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He couldn’t change her past, but he could help make her future a little brighter.
“You’re staying with us, tomorrow we’ll go into town and get you some clothes.” Molly told her and opened the pickles. They all sat in silence as Molly crunched her pickles.
“No arguments? Good, I’m changing your name too. All being done tomorrow.” Molly said and closed up her pickles.
“But wait. I like my name.” Mary said, her cute little lip quivering.
“It’ll be your middle name. I just don’t want those monsters able to find you.” Molly said softly and the girl nodded.
“Come here.” Molly whispered and Mary stood and walked over to her. He watched, in amazement, as Mary sat on Molly’s lap and put her nose in the crook of her neck. Her rigid body relaxed and she let out a sigh of contentment.
“You can pick your new name, if you want.” Molly whispered and Mary giggled lightly.
‘Guys, we need you all to come over.’ He whispered through the mind link and sent urgency. They were all there within ten minutes.

She sat there, fumbling with her hand and peeking up with her big grey eyes.
“It’s Ok, you can take your time sweetheart.” She soothed and Mary looked up. She took a deep breath and moved her blond hair out of her face.
“My parent’s couldn’t have children before me. So they adopted my older brother, Jake. When they had me, I was called a miracle. But they still loved Jake, he was still their son, still my brother. I loved him, I still do." She took a shaking breath and looked up at Molly. She gave a small smile and squeezed her hand.
“Jake was four years older than me, so on my fifth birthday he was nine. He was never exactly what the other kids called normal. But on my birthday he was really weird, it seemed like he didn’t want to touch me. He had this scared look, he didn’t even sing happy birthday. Four months ago I came home from school and he was gone. My dad said he ran away because he wanted to find his real parent’s, that he didn’t love us anymore. I cried for three days after that. On the fourth day, while I was crying in bed at night, he tapped on my window. He told me to hush, or else mommy and daddy would be mad at me. I was so happy, he wasn’t mad at me and he had come back.” She closed her eyes and the whole pack was quit, watching her closely.
“It’s Ok, just take your time.” Thomas said lightly and she opened her eyes.
“We walked into the woods, which were behind my house, until we hit the big tree. He helped me climb it, until we were on a sturdy limb and we just sat there. Until… until the moon was directly on us. He said that he had to change me, because he’d never heard of it working with someone like him, and someone like me. I didn’t know what he was talking about, but it was just nice to hear him talk. But then… then his eyes turned gold and he asked for my arm. I didn’t want to give it to him, but something told me he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. He loved me and he would protect me. He took my arm, and he bit it, I cried and yelled for him to let me go, but he didn’t. he just held my bleeding arm in his mouth for a while, he let it go and… the bite mark was healed. There was only blood, he told me he would be back for me. Then he left.” Her voice broke and her eyes seemed to drown in tears.
“I went and told my mom and dad what happened, they said that Jake was crazy, and the next time he came I had to tell them. He didn’t come back until the month later, when I changed into a dog. My parent’s were so afraid. They yelled at me and threw things at me, so I ran into the forest, to the big tree. I cried, as much as a dog can cry, until a bigger dog came. He licked my face, and I knew it was Jake. My dog she told me, that I was safe. That our Jake wouldn’t hurt us. We had to keep our Jake safe. So when we heard mommy and daddy come, we told him to leave. He growled at them but left. Mommy and daddy told me that they understood, but I knew they were afraid.” She sniffled and rubbed her pink little nose.
“We were having so much fin, daddy helped me toss the ball at the ball booth. The bought me cotton candy, they made me a cotton candy mustache and took a picture. Daddy said he would frame it when we all got home. They told me to go wait by the hot dog cart, while mommy went to the bathroom. And I waited, like a good little girl, I waited. But they never came back. I knew they were afraid of me, but I was still their daughter, right? They had to have some sort of compassion towards me, she gave birth to me he held me when I was sick. They were my parent’s.” She sobbed over and over, putting her head in her hands. Molly couldn’t take it, she rushed over to Mary’s side and cradled her. The pack threw her pitiful looks but Carol was the only one who said anything.
“Who are these people, where do they live, and who the hell is Jake?” She asked slowly, her eyes set and determined.
“My parent’s names are Josh and Patty Harwin. Jake’s real name, he told me one time, is Martins. They live somewhere by the beach, I never really paid attention.” Mary said shakily from under Molly’s arms, her lip quivering.
“Go, find them. Carol call every neighboring pack and look for a Jake Martins, he’s got a lot of explaining to do. Sarah, take Mary for some ice cream. Molly and Brandon you guys need to talk with the pack elders and see what this means and if his actions were justifiable. Everybody, move!” Thomas said, his voice dripping with power. Everybody scrambled to do his will, everybody but Molly. She clutched onto the small child.
“I’m not letting her go, so either Sarah brings the ice cream to us, or me and Sarah switch tasks.” Molly growled to Thomas and he sighed.
“Molly, she isn’t ours. You can’t just take claim over her!’ He hissed at her and she growled and stood up, forgetting about Mary.
“Like all hell I can’t! She is mine now, her parent’s left her. She’s an abandoned pup, what if it was Luna!?” She yelled at him, her blood boiling.
“It would never be Luna and you know that! You can’t take claim over other people’s property!” He yelled back. She growled and walked over to him, sticking a finger in his face.
“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Thomas! That never ends well and you know it!” She growled low at him and he bared his teeth.
“Molly, please, for the love of all that’s holy… don’t test me. I’m aggravated enough as it is, just stop-“ He was cut off when she punched him in the stomach, sending him flying into the wall, knocking down a picture of the grand canyon. It looked awkward there anyway.
“I told you not to tell me what to do.” She growled lowly and he snarled, standing straighter.
“Wait, daddy no! Stop please!” Mary yelled standing in front of Molly with her arms braced. Thomas faltered at the sight.
“What?” He whispered as he stopped in front of her.
“Please don’t hurt her. She didn’t mean to.” Molly snorted and shook her head.
“I’m not going to hit her, I would never hurt her. She’s my mate, I love her very much. Why’d you think I would?” He asked, coming to his knees in front of her.
“Daddy normally looks like that, right before he’d hit mommy or Jake. But it was never hard, just a tap on the cheek.” Mary says lightly. Molly clenched her hands and anger flared everywhere on her body.
“Shit.” Sarah hissed and moved in front of Thomas, she grabbed Mary and headed fro the door.
“We’ll be back when she’s calmed down.” She said before slamming the door.
“Who hits women and children?! Low life scum bags, who don’t have a large enough dick so they just feel the need to put their hands on something else!?!” She screeched and punched a lamp. Her anger surmounted to the top and she couldn’t hold it back. Thomas grabbed her hands and she started bucking against him.
“Let go of me!” She. screeched but he merely slammed his lips on top of hers.
‘Damn you and your tasty lips


.’ Her wolf growled to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He broke away before she could indulge in the kiss too much.
“You better now?” he asked and she nodded quickly before slamming her lips onto his. He groaned against her and lifted her lips up an around his waist. She could feel his erection through his jeans and she shamelessly rubbed herself against him.
“Damn pet, we can’t do this. What if the pack-“
“They won’t be coming back for another couple of hours.” She dismissed him and kissed him again, feverishly. Her kisses were full of longing and want, her heat hadn’t ended. No, no. Her heat had merely taken a small vacation, and it decided to come back now.
“Shit, pet. They’re coming back now.” He growled and started to take her legs from around his waist. She growled and tightened them.
“No, stop lying and screw me!” She growled at him and he swore under his breath. He could smell them getting closer. He ran to the kitchen with her kissing and sucking his neck. He growled and rubbed his hand over the crotch of her underwear and she shuddered, the deliciousness of the feeling was so good. He thrust his fingers into her while his thumb worked her clit, her teeth lengthened at the feel of it and she moaned loudly.
“Pet, I’m gonna need you to cum for me, all over my fingers. Can you do that for me?” He growled into her ear and she nodded her head jerkily, not able to form words. He bit down on her shoulder and she let out a loud yelp, her climax hitting her hard and fast. He licked the cut and removed his fingers from her.
“I’m so sorry baby, but the pack is here.” He said right before the door opened and yells hit her ears. He licked his fingers and she had to look away before the need for him grew larger. They walked into the living room and Molly growled at the sight. They brought her parent’s, oh yeah, and they were sniveling and weak.
“So these are the people who think it’s Ok to leave children at carnivals?” Molly sneered at them. They looked scared and Molly smiled, showing a sharpened tooth. They blanched and she growled at them.
“You should be afraid. You leave your daughter at a carnival, you abuse your wife. You two are just terrible people, I should send my big bad dogs after you, I’m sure they’d love just to get a piece of you.” She said, all the while walking forward until she was in front of the female with the blond hair. She grabbed a strand and frowned.
“Shame though, you’re pretty. Probably where Mary gets it from.”
“L-leave my daughter alone, y-you monster!” The female snapped and Molly growled, letting her eyes change.
“Wouldn’t raise your voice at me if I were you. I’m trying to help. You see him over there?” Molly asked her,, pointing to Thomas, whose eyes were shining an aged cognac.
“He’s really pissed, I’m the only thing stopping him from attacking you.

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