American library books Β» Romance Β» Undisclosed Desires by Bridget Kathleen (13 inch ebook reader .txt) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Undisclosed Desires by Bridget Kathleen (13 inch ebook reader .txt) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Bridget Kathleen

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was a surprise to Sophia. Spot hadn't given her much crap since he walked her back to the lodging house. Either she was growing soft on him and not being irritated as much while she was in the same room with him, or Spot had something up his sleeve...or maybe it was both.

Sophia sat out on an empty dock by herself. She had finished her chores early and wanted some fresh air. The newsie boys were off doing whatever they did in the Brooklyn streets. Some were still trying to sell their papes while others did some gambling. She hummed the soft tune that she had played on the piano. It gave her comfort. She too busy humming to herself to notice the person standing above her.

"Nice song, Smalls?"

Sophia sat up and brushed off any dirt that may have gotten on her dress. "What do you want, Spot?"

Spot put his hands up in defense. "Whoa! Easy. Just thought Id tells youse that there another party goin' on at Medda's tah night. Your brotheh is gonna be there. Do youse wanna go?"

"With you?"

Spot rolled his eye. "Jeez goily! It's not like it's a date or somethin'." Spot moved closer to her. "Unless ya wants it to be." he smirked and brushed his fingers through her hair once. Sophia stepped back, almost falling off and into the water. Spot grabbed her just in time and pushed her up against him. "Careful goily." Sophia uncomfortably pushed him back. "Youse comin' wit me or not?" he was getting impatient. One of the many irritating things that Spot did best.

Sophia took in a breathe. "Yes." she finally said.

Spot smiled. "Good. We leave at seven. Forget 'bout supper. The boys can handle themselves for one night." With that he walked away.

Sophia was a little shocked by the way Spot was acting towards her. Did he want something? Or was he simply trying to clean up his act? No way! She thought. Spot Conlon would NEVER clean up his act for a girl!

Later that night and 7PM sharp, Spot came walking into his room to find Sophia sitting on her bed. A smirk spread across her face. "I like this image." he suddenly said, making Sophia perk right up.

"Well then why don't you take a picture." she told him, annoyance in her voice.

"Ok!" Spot put up both of his hands as if ready to snap a shot of the beautiful girl that sat on his bed. "CLICK!" he said.

Sophia scoffed and threw a pillow across the room at him. Spot quickly grabbed it and playfully tosed it back her, hitting her square in the face.

"Spot Conlon!" she growled. All Spot did was laugh.

"C'mon, Smalls. Don't keep me watin'. Youse ready to go yet?" She nodded. "Then come on!" he motioned her to follow him and she did.

When they got to Medda's Sophia ran up to Tommy and hugged him tightly. It had been a few weeks since she last saw him. "Whoa! Tom Tom, whose this pretty face?" asked Racetrack.

"This here is my sister." he put around Sophia shoulders.

Racetrack looked at him with wide eyes. "Ya sister? Youse never told me ya had a sister!"

Tommy laughed. "This is Sophia. You've already met her, but during that time she was known at Tony."

Racetrack looked at Sophia then at Tommy and then back Sophia. "Youse serious, Tom Tom!"

Tommy laughed again. "Yeah. When we foist arrived in New York I made her dress as a boy." just then Spot made his way through the crowed and joined in on the conversation.

"Heya fella's!" he looked at Sopia. "And goily!"

Tommy sighed. "I made her dress like a boy, that is, until Spot discovered."

Racetrack made a big 'O' with his mouth when he heard this.

After that they all sat down at a table with Jack, Boots, Blink and a girl that Sophia didn't know. She was sitting awfully close to Jack. When she saw Sophia her eyes lit up. "Oh! You must be Sophia. Tommy's little sister. David told Jack and I about you." she held out her and Sophia shook it. "My name is, Sarah. It's nice to finally be able to meet you." she smiled.

Sophia wondered to herself, How can someone be that happy and smiley all the time? It kind of annoyed her.

After a couple of minutes of hearing a conversation go around the table, Sophia felt a arm wrap around her waist. She tensed up. "Ease up, Smalls." She felt Spot whisper in her ear. She was used to Spots touch so she didn't get all mad or pissed off about it when he would pull something like this. In fact, she rather enjoyed it and she was beginning to hate herself for it.

When the music started to play and Medda came out from behind the curtains, ready to sing and dance like she always did, Spot stood up fast, pulling Sophia up with him.

"What are you doing, Spot?"

"What does it look like, goily? Look around ya. Every ones dancin'. Have some fun!" he pulled her away from the table and into the crowed. He put one hand on her on her waist while the other held one of her hands into the air, making her spin occasionally. She had to admit. Spot was a pretty good dancer and she was actually enjoying herself for once. She laughed. "There wr go!" Spot said to her as he started to spin her again.

"I'm gonna get dizzy Spot!" she tried to hold back her laughter.

Spot laughed. "No worries there, Tootsie. I'll catch ya if youse fall." The words felt comforting to her and she continued to let Spot lead her. Just then the crazy music stopped and Medda began to sing a soft song. It seemed to be the last song of her performance. Spot slowed their dance down and pulled Sophia close to him. By this time she didn't mind being this close to him.

Spot then leaned in and whispered something in her ear. "Youse havin' fun, Sophia?" she was a little surprised that he called her by her real name.

"That's the first time you've said my real name."

Spot shrugged. "Yeah?...Don' get used to it though, goily." he smirked and leaned in so close that their lips almost touched and soon enough they did.

Sophia was overcome by this new touch. It was much different from when he first kissed her when he was drunk. Now this is how it should have been the first time, Sophia thought.

Just then she pulled away from him. He gave her a confused look. What was she doing? "What's wrong?" he asked her. Sophia didn't answer him, instead she headed to the doors and out on to the streets to go back to Brooklyn. Spot was hot on her heals. "Where ya goin', Smalls?" he called out to her as he followed her down the empty street. It was now dark out and most of the city people had gone home.

"I'm going back to the lodging house!" she said to him with a harsh tone.

"What?" Spot spat out, unable to believe what he was hearing. "Ise thought we'se was havin' such a good time togetheh though."

Sophia spun around, ready to face him. "That's exactly it!" she told him.

"Youse actin' crazy, Smalls!"

Tears started to form on her eyes. Not now! She thought. I can't let Spot see me cry! She said something under her breathe but Spot couldn't hear her.

"Whahca say, Smalls?" he inched up closer to her. Sophia shook her head and started to walk away again but Spot grabbed her arm and pushed her up against the brick wall. "Whats the matter?" he asked quietly into her ear, his body slightly pressed up against hers. Spot noticed a few tears fall. He lifted her face up by her chin with one of his fingers. "...Sophia?" her eyes were closed. She refused to look him the eyes. "C'mon, goily. Open yer eyes." slowly, but surely, she did and with that a few more tears escaped from her eyes. "Smalls?" his voice was filled with concern and he wiped away some of the tears that still lingered on her soft white cheek. Her green eyes shimmered when the moon light hit them.

She looked back down, took in a breath and finally said. "I don't want to get attached to you..."

"What?" Spot asked with concern that still lingered in his voice.

"To put it bluntly..." she started. "I...I don't want to fall in love with you..." Her voice trailed off and she hung her head even more. She tried to pushed away Spot then but his hold was too strong. It didn't look like she was going anywhere.

"Why?" he asked.

Sophia gave up and looked up to meet his eyes. "I don't want to love someone who brings girls back to his room. It's disgusting." Spot finally looked away from her and looked towards the street. He had nothing to say. "Will you let me go now, Spot?"

Spot turned his attention back to her and slowly released her. "Let me walk you home at least." Sophia nodded weakly. She was tired from all that dancing and would need someone strong like Spot by her side as she walked back to the lodging house. Spot slowly put his hand in hers and by his surprise, she didn't pull away this time.
Chapter Seven: Close encounters.

Sophia stood at the top of the stairs, holding on to her raggedy teddy bear, the only real comfort she could possibly have. She could hear screaming down stairs. Her Mama and a man, but it wasn't Papa. Suddenly she heard a crashing sound and the door to the upstairs swung open and hit the side of the wall. Sophia ran to her bedroom as she heard the footsteps walking up. Her closed my bedroom door fast and sat on my bed, holding on to my teddy bear even tighter now. My heart pounded faster and faster with every second as the footsteps stopped at her bedroom door. For a moment it was quiet. Sophia took in a breathe and finally her door swung open. There stood a tall, plump man. His beard reaching down to his black suit. The look in his eyes scared her the most. Suddenly she realized that she was holding her breath and released all the air she had been holding in. The man closed the door and smiled at her, telling her that everything was going to be ok, but she knew something was wrong, no matter what he said. He sat on her bed and ran his fingers through her hair, telling her how pretty she was and then he placed his hand on my

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