like Me, and the Father is in heaven, and the Father’s will has to be with My brothers on earth. Oh, shall I not cry much when the man’s lips always say: “May Your will be done on earth as in heaven, Father!” and when the Father’s will is to be so with them, then it is not, and man remains further with his will and this is how he stays before God.


I miss to have brothers and I cry for longing! My Father sees Me while crying for longing and He cries with Me too, and We both look at the pride of the man who calls himself a son of God, brother with Jesus Christ, Who does His Father’s will and not his. I long to see that man is as clean as I am, and I long to see that men do not do evil to each other by their disobedience to the Father among them. The love of God is greatly misunderstood on earth. Those who complain to God are those who are coward, and those who have God in them are those who have love. The cowardly are not those who love, and those who love are not those who are coward, for there is no fear in love, as love is love and fear is fear, and love means God and fear means man.


I miss to have brothers and I cry with longing! I long after brothers in My image and after My likeness, and that is why I cry so much in word and I speak and exhort so much. I come and speak because of My longing. Because of His longing the Fathers sends Me to speak on the earth so that the people may hear Me and answer somehow to My voice upon them. There has not been so much love poured out from heaven on the earth as now is, when the Father is sending Me with much word upon people, as much as the river with great outflow. The word is the seed and it is the water, which moistens the seed, but the soil for the seed is taken and used by the man without obedience to God on earth.


You those who come and get comforted and you also comfort Me by your coming to My spring of word, oh, learn what the life with obedience of God is! I lived three years and a half with much word upon My disciples two thousand years ago and they saw My great works and the power of the Father in Me, and they still minded their own things. Here it is why it is so hard for the man to be completely dedicated as a disciple in the hand of the obedience to God! Oh, if I cry with longing to have brothers in My image and after My likeness, then you should also cry with Me, cry with longing after God, for the longing is crying, and crying is its work! You should also cry until the Father will have in you the power to make you God’s sons, My brothers, for I listen to the Father and I do nothing from Me or take or give or speak, for I know well which is My Father’s will, and I work only His will, and only in this way a son according to the truth is.


Behold, it is hard for the man to die to himself. I would like the man to get away from this death, from his self that uproots him from God, for the one who brings fruit from himself and not from the vine, that one is uprooted. Learn the work of the vineyard and the work of the branch in the vine, sons. When you come, I come down here at the spring and I give you much to learn. I count your steps when you come and I want to count the works of your obedience to God, and I also want you, sons, to become My brothers. I am giving you advice and I am putting it before you, now after the end of the feast. I am also giving you holy power for exhortation, and the power is your very obedience to My exhortation. Now, I am waiting for you with longing and I am waiting for you again at the spring, to help you with My Spirit to learn how to become My brothers, the sons of the Father wholly, in My image and after My likeness. Amen.


Oh, My people from the spring, I have put into the book the word for the love of God of those who come and take the Lord from you. I have showed that I have the son’s propriety before the Father both in prayer and conduct and in modest obedience to the Father. Even face to face with man, I showed My godly conduct, the humility of God’s Son. The humility among brothers teaches them the love of God, and when it is not among brothers, they do not learn what love is and what God is. The holy decency among brothers teaches the brothers to obey the other one, to be humble to one another by the spirit of the love of God, for love submits itself and does not bring into submission.


Behold a great teaching: love does not bring into submission but it rather submits itself, and it cannot be otherwise. Those who do not show the work of their life in this way, they are not brothers among themselves in My name and no one can love God otherwise on earth and in heaven, and again, no one can say that he loves God if the holy propriety is not among brothers that teaches the brothers what obedience to each other is, but it rather submits itself, for it cannot be otherwise, and man cannot be otherwise in the image of God’s son and after His likeness, Who, in a holy propriety, submitted in heaven and on earth before God and before man, and by so doing, showing the work of the love of God, the work of God’s sons. Amen. 


Oh, sons, the holy propriety that submits itself teaches the brothers the highest conduct, the highest wisdom of those who are called brothers among themselves in Christ. They are no longer as on earth, but they rise high by their highest conduct between brother and brother, and the submission to one another proves that they are no longer from the earth and that they are the new earth for the new heaven, in which justice and peace dwell. (See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.) Justice is the will of another and not yours. This is the face of justice, the spirit of brotherhood and the propriety above him, the spirit, which makes man god and God man, for I, the Lord, showed that I am God because I obeyed to become a man, for love submits itself sons, and love is God and it makes man god. He who loves mother and father, wife and children, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends and riches on earth, that one remains in his blood, for this is how he wants to serve before God, and he who submits to the love of God, that one becomes god by his submission and he makes God a man in his own being, becoming God’s house, God’s heaven on earth among people, by the spirit of the holy submission, the spirit of God’s sons.


I bow down in submission before My Father Sabaoth, I glorify Him by My submission and I give thanks to Him for all His love, which passes through Me to you, those who come and learn from God.


Let Us put Our love full of submission upon them, oh, Father, and may the spirit of the holy submission teach them the propriety among brothers, and let those who come to the spring come, take and learn the work of the love of God, the work of God’s sons, oh, My Father. Amen.


— Yes, My beloved Son, I, the Father, glorify Myself in You, for You are My will. I give Myself to man through You with the whole teaching word upon man, for Your crying to have brothers in Your image and after Your likeness, My Sons, oh, and Your crying is also My crying, and Our work can work by love and it can

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