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in jail for 10 years. But I got lowered to 8, since I sobered up before I got assigned to a cell.'' Penny replied.



So far, so good. Ronda and Penelope were getting along.


They were making good conversation, and I knew that all 3 of us were gonna be alright.



''Watch this-'' Penny whispered to me.


She throws her carton of milk from her tray to Skylar. It hits Skylar on the head grabbing her attention towards us.


Some of it spills to the ground, and other rmates don't take notice.



It was the normal thing around here for food to spill.



It was about time we both get revenge for what Skylar did to us before, and luckily me and Penelope agreed on something minor.


I bite my lip waiting for the anticipation.



Skylar whispers something to her crew of in-mates then get's up.


Uh-oh, it was like jumanji when Penny to starts a fight any day.


And we were prepared. This time.



Penelope get's up too, walking to the center of the tables in the mess hall. Cowds of girls surround us.


Some already began to chant "fight" and others just wait, like it was another regular day.



''Brace yourself.'' I said to Ronda.


I get up and join Penelope's side.


Ronda sits back at our table, witnessing her first offcial day here.



It wasn't offcial for any new recruit to be baptized with the rules of our normal day, until they witness a fight.


Luckily, today was Ronda's.



''Hey.'' Penny says.


I stand by her side, as plenty of other women join our side of the mess hall. And Skylar's side too.


Penny crosses her arms over her chest, pursing her lips at Skylar. Who stares her down.



''Hey.'' Skylar replies.


''It's been a while since we fought.'' Penny says.


''Yeah, too long.'' Skylar replies.


''Should we?'' Penny asks.



A smirk slowly perks up on Penny's face, that meant the go sign for the both of them.


''Yeah, we should.'' Skylar says crossing her arms.


''Good.'' Penny says.


''Good.'' Skylar replies.


''Good.'' Penny says.


''Good.'' Skylar finally says.



By then I knew ithat f they start saying good that means things are gonna get messy.



''After you.'' Penny says to Skylar, then turning to me.


I knew she got this, she always wins fights and this was one of her epic wins to come.


And everyone was losing it.



In the near future, recruits are gonna talk about the fights. And Penelope's fights would be the first that every woman would hear.



''Penny, Penny, Penny!''


Skylar braced herself.



Penny takes the first round and throws a punch. Seconds later, Skylar takes a fist to Penny, but she's stopped by Penny's hand.


She kicks Skylar in the stomach as the fight continues. A surge of grunts and more punches were going around.


The crowd of in-mates shout louder as they all cheered on for Penny.



Penny took one more punch and Skylar was out.


And just like that, the fight was over.


It was the taste of victory, that went around the crowd of women shouting and cheering.



''Knock out!!'' Penny yells.


All the girls surround Penny.


They lift her up from under her legs, as she chants on for the crowd, boasting.



It's all just smiles and peace between the rivalry of Penelope and Skylar,...until.



Footsteps come into the mess hall.


Penny is taken down from being raised in the air.



Everyone's quiet, with innocent looks. Like nothing happened.


Officer Chase knew exactly what was going on.


And she loved to handle the after party of Penny's victories.




''Wait to go, Penelope!'' Ronda throws her hands in the air.



The hot blaring sun of the month of May hits our skin, as we stood in the work out yard.


Officer Chase stopped the little victory party from Penelope's fight. And we were pushed out to the yard for the rest of breakfast.


I hated being out here.


It's one of the worst, embarassing things anyone endure as an in-mate.



''Thanks a lot Penny.'' I finally said.


I turn to her, as she slouched herself on the barbwire surrounding the work out area. She had her arms crossed, and stayed silent.


''Penny?'' I said again.



Penelope's head is lowered down as she continues looking at the ground. 


''Penny?!'' I said louder.



There's no response from her again, and I knew she went back to that soft spot in her mind.


''Penny!!'' I yelled.


''What?'' she replies, annoyed.



There was no sign of anger in her voice, just concern.



''Is this the kind of example you should be showing to Ronda? It's her first day. Even you treated me better than that.'' I said.



I gesture my hands to Ronda, just a feet away from me.


Ronda shuffles the dirt ground with her feet and as she paced back and forth, near us.


Penny finally looks up from the ground.



''I'm sorry I got us kicked out of breakfast, for starting the fight. It's not that everyday I do this, it's just my instincts.'' Penny said towards Ronda



Ronda walks over to Penny.


''It's okay, besides now I know what women really do in jail.'' Ronda replies.



A smile spreads across Ronda's face and also Penny's.


''And Elle, i'm sorry for doing this again. You know how much I hate Skylar and what she did to us.'' she said towards me.



''I know, just be more considerable next time.'' I  replied.


Me and Penny both pull in for a tight embrace, then suddenly the doors across from us, open.



We look back to see Officer Chase, holding the door open for us.



''Alright ladies, breakfast is over. Get back to your cells.'' she yelled to us.



We all walk over to the open door in shame. Hanging our head low.


But at least we made up, after the long minutes of silence outside.



Officer Chase stops Penny, just before we all head inside.



''Except you, you're taking your shift in the kitchen early today. So you can make up for the fight this morning.'' Officer Chase says.


"Aw, man." Penny replies.


''And the both of you,'' Officer Chase says to me and Ronda.


''Head inside.'' she says.



Me and Ronda go in, leaving Penelope out in the yard to face Officer Chase.


Penny had the job of working with the serving girls to pay off her longer years in labor. And also for breaking into fights since she arrived in jail.



Penelope sighs from what I can hear before me and Ronda disappear into the abyss of the dark hallways, leading to our cell.



Officer Chase follows behind us, to lead me and Ronda back to our cell.



That same, dirty old, creaky cell door is closed once again. And were back to laying in our own misery.


I sit quietly on the ground, throwing a ball around. I shift my eyes over to Ronda, who settles into her bunk.



She takes the top 3rd bunk, while I nestled on the 1st bunk near the ground.


I stare up at the ceiling slate above me, the dim light shined on everything in the room.



I stare at the flickered lights in the hallway. It was a creepy sight to look out into.


Just something about it that makes your skin crawl.



I lowered my head back down, as those depressing thoughts from earlier came back.



I had almost forgotten, it's been a year.


My time is almost over, soon i'll be out.



But I can't forget about the trouble and things that I went through. To get where I am today.


And to think, if it was worth it. Leaving home.



If it was worth the adventure and finding closure. The escape, and finding my passion.


Was it all worth it?



The cell door opens, as my head shifts to see Penelope. Back so soon from her shift.


The same officer who closes our cell door leaves, as Penelope shuffles stuff from her orange suit.



I get up in surprise, what is she hiding?


She takes out chips and granola bars from her stuffed pockets.



Since Penny works the shift before lunch, well except for today. She tries to take food that wasn't being served often.


She'd come up with an excuse to get past the officers, saying that it was feminie products.


Which worked most of the time.


Penny made good friends with the serving ladies. As she worked her shift for the past 2 years.



''What jackpot did you hit today?'' I said.


I kneel down to where she kneels on the floor.


''I got cheese puffs, and crackers. I hit it big this time!" Penny said.



''You got the chocolate chip?" I say.


''Your favorite.'' she replies with a smile.



She hands it to me, and I begin to smile.



This is why I love her. She takes good care of us and makes sure we enjoy our time in here, while we serve our years.


But soon, it'll be all over. When I wiped back to reality.



My sad thoughts were back.


But I pushed it down, as Penny shows what else she got.



''What do you guys have here?'' Ronda said coming to our gathering circle on the floor.


''I got the good doe today, all on me.'' Penny says to Ronda.



Ronda takes a cracker pack, as Penny takes the rest of the items and stuffs it under the bunks.


''Isn't it just great, you and me...and a new cell mate?'' Penny said.


''Yeah, to bad it'll all be over soon.'' I replied.



There I go, again.


I didn't mean for those words to slip out, it was out of thought.


I just still had the bad feeling lingering around, after the exchange of snacks.



''What do you mean?'' Penny says.


Penelope had already hid the snacks away and kneeled down to my bunk level.


And when I finally worked up the courage to tell, she pats the badly stiched cover of the bed.


I climb into my bunk.



Penny doesn't move or say anything, until i'm laying down, and i'm comfortable.


There's silence for a while, and even Ronda's quiet. 


She already disappeared back up to her bunk.



I hear the wrapper of her snack unraveling.



''I mean, as soon as in a week or so, we'll get out right?'' I finally said.


Penny looks to the ground then to me.



''Well, we'll have plently of time before our release dates come.'' she replies.



I nod along, but my mind sticks to my thoughts, as I replayed them again.


What happened last year.


What went down, and the look on everyone's face.



It still made my heart beat pick up, just at the thought of it.


''But what if I have to confront reality and go back. I've spent my time in jail, and now I have to make a big return.'' I said.


Penny sighs, then looks back up to me.


''I get it, we've all had a life before prison came into the picture. And our release dates are coming up quicker than ever. I know why you feel a little bit scared, about entering the world again-'' she starts.


''But that's just it, i'm afriad of entering the world again. I forgot everyone I knew since I got here...what if I can't remember what i'm suppose to do?'' I said.



''Relax, you'll be okay. Right now, all you have to worry about is serving your time.'' Penelope said softly.



She was right, I was overthinking it. And maybe going delusional from the thoughts of getting out., were plauging my mind.



''But what if everyone sees me differently?'' I said sitting up in my bunk.



''They won't see you the same ever again. But people can see you as a person who took the responsibilty, to take actions and see that they needed to do what was right. On what you did in your past.'' Penny says.


Her soft voice convey's a right kind of feeling in my brain.



Silence fell between us, as we both stared at the gloomy dim cell we lived in.


Penny shakes my right arm in reassurance of my existence.


She climbs up to lay on her bunk, just above me.



I hear the squeaks of the wood separating our bed above.


I layed back on my crappy jail bed, thinking about something other than outside.



Hours passed as usual and we sat around, bored.



Even just serving hours seemed tiring. I've been doing it for 1 year, i'm surprised I find peace in it.



The thought of doors opening and closing, it was overwhelming. Being locked up every minute of everyday, was lodged in my brain.



What I did, was partially unforgiveable. But unforgiveable to my friends and parents, we'll see.


They will never understand, how horrible it feels jsut being here. Just existing it physically hurts.


It hurts too much.






Jacob's P.O.V


1 year before.


''Sources say writer and editor of FARELLE magazine here in Manhattan, New York is reported as arrested underneath crimes that they have avoided. With the murder of their step-father, who's name we cannot say under circumstances, the writer is serving

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