American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 3 by Heather Ray (macos ebook reader TXT) πŸ“•

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haggard face.

"Billy!" shrieked Kimberly. "You look awful!"

Billy smiled wanely. "Well, I've been working on improving the strength of the hulls of the Terrazords for the past several hours," he explained. "That kind of manual labor is quite tiresome. But, that is not the reason I summoned you here. About five minutes ago, we received an incoming message on the Viewing Globe. The message originated from the Moon."

All six rangers looked at Billy in surprise. Jason stepped forward. "What did it say?"

"See for yourself," he said, turning back to the computer and pressing a button, "I recorded the message so you could hear it. You'll find it quite fascinating."

All present turned their attention to the large screen. The blue image vanished, revealing an image of the infamous Lord Zedd himself, cruel dictator of scores of planets, and would-be conqueror of Earth.

^Greetings, Terran Rangers,^

started the recording, ^I have decided to throw in the towel. When I first decided to add Earth to my intergalactic empire, I had no idea how formidable you teenagers can be. Now, I've thrown just about everything I could come up with at you, and you've managed to thwart every single one of my fiendish plans. To put it in other words, your puny, backwater planet isn't worth all my trouble. While I waste my time here, other planets in my empire are starting to revolt. So, I'm leaving. Good-bye, Power Rangers. You've finally won the war.^

With that, the screen returned to its blue hue, and Billy then turned off the computer and turned to his friends to examine their reactions. Tommy's eyes were wide open in shock, Jason had a frown on his face, Adam was scratching his chin in thought, Katherine wore a confused expression, Zack's mouth hung open, and finally Kimberly blinked, and then looked at Billy in disbelief.

"Its...not possible," she stammered. "Is it?"

"Of course its not!" yelled Jason, "Its a load of bull! Just how dumb does Lord Zedd think we are?!"

"But, what if he's telling the truth?" asked Katherine, "I mean, Zedd's been fighting the rangers for years, to no avail. Maybe he's seen the futility of the whole thing."

"We can't trust him!" said Zack. "What if this whole thing is a trap, just to lull us to sleep?"

"You're right, Zack," said Billy. "We can't trust him, but at the same time, we can't ignore this message. Although it is improbable, it is possible that Lord Zedd has decided to move on. There are other planets in the galaxy that would be more strategic to conquer."

"Yeah," said Adam. "He's been fighting us so long out of pride. Maybe he's learned his lesson?"

"Well, I think its too soon for us to come to any conclusion about this matter," said Tommy. "So, I think we should keep an eye on the Moon for a while, just to make sure there's no suspicious goings on. If he's really leaving, we'll witness it."

"I've already set up various computer scans to keep a visual eye on the Moon Palace. If there's any activity up there within the next twenty-four hours, the scan will pick it up."

Chapter One

Up on the Moon, a riotous laughter permeates the cold stone palace standing proudly on the side facing away from Earth. Of course, the rest of the dry, craterous surface of the Moon has no air to carry sound waves, so the sound of laughter dies once the atmosphere of the palace ends and that of the Moon's begins. However, if there was air throughout the emptiness of space, the sounds of horrible, maniacal laughter would be heard on the Earth herself. In the palace, standing on the balcony, stands Lord Zedd, leaning on his magical staff for support as he laughs uncontrollably. Then, he hears a shrill cry from outside the throne room, and his laughter slowly fades.

"Zeddie!" came the cry again, "ZEDD!!"

It's amazing how easily that woman can destroy my triumphant moods,

he mused as he stood upright, facing the door to await his queen. Sure enough, the foreboding Rita Repulsa marched towards the door, her maroon dress brushing against the stone floor. She slowed down and bent over a bit as to fit her cumbersome coned hat through the entrance, and then stood upright and frowned angrily at the emperor. She marched right up to him, pointing her index finger at him menacingly.

"Just what do you think you're doing?!" she shrieked at the top of her voice, "I heard that little message you sent to the Power Rangers! There's no way I'm leaving this Moon! Not until I have the heads of those irritating teenagers on a platter!!"

"Rita, my dear," Zedd answered calmly. "You know me better than that! After all the frustrations those rangers have put me through, there is no way I shall let them live! Trust me, I'm not giving up on Earth. In fact, I have just set my most brilliant plan into motion!"

"Whatever," said Rita, rolling her eyes.

Zedd snarled at her lack of faith. "Listen. Every ten years, the Temporal Comet comes to its perihelion, the point closest to the Sun in its orbit. What's so interesting is that the orbit is over a billion light years in diameter!"

"Temporal Comet? I've never heard of it."

"Well, the reason the comet returns to the Sun so quickly is that it travels so quickly it actually bends time! What is ten years of normal time is only mere seconds to the comet."

"Get to the point, Zeddie!"

"So, the Terran Rangers think we're leaving, and we are! You and I will magically ride the Temporal Comet when it passes Earth along its orbit. To us, it will only be a few seconds to complete the orbit and return to Earth, but ten full years would've passed in real time. The Terran Rangers will have aged ten years, and so will have been out of commission for an entire decade! And, with Zordon gone, there will be no interference. I shall plow over Earth's weak defenses, and no one shall survive my vengeful wrath!"

Chapter Two

The days passed, and the Terran Power Rangers remained vigilant in watching for Lord Zedd to return and launch his next diabolical scheme. The days became weeks, and the weeks became months, and there was never an invasion nor an attack. Angel Grove was quiet, and the people grew accustomed to the lack of Viper Putties in the streets, and the sight of the colossal Terrazords in the rocky quarry. As for the teenagers who pledged to protect Angel Grove from evil, they also grew used to the lack of action. Also, they managed to grow apart. Some rangers still waited anxiously for Zedd to return, while still others were tired of waiting for an event that may never occur. Finally, the day of decision came.

On June 19, 1997, the senior class of Angel Grove High was awarded their diplomas for four years of scholastic achievements, and then thrust out into the world. This day marked the end of an era. It marked the end of the Power Rangers. Immediately after the graduation festivities, the six Terran Rangers and their allies Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, and Billy Mitchell met in the Central Access Complex for the last time.

"Okay, everyone," said Billy, who was sitting on a stool before the main computer, "I think you guys know why I've called you here. Now that Zack, Kim, Tommy, Rocky, Tommy, and I have graduated, we can't go on like we have been these past months. I think its time to turn in the Power."

"Billy, we can't put down our guard!" cried Jason in disbelief, "Zedd's probably up on the Moon this very moment, just waiting for us to relinquish our crystals and be vulnerable."

"Then what do you propose we do, Jason?" asked Kimberly. "Look, its been over six months since Zedd sent us that message, and there hasn't been hide nor hair of him or his minions since. We have to accept that the world doesn't need the Power Rangers anymore. We can't just sit here and wait all our lives for Zedd to strike! I agree with Billy. Its time to give up the Power."

"But, how do you propose to do that?" asked Tanya.

"I've been working on a computer simulation for the past several weeks," said Billy, turning to face the computer. "As you know, the Zeo shards have been designed to work only with our specific body chemistry. So, only one who has used a Power Coin can stand the power of a Zeo crystal in his heart, and you six specifically were chosen to accommodate the crystals. However, if they are placed in a powerful magnetic field long enough, it may be possible for whatever adjustments Zordon made in the crystals to correct themselves. Zordon altered the crystals' structure so they function only with the six of you safely, but I feel I can change that, so the next generation of Power Rangers can assume the Power if necessary. If Zedd and Rita do ever strike again, the Zeo crystal will be right here in the CAC, ready for Zordon to choose six new heroes. Our time as heroes is over."

"But what if Zedd returns in the near future?" asked Adam.

"You, Katherine, Kimberly, Tommy, Jason, and Zack can take back their crystals from here, but I honestly believe Zedd is gone. We have no right to keep the Power in times of peace. These crystals were given to us so we could accomplish a goal, and that goal has been accomplished. Now, once the crystals are removed from your bodies, they shall recombine to form the whole Zeo Crystal, and I have created a storage facility for it. Behold."

Billy began to press in a command, and in the center of the CAC, the tiles of floor opened up to allow a silver sphere to float upwards. The sphere opened up, releasing gases from inside.

"This sphere is programmed to keep the Zeo Crystal safe. The only ones who can open this sphere are the

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