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pulled on her skirt quickly and blinked away the fire of her tears. She took off his t-shirt and moved away from him as he walked to her, she tugged on her shirt and ran a finger through her hair.
“I can’t do it! Do you not understand!? I love you but I can’t love you if you just lie!”
“I didn’t lie!” She noticed that he was crying too but she didn’t care.
“You sure as hell didn’t tell the truth!” She yelled at him, more tears flowing from her face and his black eyes turned amber.
“Fine, I won’t find you. You wanna fucking leave? Leave! I’m done trying to make you see that you’re mine. I’m done trying to help you! You’re a fucking helpless case! If you don’t want to be mine, I sure as hell won’t fight it, nor will I be yours. You are no longer my mate, I relive you from your duty!” He yelled and she would’ve flipped him off. She would’ve told him to go to hell. But she couldn’t, her heart was broken. She let out a strangled yell and feel to her knees.
“I’m going to work, by the time I’m back you should be gone.” She better be is what it sounded like to her. It fell on deaf ears though, her heart breaking masked every sound, sight, or smell she had. It deleted ever happy memory, it erased all her emotions leaving only one. Sadness. He turned and left her crying on the floor and she clutched her heart. She was foolish to give it to anyone, she was foolish to think that maybe, just maybe, he would love her back. His father came in after the front door closed and he walked to her.
“Molly, it’s me, Thomas’ father.” She whimpered at his name and a fresh tear fell out of her eye. “He’s just lost, please don’t give up on him. You’ve rejected him too many times and his wolf just... His wolf wanted to end it before you could. He’s torn up about it, please just... give him time. I promise you he won’t hurt you, he loves you more than life itself and he would give anything for you.” He told her, but she only heard snippets of it.
“He’s... lost... give up on him... You’ve... rejected too many times... end it... torn up about it... he... hurt you... more than life.” Is what she heard and she sniffled. She nodded her head slowly and stood up.
“I knew I couldn’t do it, I was kidding myself thinking I could. I’m wasting everyone’s time here. I’ll be gone by dusk tomorrow.” She sniffled and walked out of his room.
“Wait what?” His father asked, staring after her.

~ 2 weeks later~

He had, somehow, went back to work. Although everything he did was sketches for a dream house. The perfect place for anyone to live. A grand porch that wrapped around the whole house, balcony so that you and your spouse could glance up at the stars while having a romantic dinner, 5 bedrooms for your children... He had gone way too far. He couldn’t get it out of his head, how his wolf could’ve been so blunt, so stupid. So evil! His wolf had grown tired of Molly’s ‘games’, he said she either had to grow up or find a different mate. He had no control over what he said, he let his emotions go and his wolf stepped up to protect him. He didn’t need any damn protection! Grunting he clenched his pencil in his hand and felt the wood creak under her hands. His father had came and told him that he had managed to talk her into staying. She had been so heartbroken that she felt the need to leave. And not just his house, like his wolf had so, rudely, told her to, but the town. He let out a small mournful howl and his wolf growled at him, told him to stop being such a wussy. At that moment he hated his wolf more than ever before. Everything was quiet in Tiburon for the past week. He hadn’t gone to McFurly’s to resist bedding her, he hadn’t gone to her motel to resist arguing with her or angering her. He knew he wouldn’t last, he pined for her. Every night he begged the Moon Goddess for her to see, for her to understand what she really was to him, what she really was in life. And every day, right before work, he stared at the phone for about 30 minutes, waiting for her to call. It’d never rang. Ever. He let out a puff of air, he was starving. He could just go get lunch at McFurly’s and just act as if he didn’t know she was working today. Because he knew, he’d called Rachael to see. He grabbed his bike keys and stomped out of his office, before he could change his mind.

She was a nervous wreck, and by nervous wreck she meant nervous Titanic ship wreck. Her nervous were bundled and she was jumpy. Every time someone yelled her name she jumped. It wasn’t like her at all. She wanted to leave, she wanted to get out of this town and run somewhere. She could run to Cali, she’d never been there. She bet the sun was nice and relaxing. She set down the plate in front of a man, Brandon she’d found out his name was, and smiled a little.
“Here ya go doll, cheeseburger deluxe with extra deluxe.” He had come in every day since he ‘accident’ and she’d considered him a real friend. Even if he was a friend of Thomas.
“Thanks.” He said and popped a fry in his mouth. “You look completely exhausted.” He mumbled, reaching for the ketchup.
“Ugh, I’ve no idea what’s up with me.” She admitted and sat up. Her back ached like hell but she hid it, she hid everything.
“Uhm, Ok, it’ll be ready by the time you walk in.” Rachael mumbled into the phone and hung up.
“It’s a pick up order.” She told her cheerily and started to walk into the kitchen.
“Since when did we become a pick up place?” Molly asked and she stiffened. She sighed and turned to face her.
“Since it’s an order from the Alpha.” She said and turned back into the kitchen. Molly’s brow furrowed and she walked in after her.
“What do you mean Alpha?” Rachael stopped and looked Molly in her eyes.
“I know Tom told you, I know you don’t believe it but it’s true. He is a werewolf, I am a werewolf, almost everybody in that damn room is a werewolf.” Rachael growled, putting a burger on the stove.
“What do you mean almost everyone?” Molly whispered, her heart speeding up.
“You... You aren’t a werewolf. You’re a half breed. Your momma was a human, met up with your poppa. She was pregnant with you when she was changed, by then you were already human.” Rachael explained, keeping her eyes on the grill. Something wasn’t right, she wasn’t freaking out. Sure her heart was a little faster but she wasn’t nervous. She wasn’t sweating, she wasn’t parched. Everything was fine. Everything shouldn’t have been fine! She should be freaking the fuck out! She narrowed her eyes on Rachael and stormed out the kitchen. Brandon looked at her and winked. That bastard! He knew! He was one! She walked to him and leaned over the countertop.
“So, werewolves huh?” I asked and he smirked, putting his burger down.
“Yup... So waitress huh?” She laughed a short laugh and smiled. A real genuine smile. She hadn’t done that in two weeks! Rachael came out with a Styrofoam container and a small smile.
“Customer’s gonna be here soon.” She said lightly and bagged it in a white plastic bag that said n bright red letters “Thank You For Coming!” She placed it in front of me and I nodded once to show her I wasn’t mad at her. I was mad at myself for not listening to Thomas. If it came from him, she should’ve known it was the truth. The door opened and her sense went on an overload. Her body stood alert and she shot a look at the door. He stood there looking glorious and... hot. He made every cell in her body burn, to the point of extremely pleasurable pain.
“I take it he’s the customer?” She croaked to Brandon, and picked up the plastic bag. She faced him and let out a small puff of a breath.
“6.50.” She told him, and cleared her throat, trying to look everywhere but his eyes. He took out a ten and put it on the counter.
“Keep the change.” He mumbled darkly and she clenched her teeth to keep from moaning out loud. She nodded and walked to the register. She heard the door open and she spun around. His back was to her and he was slowly advancing out.
“I believe you now!” She yelled hoping it would stop him, and it did. “I understand what I am, I understand what you are. And I’m not afraid of you, if that’s what you thought.” She told him, taking an involuntary step forward as he turned back to her. His eyes were pure amber, and he clenched his fist around the plastic bag.
“You’re just figuring out what you are. You’re nothing but a stupid, immature little girl. I can’t be bothered with little girls. When you grow up and actually get a damn clue, then maybe you can think about trying to make things right.” He told her in a low menacing tone and he stormed away. She blinked once and her heart broke more. She felt hands on her arms, but she couldn’t feel the warmth. She felt wetness on her cheeks but she couldn’t feel the air hitting the wet trails down her face. She couldn’t feel anything but the deep, never ending pain and sadness.
“H- he rejected me. In front of everyone.” She whimpered and her body sagged against someone.
“I’m gonna kill him, I’m gonna rip off his dick and shove it in his fucking mouth!” A female voice growled and then her face was in Molly’s mind.
“Mom.” She whimpered and closed her eyes, not that she could see anything with her eyes open, and smiled softly. A small empty smile. “Well, at least I’m not completely alone anymore.”
She woke up again in a black room, well the ceiling was black. That was the only thing she could see, her body hurt too much to look at anything, she just didn’t have the fight. She could, however, feel something extremely soft under her clothed body, she felt her hair stick to her face, she felt the cool breeze against her neck. So why was she sweating? She felt panicky, yes, she felt scared, yeah, but not hot. She felt everything but hot. And happy, she didn’t feel happy at all.
“Hey there, little one, you doing Ok?” Her mother’s face came into her view with a small smile. She opened her mouth to say something, but words wouldn’t come out. Nothing would come out. She swallowed in hope that that would help somehow. It didn’t.
“You and your wolf are just in pain right now. If I thought I would be able to get away with it, I’d kill that bastard Alpha. But, sadly, I can’t.” Her mother gave a small sigh, then sucked in a huge breath. Her mother stilled and she sniffed again. Oh lord, Molly thought, what the hell is she doing? Her mother picked up one of Molly’s arms and sniffed her wrist. Her eyes bugged and she dropped her arm.
“Holy shit.” She whispered and gulped.
“M- Michael!” She yelled softly and Molly felt like smiling. Normally she was sure that would’ve set her eardrums on fire, now... Nothing.
“Yeah?” Her father said from, what Molly presumed, the doorframe.
“Can you check something out for me?” Her mother asked, sounding extremely scared. She heard something scuttle on a carpet and then

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