American library books Β» Romance Β» I will always be there for you. by Sarah Daniels (most life changing books txt) πŸ“•

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I resumed kissing her neck I had just started moving my hand down her body when she stopped me "Teyla wait can we not do this now please i'm not ready" she asked quietly I pulled away with my hands up in surrender "whenever you're ready Liz" I said softly leaning forward slowly to cup her cheek and place a small kiss on her lips. Chapter 3

Weir's POV

I didn't want to turn Teyla down I just wasn't ready for that kind of touch yet "Teyla Rodney says that you're not answering him" John said as he walked into my room I felt my cheeks flush at how this must look to him "um maybe I should go and come back another time" he said turning and going to leave "John wait" Teyla called getting off me "okay" he said slowly coming back into my room "it's my fault that we were in that position I went to go further with Liz but she said no and I hadn't had the chance to move when you came in" she explained "do you have anything to say Elizabeth" John asked turning to me I realized that I had been quiet through the whole exchange "can you close the door and come over here please John" I asked "sure" he said doing as I asked "about a week ago I went for a regulation check up with Jennifer and things weren't so fine so one or both of you are going to be in charge for a while" I said taking a deep breath "what happened are you ill is it serious" Teyla asked "not exactly I feel fine physically I found out i'm pregnant" I whispered "what whose the father when did you get the chance to do anything like that why didn't you tell anyone sooner" John asked I glanced to Teyla but she refused to meet my gaze "his name is Mike Branton it was a one night stand I was stressed out from work and he offered me a drink after the first I had a couple more to get out of my own head for a while and one thing lead to another, i'm sure you can figure out the rest and I didn't tell anyone because I didn't know what to do" I said "how long ago was this" John asked "about 10 weeks" I replied still looking at Teyla "excuse me I need some space" Teyla said suddenly getting up and walking out "Teyla wait" I called out standing and trying to go after her but John stopped me "let her go Elizabeth she just found out her girlfriend had a one night stand with a guy and is now pregnant with his child can you blame her for walking away" he said I could feel tears stinging my eyes "no I guess I can't" I said going and sitting back on my bed.

I looked up as someone came through my bedroom door it had been a few hours since Teyla left I breathed a sigh of relief when Teyla came in "hi" I said "hello" she replied coming to sit next to me "i'm so sorry I didn't tell you I was ashamed of it and afraid of what your reaction would be" I said "it's fine Liz just please try and trust me from now on" she pleaded "okay I will" I promised "how about John be in charge so as I can help you" she suggested "why do you want to be a part of this pregnancy" I asked "because I love you and I want to be a part of your life and your baby's Elizabeth" she said "our baby" I corrected smiling "very well our baby" she stated smiling back "can I kiss you" I asked unsure she laughed a little before leaning forward and pressing our lips together softly I parted my lips to allow her access she explored my mouth both of us occasionally letting out soft moans I pulled away when I felt light-headed "did you not want me touching you earlier because of what happened" she asked quietly I looked away in embarassment "yeah" I muttered "I will wait as long as it takes for you too be ready Elizabeth no matter how long it is okay" she said I nodded and leaned forward to kiss her again I lifted my leg over hers so I was straddling her "Elizabeth can you come to the Control Room please" Rodney's voice came over my ear piece "i'll be there in a moment Rodney" I said just as the city got hit with something and shook "anytime now would be good" he said I quickly climbed off Teyla and ran out the door her quickly in pursuit "finally what were you two on the other side of the city or something" Rodney said as we sprinted up the stairs "no we were just talking before you called sorry" I snapped as the city shook again "what is going on Dr McKay" Teyla asked I yelped as I lost my footing as I crashed back into Teyla "are you okay" she asked me I nodded she slowly got up before helping me up "thanks" I said softly "the city's being attacked no-one's sure by what though" Rodney said quickly "thank you Rodney we got that much apparently you can't answer my actual meaning of the question" I snapped "sorry" I sighed "um it's fine" he said going over to his laptop I grabbed a hold of Teyla as the city shook once again "shield's at 60%" someone called out "i'm starting to wish I had never woken up this morning" I muttered "come on why don't you go sit down before you hurt yourself" Teyla said quietly "i'm fine I just wish the city would stop trying to knock us off our feet" I said Teyla wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me into her "if you don't sit down you could risk hurting the baby or yourself please Liz go sit down" she whispered to me I shook my head "no I won't leave" I said starting to cry "hey now shhh" she soothed "sorry I just can't help it" I said trying to calm down she ran her hand through my hair and I eventually calmed again "ma'am transmission coming through" Chuck called over to us "play it" I said pulling away from Teyla and wiping my cheeks clean of tears "this is the Apollo from Earth we are in serious trouble we have four wraith hives attacking our shields are nearly depleted and our weapons have been disabled if anyone can hear us please provided some sort of assistance" Colonel Ellis said "open a channel" I said Chuck nodded and did it "this is Atlantis how far away are you" I asked "orbiting around the planet now" he replied back "okay sending assistance now" I said before the channel went dead "someone get John now" I yelled sprinting through Atlantis down to the jumer bay "you shouldn't be running around" John said went I ran in "shut up and get in" I snapped slowing to a walk and going over to the nearest jumper he sighed but followed me over we got in and went up the front John was about to close the door when Teyla ran in "don't run off will you" she said smiling "sorry I wanted to personally be there to help" I said blushing and looking down "you're pregnant Liz I think people will excuse you from being in the front lines" she said crouching down in front of me and reaching up to take my hands which were sitting in my lap "I just want to help" I tried "and I just want you to stay safe" she countered quickly "I guess" I replied softly leaning down to press our lips together for a second "if you two don't mind can Teyla sit down" John cut in "what oh yeah sure" I said deeply blushing again Teyla laughed quietly before sitting down behind me. "Col Ellis you asked for some help I brought a jumper, John and Teyla with me" I said contacting the Apollo "not sure how much help that's gonna be but thanks" he said back "you'll see" I said John fired drones at the hive ships and we watched as one after another they all blew up "now ladies and gentlemen that's how you handle a hive ship or four" John said sarcastically "very funny John but do you think we could head home being up here for this long is starting to make me nausous" I asked clutching my stomach "I don't think it's being up here Elizabeth" he said turning the jumper and heading back to Atlantis "oh god i'm gonna be sick" I groaned John handed me a throw-away bag "we'll be there soon I promise" he assured me "I hate being pregnant" I muttered Teyla grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back closing the door behind us "what are you doing" I asked "calming you down" she said pulling me down to one of the seats I gasped before relaxing and leaning into her side I closed my eyes and a few seconds later I felt her lay us down I slowly started drifting off as Teyla began stroking my hair.


Teyla's POV

 I smiled as Liz's breathing evened out and she fell asleep I carefully untangled myself from her before grabbing a light blanket from one of the shelves and putting it over her, I went back up the front and sat down next to John "is she....." he asked "she fine just sleeping" I replied looking straight "okay then does she know where we're going" he asked me "no she still thinks we are going back to Atlantis but soon enough she's going to wake up and know that we are not going home John" I said "I know that Teyla but if we don't do this then she will be seriously hurt it's for her own protection and your baby's" he answered me softly "I know I just don't like keeping secrets from her is all" I said finally looking over to him he face was grim but set "who else knows where we are taking her" I asked "no-one not even McKay and Ronan" he replied "which of us will stay with her because we can't just drop her off and leave" I said "both of us you need to be there for her and I need to protect you both" he said reaching over and giving my hand a quick squeeze I heard Elizabeth calling from the back so I went to check on her "hey what's wrong" I asked "where were you" she asked I pointed through the now open door to the turned seat "oh can I come back up there" she asked wrapping the blanket around herself I nodded and followed her back up front "feel better" John asked she nodded and stood next to him for a moment I sat down and went to turn my seat again but Liz came and sat

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