American library books ยป Religion ยป 2004.12.12 - The Word of God thirteen years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem by Lord Jesus (self help books to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซ2004.12.12 - The Word of God thirteen years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem by Lord Jesus (self help books to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Lord Jesus

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more, which teaches and leads to the whole wickedness. From patriarchs to the kings and to the monks and to the last poor people, this does not let us come into the narrow door. Because we love the things of the world and we lust after them and because our belly comes first.

Woe, woe, to you, parents! I cry and I mourn after the restoration of the first state of this mountain. Because after 1913, when 79 years will have passed, there will be committed all the evil things prophesied about the coming of the Antichrist, 7500 years from the making of the worldโ€ฆ



The Saint Cosmas of Aetolia[5]

            (1714 โ€“ 1779)

            The end of the world


Why should we wait? It is said that I have to tell you, but I say this to you: today and tomorrow, we are waiting for the draughts, great famine, when we will give thousands of golden coins (florins) and we will not find any slice of bread and water. Today and tomorrow we expect for dead people, severe illnesses, when the living ones will not be able to bury their dead. There will be an earthquake all over the world, which will make the houses fall down, and all the mountains and the whole world will become flat, the sea will rise up above the highest mountains and that it will be fifteen cubits above the world, the stars will fall from the sky and the sun and the moon will be darkened. The sky, which is seen, the earth and everything will burn and the world will die. When will all these take place? My Christ tells me that now they are coming at a fast pace and it has already come to the end of its rope. And these will happen all of a sudden, and it could be possible even this night to happen. Have they not really happened already? Do you not see how your animals have perished, your crops? How the springs and the rivers came back? Today we lack one thing, tomorrow we lack another thing, and God gives us less and less and we, who do not feel them, do not think of them.

I tell you this thing again and I exhort you: even if the heaven will come down and the earth will go up, even if the whole world will perish, as it is going to happen today and tomorrow, do not worry what God will do. If your body burns to scorch it, even if your things will be taken away from you, do not worry: give them away for they do not belong to you. You need your soul and you need Christ. Even if the whole world falls apart, these two things will not be able to be taken from you, only if you do not want to give them freely. These two things you should take care of, so that it may not happen for you to lose them.




In the old time, when the people wanted to punish someone, they were taking an oath and were saying: โ€œMay it be that God will put you together with the priests in the eighth age (the eighth millennium from the creation of the world)!โ€ That is why, my brothers, the patriarchs, the priests, the confessors and the teachers hardly are able to be saved, because we are in the eighth age (the eighth millennium) of which 280 years have already passed (the year of 7280 = 1772). And that is why I advise you, holy fathers, now when you still have time, to sit down and to read in order that you may understand even a little bit what the Holy Gospel is going to tell you.



The prophecy of a Saint, which was found in the Monastery of Dekapolis, with the order of the Saint Benedictus, in 1775


It WAS found in a tomb, in the hand of a Saint, written on a lead tablet, but no one knows when it was prophesied.

This is what it was written:

โ€œThere will be a great earthquake in the whole world in 1740. In 1760 Africa will burn in fire and Rome will see blood (he, who wants to know about Rome, let him search out in the small church History and will find things for this, at the mentioned year, the fight of the pope against the Calvinists, and how much blood was shed). In 1790, Godโ€™s wrath will come over the whole world and there will not be any love. In 1800 few people will know God. In 1845 there will be only one protector. In 1860 there will come the crushing of the lion, the eastern side and of Austria. In 1880 one man will rise up and will humble the bear of the icy north wind and he will pull out the feathers of the eagle of Austria. In 1990 the lights will be put out and there will be one flock.โ€

Making a calculation out of the old years from the beginning of the world, we have the year of 7490, and from Christ on to 1290*. And now we have, from Christ on, the year of 1900. We have found written at Greeks, that the icy north wind is Germany, and not Russia, for Russia is on the north.

* It might be an error of printing. 7498 โ€“ 5508 = 1990, that is the year of 7498 from the creation of the world and it corresponds to 1990 after Christ. Now, after that so many events have taken place and the year of 1990 has already passed, it is easy to understand that in 1990 there was set a new start for the antichristian era. That is why, it is said that the lights (of faith) will be put out.

(From the book of โ€œThe end of the manโ€ by Monk Zosima Pascal, the Prodomite, of the Holy Monastery Neamลฃu, in 1905, page 67, Tehnopress Publishing House, 2004)



A testimony of the Saint Hierarch Calinic from Cernica

            (1787 โ€“ 1868)


The saint Calinic lived close to us, between 1787 and 1868, and he is the founder of the Cernica Monastery within the vicinity of the Bucharest city, the capital of Romania, whose abbot was for 31 years.[6]

Abbot Calinic[7], because he was a holy man, very diligent and with special spiritual graces, many monks came around him and the hermitages from the island of Saint Nicholas were full, and new hermitages were necessary. That is why he thought to build a bigger monastery, in the other island of the Saint Gheorghe. He could do nothing now but start work, but the abbot Calinic was not sure of this and kept on postponing the beginning of it. What happened? There was a rumor in the country that in a little time, that is in 1848, many events were to take place, and also an end of the world, and a beginning of a new world. Thinking about this, one night, coming back to his little room from the matins service and sitting down on his chair as usually โ€“ for this is how the pious used to rest, sitting on a chair and never lying down in a bed, in that moment he found himself standing up, in reality and not in a dream, in the other island of Saint Gheorghe, having on his right side Saint Nicholas and on his left side Saint Great Martyr Gheorghe, who were admonishing him because he did not start the building of the monastery in that island, for which he had already received money. Seized with fear and shaking, the abbot Calinic responded: โ€œForgive me, Godโ€™s saints, but because I had read some of the predictions about the future, I thought that in the year of 1848 the end of the world would come.โ€ Then the saints told him: โ€œLook to the east.โ€ And the pious, lifting his eyes to the east, he saw that the heaven was not seen any more, but only a great godly light, and being frightened, he fell prostrate and he was told: โ€œNow look to the east and you will see the great mystery of the Providence.โ€ And being strengthened by the gift of God, Saint Calinic saw in the sky the Holy Trinity, as it is painted in the holy icons, and beneath, on a great luminous parchment was written in big letters: 7500 years from Adam. Then the saints keeping him by the arms, said to him: โ€œDo you see that the end of the world will not be in 1848, but the end of the world will be when the 7500 years from Adam will be accomplished? Therefore, the saints added, start at once to build the great monastery of the Saint Great Martyr Gheorghe.โ€




From these prophecies by this time we can draw a first conclusion: The end of the world will be at the half of the eighth age, that is, in the year of 7500 from Adam and/or in the year of 1992 from Jesus Christ. At the same time, what will start after this end, will no longer have an end, from now on there will be ยซone flock and one Shepherdยป.


But now, this year had already passed, but we have even entered for some time into the third millennium, and it did not happen what the world was expected to happen in 2000, and behold, even now, when we finished this document, we also passed the end of the world of the Maya people from 12/21/2012, and we could ask ourselves: is it possible that these prophets, by whom the Lord spoke, to have gone wrong? Very unlikely. Even less unlikely, being ยซmore than two or threeยป who testify about the same date.

Then, what could have happened in that year, or what kind of special event would have taken place and which was overlooked by the Christians, but especially by the โ€œshepherdsโ€ of the Christians, and especially by the โ€œshepherds of the right faith?โ€

No doubt, as long as Terra has not been turned to pieces yet, and the people have not been killed or totally disappeared, but on the contrary they have been multiplying doing ยซas it was in the days of Noahโ€ฆ, eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage,ยป or as ยซin the days of Lot: eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting and building,โ€ฆยป no doubt, we have to look for some other very important event, even crucial for humankind.

Or, maybe, this great event has not been at a large scale and amplitude to take place ยซin a visible wayยป by the media and by those who have eyes and do not see, or do not want to see.


Because the ample presentation is found in the thematic selection โ€œThe end of the world and the Day of the Lord,โ€ here we will present the conclusion in short: The year of 7500 from the creation of the world and/or 1992 after Christ, โ€œIs the feast of the day and of the year 7500 from the creation of the world when I, the Master of all nature, fulfilled the Scripture of the coming down of the mystery of the new Jerusalem on the Romanian landโ€, by the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, in 12.12.1991, (Unlike the calendar year beginning on January 1, the church year begins on September 1, thus the church year 1992 began on September 1, 1991) which has meant the beginning of the end of the kingdom of the man over the man and the beginning of the kingdom of God in the manโ€™s heart fully and from there will be ยซone flock and one Shepherdยป.



[1] Reference to the parliamentary and presidential elections and to the successors of the Romanian Communist Party, who fight to take the power,

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