And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (electronic reader txt) π

According to our general scientific knowledge, our history continues from the Egyptians up to us into the 21st Century recorded clearly and defined. Also, all scientific theories such as Einsteins theory of relativity enshrined and anchored fixed in the thoughts of our world.
But what happens, if all that would not agree so?
What happens, if the beginnings of our history would have proceeded differently in reality? If Atlantis, UFO's and the Greys would exist really, if behind our backs a monstrous power struggle throughout the season was going on, if the Greats of our governments have not always told us the truth, despite knowing better, if, for example, the Apollo Program had been carried on in secret, or the MiB's still exist there?
All these questions and possibilities, the author of this book like to try and clarify this with an imagination and a wealth of detail, over the scars damn close to reality!
All in all, a mix of Indiana Jones, SiFi, science fantasy and conspiracy theories of our modern time.
Get involved in an uncanny trip into time...
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- Author: Justin Mader
Read book online Β«And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (electronic reader txt) πΒ». Author - Justin Mader
Finally, she was able to control her facial expressions. "Konfe, ... no...." she croaked, "Dangchee, ......" was all what she could manage to say, despite the best effort of will. Only then he realized that something was wrong. But it was already too late.
Suddenly about 20 security forces stood around them and threatened them with the warp-launchers. "Go, go go, hands up and freeze!"
At last the penny dropped. She was hired by Lord Protector Mikaal to investigate the rebels and to contact their guidance. She had resisted against this idea. And had gone into a partnership with her deputy ship pilots Konfe Luitz, so far, so harmless. But when she found out that he was one of the rebels and even one of their leaders, she immediately would have had to break off contacts, because she posed a terrible threat for Konfe and the rebels. She should have prevented it by all means, because she do knew, that she was monitored by lordprotector Mikaal. He won't be long in coming. And true, slowly with unhurried steps, surrounded by five other security forces, he stepped out of the shadows of the opposite wall with a smug smile on his lips.
"Now here you go! Ohh yes, my dearest friend Anata Snofu and her lover Konfe Luitz in an intimate togetherness! How pathetic!" Was it all really played, or could she hear a tinge of jealousy in his voice?
"Well and IFER of the rebels he is, look you! So Anata, I have to say, respect, respect, as quickly and with such little effort, we really never would have managed to figure out this secret. First today determined to the IFER and a few hours later, we already know it and can make the rebel leader arrest. So all respect to you Anata, you've get it right dazzling, better than any top agent of mine could manage it", now he smiled sarcastically.
Konfe looked at her uncertainly saucer-eyed, "You ... you ... are an agent of them...!"
Now she regained consciousness reasonably. "No, but later to all that!"
"But how you have found us so quickly and get the informationβs? Have you monitored me? But how? No one had followed me and microphones or tracking device, I donβt carry with me, I often have checked me! And you cannot have injected it into my body, I would have noticed!"
"No," he smiled even wider than before, "no, that was not necessary, I have only missed you a few nano-cells in a certain occasion of 'penetration' on the Posseidinoy, you remember? Γhem, ...
Normally harmlessly floating around in your body. Only at certain key words they become active. For example, 'rebellion', 'rebel leader' or the term 'IFER'!
Then they block your thoughts, your feelings and paralyze your movement motor skills and build a great transmitter from biological components, which sends all the surrounding sounds and all thoughts from you to us! Well, we were attentive in this way and here we are!"
She noticed how endorphins were ejected galore in her body and this time they were not controlled from others, not impressed artificial, these were all her own natural feelings and impulses which now came up. All the hatred, all the sensations that had until now been dammed in her, now came to the surface and drove the remaining psychotropic Nano cells ... She hated this man, as she had ever hated any other. He had humiliated her, had used and exploited her, had used her naive faith to live in this kind and had injected this vicious thing in a perverse fashion in an act of intimate familiarity. All now bursting out with natural power.
Checking the condition of the weapons of the soldiers, recognizing that Mikaal itself was too well protect, turning out the Anch22, cutting through four to six security forces exactly in the middle with a highly-collimated beam, ...
That was an action of perhaps five seconds, an action that not even brought the hands of the other security forces to the safety catch, which was still there in the 'safe position'...
Packing Konfe at hand and throwing the puzzled-looking over a wall behind the cafeteria, ....
That was an action by another 10 seconds ...
Landing at the other side on the ground, tugging Konfe through the backyard and until the next driveway addition, ...
That were further 15 seconds...
But in the final analysis they had no chance. Ahead of them already more security forces appeared who already had unlocked the safety catch of the gravity launchers and also from the next alley, there came more.
But rather to perish in style before ...
Pulling up the Anch and firing on the assailed soldiers and forcing them to cover, ...
Prostrating herself and escaping from one warp beam, ...
But then she felt, how a vortex field met her and dissolved her and Konfes twill, ...
But strangely, she felt no pain and the surroundings disappeared even before she slides into the Twilight, ...
... But suddenly she again could perceive her surroundings. She remarked herself inside a feeder Vril, which gathered speed eastwards with remarkable velocity, at least she could notice this in the terminals of the external observation.
An officer of the Space Defense Force nodded with the head without words and without noticing her leveled weapon.
With a hint, another officer with white epaulettes stepped up to her. Slowly she lowered her Anch22 and looked irritated in the round. The officer's doctor put a device on her, that groped her from top to bottom.
When he was done, he noticed, "All right, these nano-cells will now present no more troubles for you!"
The officer of the Space Defense Force bowed reverently, "Oh great IFER, Queen Neith wants to see you!"
After not quite a half an hour on flight they could disembark the discus. In the distance, they could spot the towering panel of a Table Mountain, a Mesa and they could hear the heavy surf of a great sea. They got to the portal of a large ceremonial building. And when they passed several gates besides and saw the simple grandeur of the palace, they could hear an extensive hissing and whispering behind the doors. But the farther they entered the palace, the more they realized that this hiss and whisper do not came from the doors, but from this direction in which they strode. This hissing and whispering grew more intense and slowly it became a murmur, which manifested itself in their minds and in their thoughts. The halls became always higher and more reverent. Wide curved Rib vaults alternated with pillars made of electrum. And the murmur not went out of their heads. In front of them there entrenched a power that had grown no mortal. When they had passed through the last gate, a huge throne room opened before them and at the end they could recognize a splendid contour chair with many engineering equipment. And in this chair sat a roughly estimated 30-year-old beauty. And from her ran out the murmur, the presence, the power that would seem to crush every living thing capable. But this presence was not to suppress the sense, on the contrary, it was a friendly invitation from her to open up and get rid of all problems and to reveal himself. Also, a certain curiosity they could find and perceived it as a positive aura.
"Welcome", it sounded directly in the sense of Anata Snofu and Konfe Luitz, "I wanted to make once, a private picture of you, especially of my future fleet commander. And see that his pretty companion certainly has the moral and physical skills that needed us to help. Please take a seat!"
Near Queen Neith they now could perceive their presence very strongly. As if she'd noticed every single personal thought. The experience and knowledge of millennia gazed into the deepest recesses of their souls. But so Snofu could see, that she got used very quickly to this positive aura. However, her views still went through and through and therefore Snofu could not conceal what associated her with Lord Protector Mikaal. But the Queen had for obvious understanding and said quite human: "Oh poor you, what everything you had to suffer."
During the friendly conversation, the quite private and all tactical knowledge were communicated. It became apparent that the situation for the Rebellion certainly did not look so positive. Although the rebels had numerous spaceships and weapons systems on their side, for the kingdom Azaes or also called Udjat Anch, located at the foot of the Table Mountains, far in the Far East of Atlantis was known for its production of weapons and space ships. However, there were almost no people who could man these spaceships. Most people lived in and around Atlantis City, especially in the Great Plain and in the northern mountains around the capital.
"As you know, the kings of Atlantis are very powerful and have shifted the orbit and the rotation axis of this planet some two thousand years ago. So that in the main colonies of the ten kingdoms a climate temperate could be made possible. The axis was rotated by nearly ninety degrees and the rising of the sun was turned to the south, which now was the East of course. This we have created with all our technology, here in the East. But against one thing our whole nation here, however, has always fought against, the cloning. We were always looking for ways of nature to take its course. Negative tests as our big-headed 'friends', the Klackrraks remaining in our consciousness.
But thus, we have now the problem, to find crews and especially enforcement officers for our ships. And against this, also I cannot do anything! Therefore, my question. Do you know people to climb on our bandwagon, meaning people who would join our cause? But at the same time people that have also a certain understanding of technical and tactical operations?"
While Konfe Luitz only spoke about the confidence of the crew of the Nostremu, so Snofus ore carrier, Snofu could remember in a short contribution in HoloTV, where it was spoken of strangers who moved on from the east, from Egypt towards the Pillars of Heracles. And it was rumored of peculiar sorts of technical equipment that they carried with them. These people should have wiped out and destroyed completely a whole gang of robbers with over 500 men with only the half of the people. The report was not to react closer to the 'how' and more had speaking of rumors, but the rows of the graves were clearly shown in the report.
"Now my dear Snofu, I think to recruit these people, that would be a job for you," the queen finally said.
Time Flash!
11.632 AD Atlantis Two"Now stranger, we are watching you for a long time. We know that you do not belong here and you operate technologically at a much higher level than other ordinary people here. We have a task for you, which could be quite lucrative for you. But if you should try to put up a fight, ... your chemical weapons would have no chance against our Warp cannons and nothing would also align to our protective shields. So, approval of you, yours 'Yunanpos', or 'Greeks'? The weapons you must not give away!"
When I nodded after a panoramic view to my soldiers, she continued: "I am Highprotector Commander Anata Snofu, so then to a good cooperation."
I also raised my right hand in greeting and said: "I also hope that we can make a good cooperation in the future, but I would like to discuss all with my advisors, like you imagine this collaboration!"
Somewhat arrogant and stated whether my audacity, the blonde beauty replied: "Now I do not know what there is to discuss yet, you have only to obey to me and my queen Neith and that's it ..."
A short handle to the back, a short rotation and already my Katana floated two millimeters below her throat. She could not have
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