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male smell of him. She could smell his minty breath and feel his heat. She didn’t want to kill him; she’d killed the others because they were bad. She’d known what they’d done, that’s why she’d touched them. She had a gift, to make bad people go away. But Thomas wasn’t bad. He was nowhere near bad, he was her friend.
“You won’t be, they found your parents’ while you were gone. They looked for you, sent out fliers but the only pictures they had of you were when you were 9.” Her parents’. She’d never known them; she’d seen pictures of them one time when she’d snuck into Miss Mary’s file cabinet. She’d seen her mothers long brown hair pulled into a ponytail, and her father’s black hair ruffled and untamed on the security camera photo. They’d both looked terried as they laid her down in a crumpled newspaper. But she’d never met them. She’d been told by the other kids that they didn’t want her, they left her in a newspaper bundle with a note saying that they weren’t ready. She’d been heartbroken at the time, but as she grew older she realized that some people weren’t made to be mothers and fathers.
“My, my parent’s?” she whispered, as a car whizzed by. She closed her eyes and shook her head; she took a step back and braced her hands.
“That doesn’t mean anything. I can’t stay here Tom, I’ll try to stay as long as I can but it hurts too much to be here.” She said softly.
“No, no, no wait. Ok, I understand ok? I know it’s been awhile but you just can’t leave. There are people here that need you-“
“No one needs me! I sent a little boy into shock that could’ve easily killed him! I am a killer! Ok! I’m saying it out in the open, for everyone to hear! Molly Turanga is a killer! No one needs killers; I’m the person that messes everything up! I’m the person that makes good things turn bad! But I won’t do that here. I won’t mess up anyone’s life. Not anymore.” She told him, tears streaming down her face. She looked at him for a little while longer then turned on her heel and ran toward McFurly’s.

He watched as she teared up. He watched as she ran away from him as fast as she could. And he felt dead inside. To have his mate and his best friend run away and cry because of him felt terrible. His wolf clawed at his brain and howled in anger.
“Molly, jeez, wait!” he yelled after her and ran toward her. Sensing him behind her she whirled around and held her hands toward him.
“I do not want to kill you Thomas, but if you stop me from leaving I’ll have to.” Her voice was grave and shaky. He watched her warily.
“What exactly do you plan on doing, huh, sweetheart?” he asked in a low voice, taunting her. He stepped closer and watched as her hands grew shakier.
“I’ll touch you.” She threatened, or tried to threaten, he couldn’t help the small smile that formed on his lips.
“I don’t think that’ll kill me. It might do something else, but kill is definitely not it.” He told her and he watched her lick her lips and swallow.
“Please don’t make me do it.” She begged him, her eyes starting to water again.
“You might as well ‘touch me’ ‘cuz I’m not letting you leave here.” He told her, taking another step close. Grunting she touched his heart. He raised an eyebrow at her and she looked at her hand in horror. She did it again, putting a little force into it.
“Sweetheart, it’s not doing anything.” He told her, amused and confused. She’d tried to kill him, by touching him. That was how other’s got killed but it had no effect on mates’.
“Now it fails me.” She mumbles and looks up at him.
“I’m still not staying-“
“Why!?” he exploded, his anger besting him “Because you’re afraid you’ll hurt someone?! Can’t happen anymore, your ‘powers’ are gone! Afraid you’ll get too attached?! Too late because you long for home! You long for this place, you want to belong! So pray tell, what excuse you will bless me with now!?” he yelled at her, stepping closer to her. His wolf was so close now, he knew it. He felt his canines elongate, he felt his claws descend, but he could care less. He would not allow his mate to deny him. She glared at him, hard, trying to hate him. Really trying, he could tell. He knew his eyes changed, but she knew that already. She knew that sometimes when he got ‘overwhelmed’ his eyes changed from their original color to amber.
“I just can’t Tommy, and if you knew me and you cared for me you’d understand that. I’ve been away too long, the roads are my home.” She said, dejected and wounded. He immediately felt like an ass. He’d snapped just because he’d wanted her to stay. Just as he was calming down he saw the little twinkle in her eye, the little spark of mischief. She’d been playing with him and he felt for it. He played along though; he softened his demeanor and hugged her. She hugged him back tentatively and that’s when he attacked. He kissed her neck softly; his teeth elongated, and scraped her fine smooth skin. She tasted like strawberries. So, so sweet. She gasped and broke away from him; she put her hand over her neck and scrunched up her cute little nose.
“Jerk.” She spat then strutted away. He gave a low whistle as he looked at her ass move in the black skinny jeans she wore. She flipped him off but kept moving, he honestly had no choice but to follow her.

She thought she had him, honestly by his face she thought she had him fooled. But the bastard did that weird thing where his teeth got abnormally sharp. He’d been able to do that since he was 5, she was the only one he was allowed to tell. Back then it’s been an honor, now it was just annoying. Especiialy since when he did that a wave of wetness gushed from her, and she’d had to bite her lip to keep back the moan. Now he followed her, he could probably smell her arousal, all the way to McFurly’s. she’d kept her head held high though, she kept her stride confident, and her anger in check. When she reached the place she immediately went for her Harley and straddled it.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked dangerously, bracing his hands on the handle bars, leaning into her face.
“Since you’ve made it so evident that I can’t leave, I have to go find a place to sleep. If it’s okay with you though daddy?” she sneered, and revved the engine once. Trying to scare him but she knew, he didn’t scare easily, it was gonna take something big to scare him. And she had just the thing. Thomas was a very jealous boy, he was jealous of the other boys from the orphanage, he was jealous of the other girls from the orphanage. He was jealous of the adults that talked to her! Just because they did. He didn’t like anybody to touch her; he didn’t like anybody to speak to her. She could remember one time, when they were 8; she had a crush on a boy from the orphanage. Johnny Wittle, whose blue eyes and brown hair had reeled her in like a fish from water. He’d been so scared, he cried actually, when she told him about it. He begged her not to like him anymore, he begged her to see that he was mean and bad. Of course she knew Johnny Wittle was not any of those things, but to see him cry was a terrible thing. So she agreed never to even look at him and he hugged her tightly. The memory floated away and she smiled inwardly.
“My boyfriend is waiting for me at the motel on the edge of town. I told him I’d be back before sundown. I don’t like to disappoint.” She told him and watched as his face blanched.
“What do you mean your boyfriend?” his voice cracked a little and she fought the bought of emotion that plagued her.
“My boyfriend, the boy who I’m dating, the one I’m sleeping with.” She said cruelly, her heart breaking with each word she uttered. His eyes narrowed dangerously and she thought she could hear a faint rumble in his chest.
“First of all, no other man can touch you without dying or going into a state of shock. Second of all, you’re lying. You know can’t lie to me Molly, I don’t even know why you try.” He said, his eyes flicking to amber again. How he had known any of that, she didn’t think she’d ever know, but she wasn’t afraid of him, in fact at this moment she was bordering on hating him.
“Get off my bike, Thomas, or I swear to the good lord I will run you over.” She threatened, this time meaning every word. He cocked an eyebrow at her and showed off one shiny canine. Growling she revved the engine once, he still didn’t move. She kicked up the kick stand and revved the engine once more. His expression cleared a little, but she was in no mood to be forgiving. She put up her feet, revved the engine, knocking him over in the process, and sped off. The engine sounded harsh to her ears, like evil laughter, but she kept revving until she was going fast enough. Chapter 2

Growling she made a fast u- turn, her foot skimming the road, and sped back to McFurly’s. He stood there, confident, with his arms folded. And god how she hated that, she pulled her bike to the side of the road and got off. She stormed to stand in front of him.
“You done with your little temper tantrum yet sweetheart?” he asked cockily, his black eyes shining with amusement. Grunting she kicked him in his balls, he doubled over in pain landing on his knees and she smiled smugly.
“Now I am.” She muttered and strutted back to the bike and straddled. “See you around Tommy.” She told him and revved off to the motel.

God that hurt, it hurt worse than sin. But it hurt more, knowing that she’d done it to spite him. He leaned up in time to witness her driving toward the north, there was only motel in that direction. He’d go as soon as his balls stopped burning. Grunting he wobbled into the burger joint, where everyone automatically assumed their regular positions sitting down and chatting.
“Nosy wolves.” He mumbled and sat down at the counter.
“She socked ya pretty hard there.” Sarah says from behind the counter.
“Yeah, yeah. Just give me a scotch.” He grumbled, taking caution to not sit directly on his package.
“Not even sun down.” she grumbled, getting his drink ready.
“Never stopped him before Sarah.” Brandon, his second, said sidling up next to him. She put his drink in front of him and shot him an accusing look, then went to the other customers along

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