Fragment by Paul G Swanson (me reader .txt) π

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- Author: Paul G Swanson
Read book online Β«Fragment by Paul G Swanson (me reader .txt) πΒ». Author - Paul G Swanson
It had another idea, and broadcasted it to its minions as well. Yes, that was yet another great extension of orders.
* * *
The hummer had finally stopped in front of a large steel garage door. Gren hopped out and walked over to the chains that hung down on either side of the door. He pushed them aside slightly and pushed the button he revealed. The big door rumbled and rose slowly. The gears rolling above them made a distinct metal on metal grinding sound. Psylix got out and gave a low whistle when he saw so many people inside. There must have been no less than forty.
"Well that'll take a couple of trips." Psylix said and chuckled quietly.
"No kiddin." Seth hopped out of the vehicle and stepped into the crowd quickly. Tio, Sarah, and Psylix followed his example, but instead of being able to just join the crowd, it split apart and formed a circle around them. Tio knew why. His family name was very famous, he was a very hard to talk to figure, or rather his father was the famous one. So naturally, Tio had kind of picked up the spare change so to speak, and managed to inherit the fame.
So here he was, in the middle of this group of survivors, that had managed to escape by either luck or skill, it didn't much matter, and they were all waiting for him to say something. Because he was so taken aback, he didn't say anything for fear of looking like a moron, he just waved nervously.
Grendal and John walked straight through them to a table and sat down on both sides gesturing at the other four to sit down.
"So here are the problems." John then handed the conversation over to Gren.
"First of all, the Chimeras."
"Second, The collision Path the colony is on." John said in a barley audible tone so they wouldn't be overheard.
"Third, is the evacuation."
"And fourth, is the distance between us and your ship. Therefore, the issue here would be transportation. The car can only take five including the driver and take into account it'll need a gunner. Even if only, to man the turret."
"Well, about that collision path." Seth began hastily, "I have had lots of training with various control room schematics. I can probably handle that, if I had two others go with me. Psylix and Tio should be enough."
"What about me?" Sarah asked not wanting to be left out.
"You can't help on that end," Psylix told her bluntly, "You'd be more useful here, try to keep the group organized or something.
"Yeah, besides," Tio snickered, "I bet you've never even fired a real gun before."
"What about the chimeras?" John mentioned to them skeptically. "I'm sure you can kill a few, but there are a lot of them out there."
Seth ignored him. "About the evacuation," He touched Sarah lightly on the shoulder, "This is where you can help. First of all keep them calm, that shouldn't be too hard." He said gesturing around at the crowd, it seemed calm as is. So long as some idiot doesn't stand and start screaming things like 'we're all gonna die!' he didn't think anything mild was bound to set off the panic.
"I look at it this way, if Grendal takes a group in the car to the dock, while you, Sarah, grab everybody else and make a run for it. That way, on his way back, it won't take so long and he can just grab some other people. Coincidently, you save both time and stay together in larger groups." He took a deep breath and gave thumbs up with his hands. "There, all the problems solved."
"Sounds good to me." Grendal told them. He balled his massive fists. "I can give some of these people firearms. That gun cabinet over there," he pointed at the far wall, "has at least ten maybe twenty rifles along with several automatics in it, plus the guns in the vehicle. That would make about maybe thirty guns overall."
"Well, that's a relief. We might make it through with very few losses."
* * *
Seth, Psylix and Tio wasted no time at all. Less than a minute after hearing the details about the colonies free fall they left the main group. As they ran through the colonies arteries back the way they came, they wondered what the fasted way would be to get there. Seth had automatically assumed the artery they were running down would eventually end up near the control room. However the further they had gone the less likely it seemed. He had seen the blueprints for several of the other colonies and they had all done just that. The maintenance arteries had all run directly toward the center and joined together under the control building. Perhaps this was the one that didn't follow the pattern.
The further they went the less maintained it looked. Meaning he felt they were going in the wrong direction. His senses urged him to stop, so he did.
"Do you hear that?" He asked them scanning the general area. All he saw was a wall with a small hole in it and a small drain running up the wall out of site.
"Not a thing." Psylix told him.
"I feel like we're being watched." He pointed at the wall with the hole in it.. "I suggest we hide in there." He voice trembled with nervousness. "I don't like this feeling." He drew his guns out. Following his lead Psylix drew his blade. "Tio hurry up, get in there." They held their weapons ready and stepped back slowly with their backs to the wall.
"I feel it now as well." Tio told them and slid inward.
Everyone's senses had begun to go crazy. Seth swung his guns to the right as he heard rapid footsteps coming from the shadows. Psylix was halfway in when he felt a tremendous blow in the swell of his back. It was so strong he flew twenty feet and slammed into the wall on the other side of the tunnel. Somehow a gasp of pain escaped as he fell into unconsciousness.
Overcome by surprise of watching Psylix fly across the tunnel Seth never saw the what hit him, however he felt it break his jaw and something throw him to the side like a rag doll. Rolling to a stop all he saw was a metallic foot.
"" He managed to spit out despite his jaw. His vision blurred and faded.
"I've got you now boy." Tio heard (him?) say. His fear was at its peak. He had just seen both Psylix and Seth get knocked senseless instantly by one being. He drew his gun, hoping he wouldn't have to use it yet knowing all the while he would have to.
Backing into the darkness to conceal himself he aimed the gun out the only opening. It would have to come through that hole if it wanted him. His hands were shaking so badly he didn't think he could fire in a straight line.
"Put that toy down."
"N-no! Who are you?" It laughed. The voice was terrible and didn't sound human. "What do you want?"
"I am ADIN, and I came only for you." He flinched at the voice and accidentally fired the gun. The room lit up and the wall exploded with particles. Then he saw it. A robot in near human form. Aside from its lack of skin it stood there staring at him with red luminescent eyes. Light flowed through them like red lightning. "What the matter boy? Do I terrify you?"
He fired on impulse, this time hitting the machine in the chest and knocking it back. Metals shards flew in all directions. A gaping hole was left in the machines gut. It stood motionless as the light faded from its eyes.
Waiting for what felt like an eternity, but most likely five or ten minutes he crawled out of the hole and ran over inspect Seth's condition. As he passed the machine he felt absolute terror and yet a nostalgic feeling he was unable to completely identify.
"You are very dangerous child, and you will be coming with me whether you like it or not!" A wave of terror rolled through his entire body as metallic hand reached down from above and punched him in the face. Tio managed to let out a scream before he too was rendered unconscious.
Text: Any Images Contain with in are property of Paul G Swanson and may not be used without explicit permission from said Artist
Publication Date: 08-27-2009
All Rights Reserved
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