American library books ยป Romance ยป Secrets Will Kill by Rachel (fun books to read for adults TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซSecrets Will Kill by Rachel (fun books to read for adults TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Rachel

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"C'mon Hawk go so I can get dressed!"
"Let me just..." My glare immediately stops him in mid sentence.
โ€œFINE! But let me just..."
"OUT!" I say and push him out of the bathroom while shutting the door. RIIIP! Dang it the curtains ripped!
"What was-โ€ Hawk began
"Nothing!" I interrupt.
"Whatever" Hawk walks away. I grab a towel and wrap it around me as I sprint to the other side of the house where all the cool weapons are. Oh also forgot to mention...we're sort of ...spies, well kind of. We basically get paid for kicking butt. โ€œHurry up!" Hawk yells outside the room.
"I am! I'll be done really quickly" I yell back
"Oh yeah like the time when you were pouring water for me? THAT quick? Then we might get done in NEVER."
I roll my eyes."Yeah well 'that time' was an hour ago Einstein!" I grab a pair of cargo pants and a tight fitting black t-shirt. I take three bombs, my mini claw shot, ten time bombs, two grenades, my handgun, laser gun, and night vision goggles. I put my clothes on with a jacket able to hold all of the equipment and put the stuff in there.
"Key, you have to wear a disguise. You're not gonna like it...โ€
"Oh yeah? What is it?"
"Can I come in now?"
"Sure" Hawk cautiously walks in probable still a bit shocked about seeing me naked. Hawk shifts awkwardly around holding a silk pink dress. I sigh and roll my eyes โ€œWeโ€™ll talk about what just happened after we get home. I don't want you injured before our mission." Hawkโ€™s eyes grow serious as his cheeks flush. โ€œSo is that the disguise?" I point at the dress.
"Oh yeah." He clears his throat before continuing, "You need to wear it for the mission something about being a princess?" I frown; dressing up in dresses is not my forte. He sees the reaction on my face and answers, โ€œTold you you wouldn't like it.." I snatch the dress quickly from his hands.
"Careful! The dress is easily torn!" Hawk watches me to makes sure that i put it on carefully over my clothes.
"What?" I ask.
"It's just, I've never seen you in a dress before."
"Yeah well don't get used to it." I smile at him. "So what are you wearing?"
"I'm your security guard!" I hear Hawk breathe in deeply turning to find his chest sticking out a bit more than usual. He has always wanted to be a security guard, it's his dream job. Unfortunately Boss has denied him that, he doesn't want Hawk to do a job that's less important, or less paying, than the job he already has, but Hawk couldn't care less. Our boss is very considerate of us, treats us like his own children, which is nice saying as i never knew mine and neither has Hawk.
"Well put on your costume and let's go!" I grab two jet packs out from behind a movable wall, hand one to Hawk and I strap mine on.
"Do you have extra bullets?" He asks slipping on his black pants and white button up shirt.
"Oh um no I forgot." I grab two boxes of my handgun bullets and two light sticks for the laser gun.
โ€œReady?โ€ I nod.
โ€œLetโ€™s go to headquarters.โ€ We take our jet packs and head outside. We prep them put them on then turn them on. We hover for a bit getting the direction from my phone to where the new entrance is. We fly 100 meters in the air, into some thin clouds so we are less visible, then we turn left and go forward for about 20 meters. Then we turn to our left a go forward for 40 meters then until we reach a barrel in the middle of nowhere. I kick it over to see a big tube in the ground leading into blackness. Hawk takes his jet pack off then takes mine. "After you." he says. I jump into the tube feet first. My heart beats faster. Even though Iโ€™ve done this a lot of times, Iโ€™m still scared to go through the tubes. I hear Hawk jump in the tube. โ€œYouโ€™re so stupid.โ€ He always jumps through the tubes head first.
โ€œDonโ€™t call me stupid!โ€ Hawk yells.
โ€œWell I donโ€™t like to lie!โ€ I yell back.
โ€œYouโ€™re funny!โ€ Hawk says sarcastically. I look down at what I think is my feet to wait for the ring of light. The base is located thousands of feet underground. There are tons of bases, and one headquarters. Iโ€™ve only been to headquarters once, to get my spy license, it might sound like a fake license, but you have no idea how many places it can get you in.
Finally I see some light coming out of a hole. I land on my feet then roll out of the way as Hawk lands of his face.
โ€œNice!โ€ I laugh.
โ€œYou two are here.โ€ Says a voice in the shadows. Hawk stands up and walks to me.
โ€œHeโ€™s early.โ€ Hawk whispers to me.
โ€œYes, Boss?โ€I said.
โ€œYour mission is to take back the diamond of Princess Singapore.โ€ He twists a very expensive ring on his finger. โ€œIf you do succeed then you get $50,000 dollars.โ€ Hawkโ€™s eyes widen. โ€œIf you donโ€™t, well letโ€™s just say you will have to find another job.
โ€œI wonโ€™tโ€ฆโ€I began.
โ€œHey what about ME?!โ€ Hawk whispers hoarsely.
I roll my eyes โ€œWE wonโ€™t let you down.โ€ I said with a sigh.
Boss smiles, โ€œI thought you would say that. Now this is a very serious task. There are many security guards there that are expertly trained.โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re expertly trained too, so that wonโ€™t be much of a problem!โ€ Hawk says coolly.
Boss smiles, โ€œI thought you would say that, but that isnโ€™t the problem, you can easily get past the guards but the problem is..โ€
โ€œGetting the diamond.โ€ I finish.
โ€œPrecisely! Which is why you are dressed like that, in fact Miss Laya would you follow Sesaya over there to finish your make up disguise.โ€ He looks over to an Asian woman over by this door. I nod at Boss then walk towards Sesaya. I hear Boss say to Hawk, "I will get you some extra things for your disguise, Hawk." Then I heard footsteps fading. I walk into a room filled with hair curlers, straighteners, hairbrushes, all kinds of hair product and gels. There's a mirror and a chair in front of the mirror. The room is really stuffy and cloudy and I look to see if there's a fan anywhere but I can't see very well.
"Miss Laya, please sit here." An Asian woman points to the chair.
"Ok." I say then walk towards the chair. I start to feel really lightheaded and dizzy so I stumble to the chair and place my hand on it staring at the ground until I feel normal again. I look up to see the woman right in front of me smiling. she takes my arm and makes me let go of the chair then pushes me in it.
"I will make you look Asian in no time." She said with her smile. I sit there watching her slowly disappear into a cloud of darkness. I must have fallen asleep because I wake up when she says, "Miss Laya I finished, it is look good for you." So I open my eyes and look in the mirror.... * Hawks Point of View *
Keeta just left.
"OK Boss I know you too well, I already have my extras what do you want?" We walk along together. He smiles, "You are very bright, Keeta taught you well."
"Well what is it then?" I say sternly.
"Still sore from the job offer? I'm sorry Hawk, but you are one of our best spies, and i couldn't let you go to a job with less pay."
"That job would have been almost equal to my pay! Why do you need me anyway? You have Keeta! She's a better spy than I'll ever be!"
"But I can't have her work with us for long."
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