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As the war is going on in different places on earth, I began to wonder about the real concept of the war as I have been taught in Islam. To believe in something you must explore it so you can know its details then your mind star to accept its conception. I believe in Allah and in peace as well. For me and for the vast majority of Muslims peace is an essential part of Islam .Every Muslim has to live in peace with Muslims, non-Muslims his family his neighbors, his work mates and the whole
The Jesus Prayer, the Ancient Desert Prayer that tunes the heart to God, by Fredrica Matthews-Green. A major book on the Ancient Orthodox Prayer, known from the earliest days of the Church. Trancends and surpases the Rosary in all areas. A large selection of quotes for Spiritual Mediation and Guidance from Fr. Henri Nouwen. Fr. Henri was my First Spiritual Director, Fr. Jim Waters, FBS. Chancellor of Sanctus Theological Institute Educational Non Profit Religious Fair Use Notice Certain