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understanding of the hour you live in. Come out of the darkness. Step into MY Marvelous Light. Be freed of your deception and lies of MY enemy who has distorted your spiritual vision. Now is the time to awaken, tomorrow may be too late. GOD of Truth and Freedom Has Spoken



Luke 21:31-32 (KJV): So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of GOD is nigh at hand. 32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.


1 Peter 2:9 (KJV): But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of HIM WHO hath called you out of darkness into HIS Marvelous Light;




March 15, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, listen to MY pleas: I want you to sit up and pay attention... Awaken! See the hour you are living in. The world is collapsing on itself. All is not well. Darkness invades on all four corners of the globe. This is a dark hour, but nothing like what is yet to come. You are only witnessing the birth pains. Children, men's hearts are growing colder every day. The world is being led by MY enemy and is rejecting MY Truth, MY Salvation, MY Forgiveness. Without MY intervention, evil will reign and men will sink into deeper depravity. Their hearts will be as ice, unfeeling, uncaring. All that is called good now is evil, only a few shine their lights in a dark world--MY church, MY remnant--lamps filled with MY Oil. All others have either no lamps or dimly lit lamps. These I cannot bring out when I come to retrieve MY church to meet ME in the air to depart to safety, to be eternally with their GOD. You must decide, you must choose. All is a choice--no choice is a choice against ME. Do not be fooled and taken in by evil teachings that tell you all is well in this foul-smelling world. All is not well, children. If your heart shows you that things are not right, it is MY SPIRIT revealing truth to you. Come make a full surrender, clean your robes, wash your hands and stop defiling what is meant to be the temple of GOD. Walk hand in hand with ME and let ME clean your soul and heart with MY Word and MY Truth. I long to bring you salvation. Run MY children, run into MY Arms. These Words were formed in Heaven by your GOD for your benefit...Heed them...


Ephesians 5:25-26 (KJV): Husbands, love your wives, even as CHRIST also loved the church, and gave HIMSELF for it; 26 That HE might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,




March 16, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children of the Most HIGH: I am returning. MY Coming is just over the horizon. There will be leaping for joy as MY children rise out of the earth to their Eternal GOD. There will be weeping and wailing for those left behind, those who trivialized MY Return as if not important to watch for and abide in MY Word. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth for those caught in sudden destruction, those who are swept away to eternal hell, forever lost and separated from their GOD. Children, you must think this over clearly. Do you want to be left to face MY enemy or worse, to be caught in destruction, that is sudden and not survivable? You hold the key to your answer. You must decide. Will you place your life in MY Hand and walk away from your love affair with this world? You must decide. I know the hearts of all men and the intensions of the hearts. When I come to pull MY church free, I know exactly who I am coming for. Will you be among these I love and plan to rescue from a world soon facing the wrath of GOD and of MY enemy? You decide. The answer lies in your heart. What will you do? People die daily in their sin and choosing against ME. This choice must be made today. No one knows the hour of their last breath in this life. Daily people's choices are cemented in eternity whether for ME or against ME. This is a serious hour. Do not ignore these warnings. Face your GOD before it's too late. I plead with you. This is the GOD WHO chose the cross for you...


1 John 2:14 (KJV): I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known HIM that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of GOD abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.




March 17, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


This message is for MY children: Do not tarry in seeking your GOD. Time is wasting, precious time. It is time that cannot be retrieved once it is spent, MY children.


It can never be recaptured. There is loss of life daily. Who will be next? Think this through soberly. Will you walk through the door marked β€œeternity” today, tomorrow? Since you do not know, then you must no longer put your confidence in time. Time cannot be bought or traded for. It cannot be obtained once spent--it is gone. Everyone will stand before ME and give an account of their life. This will happen to you. How will you respond? Will you be found worthy to escape eternal loss? Or will you approach the throne boldly, covered with MY Blood-bought mantle of forgiveness and salvation? It is available to you at this hour. It may not be available if you wait too long and put off trading your sin-stained robes for MY purified, spot-free and wrinkle-free wedding garment. What is your choosing? Don't be so sure of yourself. Many have gone before you held captive to a strong delusion that all was well with their soul when in fact, they only possessed filthy rags. Come clean, wash in MY Blood, wash in MY Word. Fill your lamp with MY SPIRIT, partial filling will not get the job done. Full surrender is the only offering I will accept. All or nothing. Come to MY Throne clean and ready to face your GOD. I AM Has Spoken...



Luke 21:36 (KJV): Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the SON of Man.




March 18, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Dear Children, your GOD loves you. I require a FULL submission, total surrender of MY children. The church that knows ME not is lukewarm. It has a form of godliness but denies the POWER thereof. It chases after the world and wears MY Name. This is an abomination in MY Sight, repulsive and disgusting. I will spit this church out. I am coming back for MY remnant church--the few who pursue ME in holiness, with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. They will be saved from the wrath to come, found worthy for escape. Children take inventory of your heart, your life. Get to know ME on your knees and in MY Word. Speak to ME throughout the day. I am available. I am always on call. Do not wait for tragedy to strike to call on MY Name. Get to know ME NOW before a real need arises that you believe is worthy of addressing ME. All through the day I am worthy of being called on--you need ME all day long, everyday, not just when you deem it necessary. This is the mistake of MY tepid, lukewarm church. There is no fire between us. This church lacks a true love for ME. It is like Lot's wifeβ€”always looking away. It will look away one too many times and there will be a fatal moment when the lukewarm church looks back to the world and then it will never be able to look upon ME again, for I will spew it out of MY Mouth. Do not align yourself with this church. Break free of a co-dependency on a lackluster faith. Come and seek the fire of MY True Faith--one in which intimacy is at the center. Come get to know ME. I created you for this knowing. Time is short. Come to terms with what I require to be in MY Presence for eternity. This is your LORD and SAVIOR...CONQUERER at Calvary...WORTHY of Intimacy...


Revelation 3:16 (KJV): So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of MY Mouth.


Luke 17:32 (KJV): Remember Lot's wife.


Revelation 2:4 (KJV): Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy First LOVE.




March 19, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, I AM is speaking to you: there is a great division between the children of Light and the children of darkness. MY church who knows ME follows ME, loves ME, is loyal and faithful. All other children are falling away. MY Truth is not recognized by those who are perishing. Those who reject MY Truth including those with a partial commitment to ME are dying in their sins, on their way to destruction without MY Blood-bought Salvation covering their sin-debt. Their sins will block them from entrance into MY Kingdom without MY forgiveness forged through a full surrender to ME and stamped with an intimate relationship that we share. Without MY Salvation and a true relationship through forgiveness and repentance the people are lost. MY enemy has the world in a sin vice grip. The world loves to fornicate against its GOD having relations with MY enemy breaking covenants with GOD to embrace evil. Those who love the enemy are adulterers and adulteresses and will never enter MY Kingdom. They will be eternally barred from the Kingdom of Heaven, never allowed to enter into its beauty and to partake at MY table. Run NOW to MY Open Arms. Tomorrow may be too late. Every second that you indulge MY enemy with your commitment to him is a second of death for you. Step into life, true life, and stop holding hands with death. Release your grip on MY enemy who is also your enemy and wants only to destroy you. This is the hour of decision. Each second apart from ME, you are perishing. Choose LIFE--Choose ME, I AM THE LIFE--GOD OF THE LIVING.


James 4:4 (KJV): Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with GOD? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of GOD.


Genesis 2:7 (KJV): And the LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.


1 Corinthians 1:18 (KJV): For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of GOD.



March 20, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


This is your LORD speaking MY children: Fear not! Fear is not for those who surrender fully to ME. Those who pursue ME in holiness, purity, and are washed by the water of MY Word no longer need to live in fear. The enemy cannot rule over those who seek ME daily who are under MY watch. MY Word says: Resist the devil and he will flee. By facing your GOD in full surrender you resist the devil and he must flee. You must come to ME on bended knee, full surrender through child-like faith, as a child who knows that security is found through his parents. I am your FATHER--I will protect you, but you must surrender to MY Will to be in MY safekeeping. If you maintain your own will, controlled by the devil, you will never truly be safe. You are in the line of fire, the

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