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Verginica? It is written: «Anyone who is not found written in the book of the Life will be cast into the fire». Let us work sons, for there are many to be learned over Israel and over the nations, and all the books will be made until all will be fulfilled and all the heavens and everybody who live in them will be glad, for it is written into the Scriptures: «Rejoice, you heavens, and all who live in them!». Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of St. John, the Baptizer, from 20-01-1997.



It is written for this time that I would come and I will be called the Word of God. (Rev: 19/13, r.n.). It is written into the Scriptures, but who is to tell the people about My second coming? There are no more teachers on the earth to tell the people about My second coming. Oh, there is no one to tell them that I come, and even two thousand years ago I said: «I come soon!», and I have told to the bride of My Spirit to say: «Come, Lord, come!».


The priests of the church do no longer speak about the book of John, who I appeared to, so that I might announce the times of My coming. I showed John My coming in the word, and he wrote this: «I saw the heaven opened, and the Faithful and True One coming on a white horse to make war for Him, for truth, for He is the truth; and His eyes are a flame of fire; and on His head are many crowns; and He has a name written, which no one knows but He Himself; and on Him a garment sprinkled with blood; and armies from heaven, following Him on white horses; and out of His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which He strikes, and He rules with a rod of iron and He treads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God, and His name is called the Word of God, a name written on His garment and on His thighs: „King of Kings and Lord of Lords”». This is what I proclaimed through John, My servant, so that the teachers may receive knowledge from heaven and to teach the people about My coming and My word by which I said: «I come soon!». And I chose you, My bride people, and I gave you from My Spirit and I told you: «I come soon!». And you, bride of My Spirit, should always say: „Come Lord!”. You should say it, My love; you should say to come, as no one says it any more in My Spirit: „Come, Lord!”. You are My choice new vine, and I am the vine, and I bound the donkey’s colt to the choice of My vine and I engaged you to Me, the Word of God, and I told you to give Me to the people for everlasting life and I come out with you to go picking, My bride people. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) I go with you from place to place, from time to time among the people, as it is written into the Scripture, which says: «These are those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes; these were redeemed from among the people, the first fruits to God and to the Lamb». And I walk into the middle of the heaven and call out: be afraid of God and worship the One Who made the heaven and the earth, as I come soon to judge the nations with justice, and the Spirit and the bride say: „Come!”


Oh, you man of the church that make the man of the world sharpen his weapons and strike into My word and in the sons of My word! It is written in the Scriptures that I will turn the weapons of the wicked into plough shares and do My work and you will not be able to fight against God, who speaks and fulfills. Behold, I sent you a letter. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm and say: „I am rich and I lack nothing”, but you are blind, naked and pitiful and I come to give you a golden word to be rich and dress in white garment, so that the shame of your nakedness may not be seen. I come and give you word. My word is salve for eyes, for everybody that I love, I rebuke for repentance. I stand at the door and knock, so that you may hear and I may have dinner of word with you. He who has ears let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. After that repent; if not I will soon come to you and move your lamp stand out of its place and put Mine instead. Amen.


I am the Light of the world. Amen, amen, amen. The one, who walks after Me, will not walk into the darkness. My word is the way, the truth and the life. Ask the law and the prophets. If they do not speak of this word, only then you are justified not to believe. And I will come with the tens of thousands of saints to you, people of the church, as it is written: «Behold, He comes with the clouds and with His tens of thousands of saints, and His name is called the Word of God», (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.) and the saints will testify that this word is My word. Amen.


I am Who I am. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, on 18-05-1997. (On Slideshare)



My word comes before Me as John went before Me and prepared My way. John came as a result of Zacharias and Elisabeth’s prayer and he is the fruit of the prayer, and there was joy and many rejoiced over his birth, and he was great before Me, and he drank neither wine nor strong drink, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit even from the womb of his mother to be born great and to turn Israel to God. However, in your days, My people of today, the preparation for My coming is great, because I clean My threshing floor and I gather My wheat into the barn, and I burn within an unquenchable fire both the chaff and empty grain.


The book with seven seals was opened, and My word has taken the power and strength to reign, and when I opened the sixth seal, the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became as blood and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, and the sky was removed and everything was moved from its place, and the great one of the earth hid themselves in the mountains for fear of God’s wrath. (See also Rev. 6:12-17) No one on earth knows to set down to their places and in their times the words of the Scriptures, but they come true at the right time and the man does not know where do all come from in their good time, because when the sixth seal of the book was opened, the sun became dark and as sackcloth made of hair. The sun has turned evil with the man and the man does not understand this. No one understands what the sun, the moon and the stars are[3], and the man has become filled with the scientific man’s lie, who has said everything he wanted about the sun, the moon and the stars, and that is why the sun became as dark as sackcloth made of hair. And what does this word of the Scripture mean? Oh, the sun has become an enemy to the man, sons. There has never been greater emptiness among people as in these days. There has never been a greater lie and wandering away as in these days. The science man has blasphemed God and he has lied to the man, and the sun became as dark as sackcloth made of hair and it bites the man of falsehood. The sun strikes in the people’s bodies and the people do not understand that they have nowhere to hide from God’s wrath. It is in vain that they flee into the mountains and into the caves, for the earth is Mine, but the people do not understand this, and the sun became angry with the man and the man does not understand the Scripture. There is great debauchery under the sun; there is great nakedness. The man, however, has taken great boldness under My eyes and the sun has made itself teeth and has taken its revenge against people, and the people do not understand the words of the Scriptures. The sun bites the people, and the people have nowhere to hide from this wrath. Whoever wants to hide, that one can hide only under My mantle, because I have become the word of protection for those who are faithful and clean within their hearts, for those who love God on earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the birth of the Saint, John, the Baptizer, from 07-07-1997.



I am the Christ of the Father, the Word of the Father, and I come from the right side of the Father; I come in word from heaven on earth, for I have the power to come and to do everything that I want to do. Amen.


Come, Romanian Israel, into the mystery of My word; come and stay in it until its fruit will be shown, as you are the visible fruit of the mystery of My word; you are fruit from fruit as it is written: «I am the vine and you are the branches of the vine”.


Israel, My little house, let Us be a house to each other. I have always come down to you, and you have always got up to Me and we are a house to each other, and this is an invisible mystery, for this mystery is not seen, but it actually is, more than those that are seen that they are. I am the One Who brought everything into being, and I brought them from nothing, I brought them into being from those that were not, as My word is My Spirit, Who becomes deed by speaking of word. Amen.


Romanian Israel, My living little house, I come with a supper of word into My living little house and I become teaching from heaven on the earth, so that the man may have what to eat, and the one, who wants to have living food, food from heaven and not from the earth, may not die.


Oh, Israel, My book with you is great, and you will see the seal that I opened to become a book with you on the earth. The book is the teaching, but not as on the earth. No book is a book except Me, as I am the only book, I and with My people. Amen. My people is the one that does My will obeying My word and fulfilling it. Where do I have a church on the earth in My image and after My likeness? I look everywhere and I do not see My will in churches. Oh, where do I still have a Paradise on the earth? I came from heaven two thousand years ago to make a Paradise in man and to be with the man. I came to make a new church, like the heaven from the beginning, but the man, like the first created man, made „yes” into „no”. He who makes „no” from „yes” and „yes” from „no”, that one does satan’s will

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