American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 3 by Heather Ray (macos ebook reader TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 3 by Heather Ray (macos ebook reader TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Heather Ray

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at him, and Rocky noticed her deep brown eyes were puffy and red.

"He'll be back," assured Rocky. "He promised you, and if I know one thing, William Mitchell never breaks a promise. Besides, the Power Rangers are ready for action, and they never let a friend down."

Trini nodded and watched as Tom, Kimberly, Adam, Jason, Katherine, and Zack circled the hovering Zeo Crystal. The six joined hands, and watched as the gem spun faster, and fragmented into six colored pieces -- red, black, green, yellow, blue, and white. Each colored shard floated to its original owner, and shrunk down to the size of the thumb. Then, all at once, they floated into the bodies of the rangers. In a flash of bright light, the energy began to once again coarse through the bodies of the rangers. Rocky watched with a weak smile as his friends were instantly morphed into the Terran Rangers, after an entire decade of retirement. Each ranger once again wore form-fitting armor in their signature color, complete with a golden shield with oval-shaped opening on the chest, white boots and gloves with gold bands at the top, and gold trimmed helmets.

"Wow," squealed Kimberly, smoothing the wrinkles from her lemon yellow miniskirt. "It gets better each time we get our powers back!"

"You said it," said Zack, tightening his white gloves. "It feels like it's been centuries since I've worn this white uniform."

"And at the same time, it feels right," said Jason, removing his black helmet. "As if this is what we were born to do."

"It feels so good to be a ranger again!" admitted Adam examining his green and gold uniform with a smile, "I had no idea how much I'd miss this."

"Guys," said Trini quietly, wringing her fingers and smiling weakly, "I hate to rush you, but Verdus is attacking Washington, and Will's still trapped on the Moon!"

"She's right," said Katherine, snapping her aqua helmet over her long blonde curls once again. "We have work to do."

"Then let's go," said Tommy, covering his short, curly brown hair with his red helmet. "Let's go to DC!"

The rangers stood in a line, and at once touched their belt buckles. They instantly vanished in six beams of light, leaving Trini and Rocky alone in the Central Access Center.

"Since we're sitting here, doing nothing, I can try to fix up your wounds," offered Trini, "Will once told me about a 'med-unit'?"

"Nah, I'm fine," said Rocky, turning on the Viewing Globe. "Besides, I don't want to miss a minute of this."
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Washington DC was the capital of one of the most powerful and influential nations in existence in the year 2006. But, no matter how politically powerful the United States was, or even how militarily powerful it was, there really was nothing they could do to stop catastrophe. Now, parading through the crowded streets, was a giant dinosaur-like creature. The military was completely unprepared to do battle with a being made of pure magical energy, and even if they did have the technology necessary, there was no way they could wage a full-force war in the middle of Washington. The Air Force had been called in, mainly to distract the monster while ground forces evacuated the city. Attacking the creature was impossible for typical human beings. Only a power greater than that of men could save the world.

Now, as Washington began to burn, six colored forms stood together atop the peak of the Washington Monument, where they have a unique vantage point. But, it didn't take much to see the slimy green creature that towered over most of Washington's buildings.

"Okay, Terran Power Rangers," said the Red Ranger, clenching his gloved fist, "the enemy is in sight! Let's move! Red Phoenix!"

Each ranger lifted his/her right fist into the sky, and they began to glow with bright light.

"Black Rhinocerous!" bellowed Jason.

"Yellow Thunderbird!" cried Kimberly.

"White Cheetah!" yelled Zack.

"Green Hawk!" yelled Adam.

"Blue Alligator!" called Katherine.

Out of the depths of the land, sea, and air, the six Terrazords obeyed the command of their owners, and materialized in mid air above the chaotic city. Each Terran Ranger leaped to the cockpit of their particular zord, and activated the thrusters and weapons systems by voice command.

"Tom Oliver -- Red Ranger -- Fire!" said Tom into his internal voice print scanner. "Phoenix Zord online!"

"Jason Lee -- Black Ranger -- Earth! Rhinocerous Zord online!"

"Kimberly Hart -- Yellow Ranger -- Lightning! Thunderbird Zord online!"

"Adam Park -- Green Ranger -- Wind! Hawk Zord online!"

"Katherine Hillard -- Blue Ranger -- Water! Alligator Zord online!"

Each zord fired to life, and they all hurried to the White House, where Verdus was smashing the outer wall with an uprooted tree.

"Okay, Terran Rangers," said Tom into his communicator, "we have to be extremely careful in dealing with Verdus. We can't let any bystanders be injured."

"The first thing we have to do is get Verdus' attention," suggested Adam. "That way, he'll focus his attacks on us, and leave the White House alone. I'm going in!"

The green and silver Hawk plummets from its high altitude, directed towards the towering monster. Then, the graceful zord flies only yards to the left of Verdus' head, and quickly returned to the sky. Verdus angrily roared, and built up energy in his mouth, preparing to fire at the flying target. But before Verdus could take aim, the powerful Alligator charged the beast, and bit its lower leg with its razor sharp teeth. Verdus screamed in pain, and fell over, losing his balance. Verdus trampled the Rose Garden, and nearly shook the White House to pieces.

"Initiating Shock Absorbers!" cried Jason, pressing a sequence of buttons. The four feet of the Rhiocerous Terrazord transformed into drills, and plow into the ground. Then, the computer activated, and the four feet began absorbing the seismic energy created from Verdus falling down. This absorbed the majority of the earthquake, and prevented substantial damage to Washington.

Verdus rose to his feet, and spat fire towards the Alligator. But before the flames could come in contact with the blue Terrazord, the small red and gold Phoenix flew into the path of the mighty flames.

"Activating Hyperflame Shield!" yelled Tom.

The Phoenix was surrounded with an aura of orange-red energy, making the wings appear to be on fire. The flames of the Verdus are absorbed into the aura, increasing the power supply of the Phoenix.

"Now it's my turn!" yelled Zack, his Cheetah zord rearing low. It then pounced at blinding speed, and attached itself to Verdus' back with its sharp claws and mighty fangs. Verdus screeched, and tried desperately to pry the Cheetah off its back. When that didn't work, it pulled up its mighty tail, and swatted the zord off his back. The Cheetah flew into a patch of trees across the street, but managed to land on its feet.

"That smarts," said Zack bitterly, "but there's no severe damage done."

"Maybe we need to give Verdus a shock to its system!" said Kimberly from within the cockpit of the Thunderbird. "Raising Lightning Rod!"

From the head of the Thunderbird, a silver pole reached into the sky, absorbing the electrons in the atmosphere. Once the Thunderbird was completely charged, the zord flew back down, and hovered before the towering beast.

"Initiating Thundernet!" she cried, pressing a sequence of buttons. Ribbons of electricity formed from the beak of the flying zord, completely surrounding Verdus. Then, all at once, the bolts of thunder struck Verdus, burning his moist skin severely.

"He's still getting weaker!" said Adam from his Hawk. "We should create the Mega Terrazord, and finish him off!"

"You're right," said Tom. "Let's get this over with. Initiate Megazord sequence!"

At the Red Ranger's command, the six subzords began a series of transformations. The Thunderbird and Hawk became the arms, the Rhinocerous and Alligator formed the legs, and the Cheetah transformed into the torso. Finally, the Phoenix transformed into the head, and attached itself to the shoulders of the zord. The zord stood at about the neck height of the Verdus, but the combined might of the six zords dwarfed the remaining power of the now exhausted monster.

"Jason," said Tom. "Re-channel the seismic energy the Rhino absorbed into the Megazord common power unit. I'll do the same with the Hyperflame's absorbed energy."

"You got it," said Jason from his terminal.

"Now we're ready," said Tom.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Will!" cried Natasha from the lab table, "I think I hear something!"

"She's right," said James, holding his laser gun tightly. "Something's coming. Did you finish in there?"

"I got messages through to both the President and the Terran Rangers."

"So what are we still doing here?" asked Natasha. "We should hide in the ventilation system, until the rangers rescue us."

"It may take awhile," explained Will, "Washington is being ransacked by a monster as we speak! The Terran Rangers must first deal with that threat."

"You mean they're not coming?" said James incredulously, "I can't believe it! You're one of them, Will! Isn't saving you a priority?"

"No," said Will sternly, turning to his two companions, "saving the world is the priority. It always was, and it always shall be. That's what makes the Power Rangers heroes. The planet comes before their desires, needs, feelings, and friends."

"So, what are you doing?" asked Natasha.

"I am trying to repair this teleportation unit. It is an ancient piece of machinery, and it probably hasn't been used for years. But, I may be able to get it running. Give me a few minutes."

Suddenly, a brigade of fearsome Viper Putties crashed through the blockaded door, heading towards the astronauts while spitting streams of corrosive venom. James and Natasha immediately ducked behind the lab table for cover.

"Tasha," said James, "we have to cover Will! He's our only chance of escaping with our heads!"

"You're right," she said, clutching her own weapon. "On three. One. Two."


they both declared at once, standing up and immediately taking fire at the door. They continued firing

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