American library books Β» Romance Β» living in a house with 10 perverted guys!!! by miranda21 (positive books to read .TXT) πŸ“•

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why he is so HOT!
"so why was Ryan shouting" Brian asked
"oh you know Ryan just being the old overprotected brother"
"what happened this time"
"he caught me and justin kissing!" i say a little to quick
"dang the next time we'll see Justin it will be in his coffin" Trevor says
"yeah that is true" i say agreeing with Trevor
i got bored of watching the game after 10 minutes so i took the remote from Brian and turned it to nickelodeon and sponge bob was on yay! my favorite show ever
"hey we were watching that" Brian said
"not anymore" i say
"ok be like that" he got up from his seat and left the room i watched it for 10 minutes and remembered that Trevor never left yet i wonder why hmm...
"aren't you gonna leave" i asked while turning around to face him
"no sponge bob i my favorite show and besides why would i there is a very sexy girl sitting on my lap" he said i started blushing when he said that i cant believe he thinks im sexy well of course he would think im sexy everyone thinks that duh.
"yeah sponge bob is my favorite show 2 but there's no sexy girl sitting on my lap" i say trying to be funny
"no but you're sitting on a very HOT guy" he says
"true that true that" i say trying to agree with him
"do you wanna kiss that very HOT guy?" he asks
i nod my head and he turns me around for me to get comfortable i cross my legs and he leans over and starts kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck he bit my lower lip to ask for entrance which i granted and are tongues clicked together. they started dancing with each other he found my soft spot and i start moaning like crazy no guy ever found my soft spot while kissing me he leaves my lips so we could catch our breathes.
"you're a good kisser" he says while out of breath complimenting me on my lips.
"yeah you 2" i say back
"you wanna try it again" he says while he has this huge grin on his face
"sure why not" i say we were kissing for the for like the past 20 minutes until sponge bob was over i got up from his lap and walked upstairs to my room i was gonna shut the door until i see Trevor coming in OK very weird i never heard him following me from the behind
"what are you doing in my room?"
"im bored"
"then go hang out with one of the guys if my brother sees you in here he is gonna make me watch you getting killed by him then he would kill him" i say a little scared i wonder what he did to Justin hmm..
"im not scared of your brother and plus just close the door"
"OK whatever" i close the door and i made sure it was locked i flop on my bed and turn on the TV, and yes i do have my own TV Trevor came and layed by me we were watching pretty little liars which was my favorite show on abc family. Until i felt someones eyes on me i turned my head a little to the left and Trevor was still starin at me.
"what are you staring at?" i asked
"you know you are so sexy"
i blushed a little and pecked him on the lips
"i know i am 'so sexy'"
he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me deeper into him. We were like that until i hear Ryan shout my name i got out of his arms and walked out of my room and went downstairs to the kitchen where i found Ryan standing there.
"yes" i said with an innocent voice
"what you want to eat today for dinner" he asked
"PIZZA!!!" i said with excitement i love piuzza its like one of my favorite food. Well not really its my second my first is ice cream i mean who doesn't love ice cream if you hate ice cream then you need to be sent to a mental institutional hospital.
"did i hear pizza Brian said suddenly jumping on my back i almost fell cause of this fucking idiot. I swear all the guys i met in this is house is alot bigger and tougher then me they are gonna kill me someday.
"yeah my sister is gonna get some pizza"
"GUYS PIZZA!!!" Brian shouted
next thing you know all the guys come down and tell us all the fucking toppings they want in all their fucking pizzas.
"everyone be quite" my brother told us they all quite down cause they knew if they didn't they would get a black eye the next day. He he called jets pizza and told them the order he put it under his name and hung up the phone.
"who wants to go get the pizzas" my brother asked all of us
"i will" i said while putting on my shoes and purse i went to get the keys off the counter until a hand blocked it i looked up and it was my brother.
"you are not going alone"
"what why" i say a little sad that i dont get my free time.
"cause if a perverted guy see you walk down these streets alone you dont know what they would do" he says sternly
"but im almost 18" i shout
"if you go by yourself im not gonna let you back in the house"
"OK OK who wants to go with me" i ask while looking at all the guys
"i will" Brian,Trevor,and Justin say at the same time
"OK then hurry up and put your shoes on" i say trying to get out of the house as quick as possible. So i can get my pizzas they all came out the same time. I walk out of the house to Ryan's car cause my shitty car is back home i unlock the car so we can all go in.
"were not allowed to go in Ryan's car" Brian says
"you're not allowed but i am" i say while i get in the car after i said that they all got in.I started up the car and backed away from the drive way and blasted the music

(10 minutes later)

we parked to the closest parking space they had we got out of the car and went to jets pizza. When we walked we told them the name we put the order under in but the problem was that there was a really creepy cashier man. He looked like he was 19 but he was skinny and 5'7" and really pale he was eyeing me up and down that fucking cashier man is not getting any of this. But Justin notice what he was doing so he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waiist and glared at the cashier man telling him lay a hand on her and you get you ass beat up you piece of white shit. He looked away scared as hell but the other man got all of our order "$47.05" the man said i gave him a 50 and told him to keep the change. Trevor had 5 pizza boxes Justin had 4 and Brian had 3 so all together we had 12 pizza boxes. I would of helped but im to weak and lazy to do anything and the guys knew it we got in the car and i backed away from the parking lot and blasted the music up ignoring all the weird looks we got from the old people.
(10 minutes later)
we parked in the drive way and took out the keys of the car we got out of the car and shuted the door. We went up to the house to open the door but the door opens and Brandon i think that's what his name is comes out and the other guys and rushes over to us and takes all the pizza boxes. They go in the house and take it to the kitchen i went in the living room and plopped down on the couch i took the remote and turned it to sponge bob. Then Justin and Trevor sit next to me on the couch Justin on my left and Trevor on my right and im in the middle like monkey in the middle duh. Accept im way more attractive then a monkey i mean monkeys are so ugly now these days. (sorry if i offended you if you think that monkeys are adorable) "why ant you eating" trevor asked
"cause i hate when i see guys fight over pizza"
"but by the time there finished the pizza id gonna be gone"
"what NO! they cant eat my babies" i got up from the couch and went in the kitchen all the guys were eating pizza and all the pizza was supposed to be on the table. So i went to the table and there was nothing nothing there was only empty pizza boxes i went on my knees and i swear i was about to cry my eyes out.
"NNNOOO!!! there's no more pizza" i shouted
"what are you talking about i saved you a box just for you" Ryan says while holding up the pizza i swear my eyes lit up like i found the love of my life and of course the love of my life is pizza. I will marry pizza someday but i would marry ice cream first cause ice cream is my favorite food. Then i would marry pizza duh. I got up from my feet and took the pizza out of his hand and ran to the living room where Justin and Trevor were sitting still watching sponge bob. I went and sat on Trevor lap and opened the pizza box and took a slice of pizza and took a huge bite out of it. I felt eyes on me so i looked to my left and i see Justin drooling over my pizza looks like im not the only one that wants to marry pizza. I took another huge bite and started moaning trying to make him jealous that i get pizza and he doesn't.
"hey Kaitlin can i have a bite of that" Justin asks
"Hmm let me think about that" i took another huge bite but savoring the moment that i have with the pizza
"umm no"
"why not you got 7 more right there" he says getting a little angry that he doesn't even get a bite.
"hey fat girl needs to eat and plus dont you got your own pizza" i say
"no all the guys ate it" he says a little sad
"Ok fine you can have some" i say while giving him a slice
after eating 1 more slice i felt full. So i got off of Trevor's lap and went upstairs to my room i locked the door and flopped on my bed. I felt really bored now i wish my old friends were here so i can hang out with them maybe i can hang out with Brian. I got up from my bed and unlocked the door and went downstairs to the living room hoping he was there and i was right he was there he was watching a football game with Trevor and Justin i went and sat on his lap.
"hey Brian wanna do something" i ask with an Innocent voice and look
"sure why not" he says
"Yay" i got off from his lap and he got up from the couch
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