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All eyes stared at me as I passed, but I kept walking.


I was still somehow in shock at how much FARELLE had changed over the year.


Things were going great until Sara entered the picture.


Or maybe it's just me.




''Believe me, i'm just as shocked as you are. But honestly, i'm glad she's back so I can pick on her again."


"This isn't bullying hours right now," I complained to him.


Marcus briefly laughed.



"I was getting tired of sending little Ruby on errands without any playful fun.'' Marcus said


He covered his smiles. I rubbed my temples.


''Okay Marcus, I get it. Ya miss her. But think of what she did to this company and me, she purposely put me in jail.'' 


''Well that's not my fault, you're the one who commited the crime.'' Marcus shot back.



I thin my lips together in response.


As I suspected, I knew Marcus would say something about my time serving.



I paced around his office trying to think, but I couldn't.


I didn't believe at first that he had a better work area then I did.



Spotlights and white furniture. It was bigger than my desk and Sara's desk put together.


He even he had a faux fur cushion for his office chair.



''I have to tell Lauren.'' I finally said.


''No, don't do that. You'll upset her.'' Marcus shot up from the other side of his office.


He paced over to me quickly.



''Why not?'' I replied to his reaction.


''Because, you'll come off as rude and disrespecful towards competition and you won't work here anymore.'' Marcus said turning to close his door.



''Whatever, I just think I should have my thoughts on her coming back. '' I replied.



"No, you need to shut up." Marcus nearly shouted to me.


He removed his hand from the shut door.


Marcus ran over to me, and puts his hands on my arms taking a deep breath.


''Look, I know you're back here offcially. But believe it or not, we need Sara to take our magazine company to the next level. And we need you.'' he implied.



''You just complimented me.'' I said, starting to smirk.



Usually, from when we met. He'd torture me about my sense of style.


And this is the first time I saw the concern and worry he had for me.


He was way more difficult than I thought.



Marcus rolls his eyes and groans, heading back to his chair.


''I only said that because I don't want you to lose your. Or my job for heaven't sake. Especially Vanessa.'' he says.


''Well it's worth my choice right?'' I said.



Marcus turns from his computer to me.


"No." he said flatly.


The door to his room slides open as a famailiar voice rings in, interuppting me.


''Marcus I thought I told you to rephrase the intern's-''



Vanessa takes a quick glance at me.


''Well hello Elle, I thought i'd never see you step foot in this room.'' she says.



I thought so too.


The rival between the writers and design department didn't really change until I started working again. 



''Well, I needed to talk to Marcus about something.''I replied.


''Then you'll talk later. Right now I have an arrangement for Marcus and he needs help with the interns.'' Vanessa says.



''We need another person to help keep the interns in line. Just you being there isn't working from when i'm there. Who do you think is gonna fill the spot?'' Vanessa says to Marcus.


''I'd be willing to help.'' I cut in.



Marcus gives me a look to cut to the chase and leave.


And I decided to explain why.


I'm not actually interested in teaching interns, but this help me to get to talk to Ruby again.



''Really?'' Vanessa says turning to me, interested.


''Yes, i'm willing to help Marcus with the interns. Teach them how to complete their job to a commited work force, here in FARELLE. I did a good job with Sara didn't I?'' I suggested.



Vanessa shifts her eyes to the side and takes a quick glance at Marcus.


''Yes, did.'' she says turning back to me.


''So does that mean I get the job?'' I asked.



Marcus does a mini prayer with his hands to Vanessa when she turns to him, then a second later he smiles. 


Vanessa turns to me, then smirks.



''You have the job, but this means you'll be working for and with Marcus for the next week before the interns go through their final period.'' she says.



I smiled excidedly, showing my wide grin. But inside, I was trying to keep my body calm.


''Great, when do I start?'' I asked.


''Right after this meeting we're going to.'' Vanessa motions to me.



I follow behind her, as we walk to the smaller conference room made for the workers.



Marybella, Vanessa and Lauren were in the room.


2 other new people were in there too. I didn't recognize them.


But i'm pretty sure Lauren had everyone she thinks is important, in here.



And also,...Sara.



''Make yourself comfortable, I have coffee ready to calm your nerves. And refreshments.'' Lauren says.



I take a sip of coffee ready on the table, in front of my chair.


''I wanted to address a few things occuring with FARELLE and the trip to the Annual Magazine Company Face Off's in Brazil.'' she starts.


The room is silent and Lauren continued.



''We have 2 new workers joining us for our group here in the Writers and Design department. Eugene and Walt.'' she says.


Lauren claps excidedly, none of us follow along until Vanessa throws a look.


Then Vanessa stands next to Lauren.



''As of me and Lauren, being the boss and leader in chief of the Writers and Design departments. We are happy to welcome Eugene to our Design department. And Walt to our writers department.'' she said.



Everyone gives a round of appluase.



I was happy for once throughout this day.


New people to join the department, this is amazing.



I'm so excided for Walt to work with me, if Lauren allows it.


I hope she does.


It's better than working with Sara for the next 2 weeks, only because she's a part of the big trip.



Lauren talks again.


''Walt will be working with,....hmmm, Elle. He will be taking up Sara's spot and work as a writer intern for Elle.'' she says.



Excitement rushed through my bones. Walt was going to be my intern assistant.


This was great. I have somebody I want to teach.



No offense to Sara, but she was boring. And disappointed me.


But that's all behind me now.



Marybella flashses me a smile from across the table.


She knew I was excited.



''Wait, what about my work? Where am I going to work?'' Sara complained.



I rolled my eyes for a second.


Oh here we go again, I was annoyed by the ring of her voice.


But I actually kind of missed her whining.



''Perfectly fine, we'll have you work with me and assist Walt. You'll be taking up the extended advanced writing trail for your return in your temporary internship.'' Lauren said.


''What?'' I suddenly said. 



Sara was taking new heights coming back, and I was getting a new intern.


No hope for me now. If I have to see her communicate with Walt.



I was really mad now. Why did Lauren do this to me?


Why, why now?



Concern comes over my face. I sat up to talk but I back out.



''Excuse me, do you have something to say Elle?'' Lauren replied.


She had no smile on her face.



''Nothing.'' I replied, sitting slump in my chair again.


But I will have something to say later, if not now.



''Great then it's settled. Sara will assit Walt in his internship here and Sara will also work on an advanced writing trail with me as her return for these 2 weeks, up until the trip is over and the rest of us will come back to work in August after break.'' Lauren finishes.



Great! That mean's Sara's going to be with us through these next 2 weeks and throughout the trip.


Then she's left off the hook to leave FARELLE.



''Anyone else?'' Vanessa added.


Nobody responded.


"No? Then get back to work." she replied.



I knew a part of her was going to embarass me during this unexpected meeting.


But not on my watch. I need to get it together.



''Then welcome Eugene. Our newest designer to the design department, and Walt our newest writer to the writers department.'' Vanessa said.



Everyone broke out of their chair, urged to get out.


But as soon as Sara passed by me, I gave her a glare.



She may be here for while, but then she'll be gone before i know it.


It's only a few weeks before June and July. Then it's a 'Sara Free Zone' 



Summer break is mine when she leaves.



Marybella and Rikki give me encouraging eyes not to ruin this.


I nod back in response as the room empties.


Vanessa and Lauren are the only ones left in the room.



I quickly see them exit after us.


''Do you have any questions?'' Lauren asks me, smiling.


''Yes, it's about Walt. He's perfect and I think i'll do great with him. Taking him on. But it's-'' I start.


''Sara you worried about.'' Lauren finshes.



Lauren motions me to the conference room.


We go in quietly.


''I knew Elle would eventually bring that up.'' Vanessa said interuppting.



''Hey, I know my place. It's yours that's the problem. Sara is here," Lauren started.


"Why did you bring her back?" Vanessa added.


"Don't you remember what she did to me,!'' I shot back.



''Yes, but we have to learn to forgive and forget.'' Lauren replied calmly.


''Have you?'' Vanessa shot back.


Lauren gave her a stern face.


''I just don't see why you have to bring her back. Couldn't you have Walt be our intern writer to represent for the Magazine Face Off's?'' I suggested.



Lauren steps closer to me with a look. 


I've never seen her this way.


Maybe because I haven't unleashed the beast that was inside of her.



I step back as she comes closer, almost face to face with me.


She breathes in, making me flinch.


''This competition needs someone with class in writing for a magazine company. And Walt may have experience and may have come fresh out of college, despite you. But even if he does write his first story,...he's not ready.'' Lauren says.



To even here those words come out of Lauren's mouth, it made me slightly sorry and angry.


She had talked about something I never thought would be brought up.


Even if Walt finished college, I didn't.



It felt like her words stabbed me.



''He will be," I said suddenly.


Lauren gives me shocked eyes.


"I can make him ready for anything by the time of the trip.'' I replied.


''No Elle, you don't understand. Sara had been working here before you left. She has the better experience.'' Lauren said.



''Sara lied about being interested in writing. She's a private investigator for god's sake. Don't you remember? But Walt can have just as much as experience, as Sara. Trust me I can get him ready before competition.'' I shot back.



Vanessa approached me, making Lauren move back.


She stares deeply into my eyes.


''Walt may be a writer, but it's better to fake a previous experienced writer who know's her stuff. Than have a silly offspring, newly slapped on our hands to join us for the trip. Trust me, Walt and Eugene will be coming with us on the trip, but Sara is our choice.'' she says.


I try not to answer.


"It's good for their resume, to experience this magazine face off, once in a lifetime." she finishes.



Vanessa walks towards the door leaving me and Lauren behind.


I turn back to Lauren with concern and anger in my eyes.



''Vanessa's right Elle. We can't risk losing the competition to a newly amateur writer, that just joined 2 weeks early before the trip.'' she says.



I felt tears start to form, I didn't know why.


Lauren barely said anything that could ignite something worth crying for.


But I just needed to accept the fight and back out to let things roll as it is.



My world was shifting and I didn't even know it. I worked so hard for FARELLE.


I deserve to have my opinion heard, but it didn't.



Lauren taps her fingers on my shoulder, indicating towards the conference table.


''You are just like how I was before Elle. I joined FARELLE, fresh, and ready. Waiting for a sign, a safe haven to start working properly. But this isn't heaven dear. Things have changed, and so have you. So i'm sending you to Ryan at KARL magazine for the time being.'' she says.


''What!'' I nearly yelled.


''You will be working 3 hours there, every morning. You'll help Ryan with the fabric seams, sewing and any other thing that involves the use of fabric. And you'll learn to write different stories on KARL magazine and learn their history. You'll be

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