Blade Of Reckoning by Chris Harris (popular ebook readers txt) 📕

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- Author: Chris Harris
Read book online «Blade Of Reckoning by Chris Harris (popular ebook readers txt) 📕». Author - Chris Harris
Tahkshi sighed. “I think we're holding back Xaos' forces.”
“For now.” The Other said.
The Universe and all of the galaxies within are split into fifteen segments, and there are fifteen Overlords, each one ruling one segment. However, Xaos, a former Overlord of one of the largest segments, got power hungry and started a war to take the others. With a swift, unexpected strike and his own formidable army, he took thirteen more segments. Tahkshi's was the only one left, due to its considerable military advantage: most of the other segments had been at peace for too long, whereas Tahkshi's father was a pessimist, believing that where there is humanity, there will be war. Now Tahkshi's forces are the only things keeping Xaos from full, universal domination.
“We can hold.” Tahkshi said.
The Other laughed loudly. “No you can't.” he drawled. “Not with the universe against you.”
“Ah well.” Tahkshi said, quickly bending down and placing a hand to the ground. It's time to teach this guy a lesson.
Spikes of solid stone erupted through the church floor, puncturing the ceiling. The Other yelped as he dropped his Theta Sword before the spikes grew nearer. In his avoidance, he stumbled back and forth, surprised by the sudden outburst of power. Tahkshi stood when The Other looked as though he was imprisoned in stone.
“Such power...” The Other said, “Your father would be proud.”
“My father was always proud.” Tahkshi said.
“Not your adoptive father,” The Other said, “Your real father.”
Tahkshi leaned closer. “What do you know about my real father?” he asked.
The Other smiled. “I was his advisor.” he answered.
“ Adjeti, too?” Tahkshi asked.
“Yeah.” The Other said. “You're not alone after all. But I soon will be.”
“What?” Tahkshi was taken unawares by the statement.
The Other reached out a hand, calling the Theta Sword to him. The metal blade of it came into his hand, and he grabbed it, before swinging it around, clutching the handle and swinging it in a full circle, shattering the stone spikes around him. Tahkshi switched to a defensive pose and blocked The Other's blow, before drawing his pistol once more. The Other closed his free hand, and the pistol flew out of Tahkshi's hand and into The Other's. Tahkshi backed away, as The Other emptied the pistol of it's magazine with a click, before throwing it away. Tahkshi held the blade ready again. The Other smiled. Tahkshi felt a tug on his blade.
“Shit.” Tahkshi said, before the blade was dragged from his hand and into the hand of The Other, now dual-wielding the blades.
“Indeed.” The Other said. “Look at your allies. Two unconscious, one can't move and two that are busy.”
Tahkshi could see Foton doing something behind The Other, but quickly looked back up at The Other as he continued. “My allies, however, are waiting for me to take you out.”
“Why?” Tahkshi asked.
The Other smiled. “Because they want this segment. Because I have set in motion events that may well cause the end of all. Because I used these people to open a portal to bring back a Demigod.”
“Gods aren't real.” Tahkshi spat.
“Sacrilege!” The Other roared. “We Adjeti were Gods once! Even the Gods of Olympus worshipped us! And now, my Demigod will aid me in bringing about the end.”
“Easy.” The Other smirked. “Just go read The Lost Legend and you'll know. But you're not going to have the chance, are you?”
Tahkshi saw Foton's empty armour on the ground now. He smiled.
The Other's eyes narrowed. “Why are you smiling?” he asked, before Foton's fist caught him in the back of the head. The Other stumbled forward, before turning to Foton, who punched him in the gut. As The Other bent over, Tahkshi snatched his blade out of The Other's hand and yelled, “Run!”
Foton obliged, running for the ship, Tahkshi following. Beneath Foton's armour, he wore a simple white vest and blue shorts which let him move more than the armour did. The Other did not move, instead choosing to watch them run. Tahkshi paused to check on Devilclash, who was just about regaining consciousness. She got up, shifting her flames to pass through the ship on top of her. Foton ran ahead to carry Incarnate to the ship. “Viretta! VEX-TE!” Tahkshi yelled, “Get back to the ship!” He could barely see them, but they were closer to the Watchman than he was as they began to move.
A sound behind Tahkshi caused him to duck suddenly, as a ship flew over him, narrowly missing his head before it crashed into another ship, moving it forwards and exploding. Tahkshi's vision was doused in flames and smoke. He looked back to see The Other standing stock still, arm outstretched.
The Other started walking.
Tahkshi turned and ran, continuing towards the Watchman. He could see that the others had made it there already. A ship shot past him and hit another with another explosion and a shattering, as the hulls and windows smashed together.
“Tahkshi, c'mon!” came a voice from somewhere above him. He looked up to see the Watchman hovering above him, Viretta holding out her hand on the end of the ramp. Tahkshi leapt, grabbing it, before Incarnate, who had seemingly been revived by VEX-TE, lifted them both inside with his gravity powers. Tahkshi breathed a sigh of relief as the ramp closed. “Get us outta here!” he yelled, “He'll try and pull us down!”
“Light-speed engaged.” came VEX-TE's response from the nav-computer.
“Good.” Tahkshi breathed. “We got trashed out there.”
“Yeah,” Foton agreed, “But at least he destroyed all of the ships. Now he ain't got a way off that asteroid.”
Tahkshi considered this. “Good.” he said.
Tahkshi and Foton walked further through the ship until they reached Tahkshi's quarters. Tahkshi placed his thumb on the biometric scanner, and the door slid open to reveal a plain room, with nought but a bed and a steel set of drawers.
“Tahkshi,” Foton said, “What did he say about the war to you?”
“He said that he has brought a Demigod into reality,” Tahkshi said, “And something a bout a Lost Legend.”
“So, he works for Xaos?” Foton asked.
“I assume so.” Tahkshi said, “What do you think about the Demigod?”
“Tahkshi, you know I ain't a religious man.” Foton said sincerely. “But after seeing that slaughter, seeing that man's powers...I just don't know any-more. That was pretty brutal, especially if it doesn't accomplish anything.”
Tahkshi nodded. “How do you think he survived?”
Foton shrugged. “As an Adjeti? Probably same way you did.”
Tahkshi thought about it. “Probably.”
“Tahkshi!” called Devilclash from down the hallway. Tahkshi looked up to see her jog over. “We need to go to the Musun!”
“Why?” asked Tahkshi urgently.
“The Lost Legend The Other's on display at the Musun.” Devilclash explained.
“That it may be,” Tahkshi said, “But it is just a legend.”
“He mentioned the Four Swords of legend and a Demigod.” Devilclash continued, “Both are mentioned in this legend.”
Foton looked at Tahkshi. “I think it's worth checking out.”
Tahkshi nodded reluctantly. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Set course for the Musun!” yelled Foton down to VEX-TE.
VEX-TE obliged, and the ship shot through space towards the planetary museum.
As he emerged back onto the planet Narcsard, Hurricane silently cursed the teleportation booths: the sensation of being torn apart, thrown halfway across the galaxy before being put back together again was something he felt he would never get used to, but at least it was quick, with the whole process occurring in less than a second. He remembered his Grandfather telling him about the very first teleportation booths, and how the entire process took about thirty minutes. Hurricane shuddered, glad that technology had moved on since then.
He left the Musun's building on Narcsard, which contained the booths and screens which showed a few of the different exhibits in the Musun. Outside on Narcsard, he could see why he had to leave. Beggars lined the streets after natural disasters had demolished their homes. The sky, even during the brightest grey, was a dull brown, thanks to the smog thrown out by the various industries on Narcsard. Buildings appeared to be chipped away and surfaces seemed partially melted from the acid that fell from the sky. Vegetation did not exist on the planet any-more, so huge Oxygen generators had been erected to convert the clouds of smog into breathable air. However, people still died thanks to the terrible air. Hurricane knew that all too well: his parents had both lived near to an Oxygen generator that had been destroyed in an Earthquake. They breathed in the poison sky, and died in hospital days later.
Hurricane walked to the spaceport, just across the street from the Musun's building. The streets were not busy: everyone either stayed indoors, at work or off-planet, so Hurricane was able to cross easily. He entered the spaceport, quickly whipping out his ID card and showing it to the receptionist, who allowed him to enter the main hangar.
Moving through the hangar, Hurricane noticed that his group wasn't the only one getting off-planet. Ships in all shapes crowded the barely-used hangar bay, barely used as ships could barely get off-planet due to the EMPs. However, with the temporary lapse, it appeared people were taking their chance. Hurricane's ship was in bay 117, and he could see his ship as he moved closer. Cone shaped for maximum aerodynamics, it currently stood upright, so the nosecone was pointing to the sky. This meant that when he boarded, he would have to stay in the gyroscopic boarding area, until the ship twisted around, so the nosecone faced forwards.
Waiting outside the ship were three men. The first was dressed in a long coat that was but centimetres from dragging along the floor. Underneath the open coat, was a white formal shirt, black trousers and a gold chain around his neck. He had won the chain in a sword fighting tournament, losing out on the platinum chain to Tahkshi. This was Tors, and he was known throughout the Galaxy for his sword-fighting prowess. By his side was a sheath that held a solid gold Katana, his weapon of choice.
Beside Tors were Incision and Insectiron, the twins. Identical at birth, they were easily recognisable. Incision's military service had given him scars, yet had taken his left hand, which had since been replaced with a robotic one. Insectiron, however, was a bit of a wild card, and had his hair was a vivid blonde, as opposed to his twin's lack of hair.
“Hey guys!” Hurricane called, “We ready to go?”
“Hell yeah.” Tors said, “It's about bloody time we got off this dying rock.”
“Shall we board?” Incision asked: he didn't normally say much, but when he did, it tended to be formal questions or instructions.
“Hurricane?” Insectiron asked, “You told Pandora?”
“Yeah,” Hurricane answered, “She said she'll come find me in a few weeks.”
“Cool,” Tors said, “Now let's board.”
“Allright, allright, calm down. It's not the end of the world. Yet.” Hurricane said, jokingly trying to calm Tors. He placed his thumb on the biometric scanner, and the boarding ramp descended. “Let's go.”
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