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lips. “Lynn,” she whispered his name. “I never imagined…” A tear rolled down her cheek.
Lynn took her other hand between his. “Who could’ve guessed we’d meet each other under these circumstances?”
“Totally unbelievable. Both of us captured in New York and we found each other here. It really is true what they say about it being a small world.”
“Or, in this case, universe,” Klexi said. They chuckled.
“Jeanclair must be watching over me. You impressed him so very much, Lynn, in the short time he knew you.”
“He was a good man.”
* * *
Klexi and Lynn established a covert link in the New Zimlliaans’ communications system to gain information about Earth. They discovered the world they were returning to was radically different than the one they left. “According to this information, the United States is divided into several sections,” Klexi analyzed data. “Kalyptra exploded an implosion device on New York City and ripped open the San Andres Fault, turning what’s left of California into a peninsula. A lot of spaceport cities are cut off from the rest of the planet, held together with warp holes to trade. Your resistance friends are building an Electromagnetic Shielding System as a primary defense. It creates impregnable force fields to protect against attacks.”
“Then there is hope after all,” Mary said. “I so relieved. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go to a war zone without some hope of winning.”
“Are Pam and Maryann still at the observatory?” Lynn asked.
Klexi pulled up more information from data sub sets. “The observatory was attacked and abandoned.” Lynn flinched. “Some of this information suggests the resistance helped thwart an attack in Albany, New York. Their current location is unknown. The Fleet Commander’s spies haven’t been able to track them. One of the motherships was captured by a Fifth Column when she attacked California. Maybe your friends are with them.”
Maryann might still be alive. Will she be as happy to see me as I am anxious to see her?
“Kalyptra has been trying to reach Javen, requesting updates on Ufa’s situation. Since no one knows what’s happened, she’s requested this ship to travel to Earth.” Klexi smiled at them. “We’ll be leaving orbit in just a few hours.”
“Finally,” Mary said. “We’re actually going home.” She squeezed Lynn’s hand.
Klexi rerouted signals and tapped into computer systems under human control. “Here’s something interesting,” he said.
“What do you got?” Lynn looked at rows of holographic cyrillic letters.
“Your resistance friends are using a signal in computer messages to regroup more fighters.” Klexi turned away from the transparent photonic projection. “It looks like we’ll be able to get in touch with them once we land on the Earth.”
“So, you’re going to come with us?” Lynn asked.
Klexi shrugged, smiling at the same time. “There’s nothing left for me as a New Zimlliaan,” he said. “I wasn’t cut out for life as a slave. I might as well be useful to somebody.” Lynn shook his hand. Mary offered her support with a warm hug.
* * *
Earth was the most beautiful sight imaginable compared to the wasteland of Ufa. New Zimlliaan ships formed an artificial ring around the equator like an artificial halo while others made transits between the planet and those craft stationed in orbit. Klexi had no trouble getting by the traffic. He piloted the small transport away from the gigantic bulk of the triangular command ship and dipped into the atmospheric shell of Earth.
“I never thought I get back home,” Lynn said.
“It’s so beautiful,” Mary said. Jeanclair, if only you were here right now.
* * *
Aquamarine-gray Uranus dimly illuminated the chamber. The ice giant seemed to race up past the view port as the ship orbited the planet. Stars twinkled beyond the crescent’s arc. A lone figure was superimposed against the backdrop.
She was dressed in a black leather uniform, her curly black hair raised up over her scalp. Her arms were folded across her chest, the corners of her red lips perpetually turned down. A silver headband with black cyrillic letters embroidered into it encircled her skull. The right eye was deep brown, the left disfigured, green and slit vertically like a lizard’s. She, Kalyptra Amphisbaena, was the Invasion Fleet Commander presiding over Earth’s solar system. Her thoughts were as vast as the void beyond her ship’s window, black as all-encompassing space.
Kalyptra’s trance was interrupted when her door chime sounded a soft computerized beep. “Enter,” she said loudly, never turning from the window.
The door slid back with a soft hiss. A black uniformed New Zimlliaan soldier approached her. His face was pitted, creased with lines. “Report, Ensign,” Kalyptra said. Her eyes fixed on Uranus’. A few bright flashes of lightning deep in its convulsing atmosphere flickered like an eerie cosmic fireworks display.
“The situation at Ufa has taken a turn for the worse.”
“I anticipated as much when neither Javen or Jadyn returned my communiqués.” Kalyptra’s eyes narrowed. “Continue.”
“The Commander and his protégé were killed. Leon was also a casualty.”
Kalyptra smiled. One less incompetent to deal with.
“A temporary replacement has been appointed to Ufan Command.”
“Since I’m familiar with the situation, I will search the scientific data banks to find someone suitable to continue working with the Psionic Dreamer plants and make a recommendation myself. I should have word by the time your ship is ready for departure.” Kalyptra stared at her reflection on the clear alloy of the view port.
“Yes, ma’am,” the Ensign said, bringing his right hand half way up his chest in a fist, snapping his arm down.
“Dismissed,” Kalyptra said without turning. She listened to his fading footsteps, the hiss of the door, and the silence leave. The Fleet Commander watched Uranus slip by her window.
* * *
Lynn and Mary never expected to find Albany in the complete state of change it was in. The city’s skyline was dotted with towering skyscrapers, a handful a few miles tall. The architecture was distinctly New Zimlliaan. The original city was annexed as a spaceport. At one time, Albany was surround by a dome, cutting it off from the rest of the world.
Thanks to inside rebel activity, Albany was captured by human forces. Kalyptra launched a major attack to gain control over the United States. Albany’s dome was blown off. Later, a New Zimlliaan snub ship opened fire on the city. The resistance intervened, raising a force field, cutting off Kalyptra’s attack.
Albany survived. Life continued. No one had slowed down. There were careers to build, kids to raise, bills to pay, and pleasures to be sought. Even in the face of the New Zimlliaan invasion and the interplanetary war, life here was as close to normal as it could get.
Stopped at a gas station, Klexi climbed back into the topless black truck holding a piece of scrap paper. “Here’s the directions to the Medical Center. Some of the resistance are supposed to be posted there.”
“You’re sure you cracked that code right?” Lynn asked.
“Yes. It wasn’t anything the New Zimlliaans are using. We should get going. They’re expecting us.” He turned the key.
“Ready for this,” Mary asked Lynn. He nodded. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.” Klexi shifted into gear and waited at the parking lot’s edge for a clearing in the traffic.
“I am, too. I think it’s like a pleasure principal. I’m divided between elation and fear. It’s good being back on my own planet. And it’s good about the survival factor.”
“But, there’s more, isn’t there?”
“I was involved with someone. I don’t know if she survived that day in New York. I hope she’s happy to see me.”
“A nice guy like you? She will be.”
But, Lynn could tell her the rest. Not yet.
In the past few weeks aboard the New Zimlliaan ship, Lynn discovered he was developing feelings for Mary. More than just feelings of loyalty. More than feelings stemming from the events they endured. He felt a growing fondness and attraction.
Had Maryann missed Lynn? He had no way of knowing. Did Mary feel the same way about Lynn? If so, how could he break Mary’s heart? Or, how could he break Maryann’s heart? It was a position Lynn wished he wasn’t in. There were too many unknowns.
Lynn glanced out the window. He saw a mother and daughter team on the street corner selling bouquets. “Hold it a second,” he said to Klexi. “I’ll be right back.” Lynn got out. He selected a bunch and paid them. Lynn trotted back to the truck.
“That was nice of you to help them,” Mary said.
“I did it for you,” Lynn said. He handed Mary the flowers wrapped in green paper.
For a few seconds, Mary was speechless. “Why thank you. Aren’t you so sweet.”
“Consider it your medal of valor,” Lynn said. “And, a welcome back gift.”
Mary unwrapped them, finding a half dozen bright red roses. She smiled, choking up. “Tears streamed down her cheeks. “Thank you so much,” she sobbed, kissing him long and passionately. Jeanclair, you know these are our flower…
Klexi was warmed by the sight. Traffic finally eased up enough for him to pull away from the gas station. He slid behind human made vehicles and New Zimlliaan hover vehicles. Like Lynn and Mary, Klexi was ready to face the new adventure lying ahead. Imprint

Publication Date: 03-22-2010

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