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Sentry!" roared the monster, deflecting Jason's energy beam with his sword.

"If I can't blast you, then I'll blast the ground beneath you!" yelled Jason, pointing the sword to Sentry's feet. The energy created a massive canyon under Sentry, but he leapt over the hole and stood face to face a with the Black Ranger.

"Clever, but equally ineffective," mocked Sentry. Jason once again tried to cleave the monster with his sword, and with one mighty blow from Sentry, Jason was on the ground once again. "I command you to SLEEP

!" roared Sentry, his eyes glowing. Jason promptly fell into an unconscious heap.

"Jason!" cried the White Ranger. "What did you do to him, Bucket-Head?"

"I put him out of his misery," said Sentry, laughing over Jason's body and approaching Zack. "Would you care to join him?"

"No way, Jose," said Zack, running circles around Sentry at the speed of light. The only thing visible was a ring of white light, keeping Sentry from moving.

"You can dance about all you like, White Ranger, but it will do you no good. Now, STOP

!" And Zack stopped dead in his tracks.

"Tommy!" cried Katherine, "Jason's out cold, and Zack and Kimberly are both frozen still!"

"I noticed," said Tommy, "and we've got to get them to the CAC pronto. I'll distract Sentry, while you and Adam help the others."

Tommy concentrated all his willpower into his hands. Once they were glowing with fiery red energy, he released the power in a wide beam directly at Sentry's chest. Although this amount of power could ignite a volcano, Sentry remained standing, blocking the mighty beam of fire with his broadsword.

"You're elemental powers are nothing compared to my psionic and physical might!" roared Sentry. "You can never defeat me! However, the Black Ranger had the right idea. Creating an earthquake is very effective. And since you can't fly, I think its time I buried you, Red Ranger!"

Sentry struck the ground with his huge sword, causing the ground around him to cave in. Tommy was thrown off the ground by the force of the impact. He landed roughly amidst the rubble of the former Command Center.

"Tommy!" cried Katherine, immediately running towards him. Adam flew in front of her and stood in her path.

"Wait, Kat, we need to be careful. We're the only ones left."

"So, what do we do, Adam?" she asked frustratedly.

"Since my element is wind, I can fly. Also, even though the others' energy attacks didn't work, I think I can distract him long enough for you to see if Tommy's okay. Jason had the right idea -- we have to attack him indirectly."

Adam flew to Sentry and created a huge cyclone. The cyclone spun Sentry around so quickly that he was unable to concentrate his hypnotic abilities on Adam to force him to stop. Meanwhile, Kat dug the fallen Red Ranger out of a pile of blackened debris.

"Are you okay, Tommy?" she asked.

"Yeah," said Tommy, rising to his feet and brushing the dirt off his costume. "How about the others?"

"Adam is busy distracting Sentry, but everyone else seems to be in some sort of trance."

"Sentry said that he had psionic powers, so he probably hypnotized Jason, Kim, and Zack. We've got to find a way to hit him hard enough to break his concentration and release the others. We should contact Billy, pronto."

Part Nine

Chapter Eleven

In the Central Access Complex, Tanya was monitoring both Rocky and the communications, while Billy accessed the files containing the schematics of the Terra Zords.

"According to these files," said Billy, "the Terra Zords possess the same elemental powers as the Terran Rangers do, but on an infinitly larger scale. There are five sub-zords: the Red Phoenix, White Cheetah, Yellow Thunderbird, Black Rhinocerous, Green Eagle, and Blue Alligator. The Cheetah and the Eagle are very fast and agile, while the Thunderbird and the Phoenix are the weapons. The Rhino and the Alligator are the strongest and sturdiest of the zords. The Mega Terrazord combines all these attributes, and even magnifies them. This will be an amazinf Megazord, once I finish building it."

"Billy!" said Tanya, "Tommy's on the line. I'll put him on speaker."

^Billy, we've got a problem up here!^

said Tommy's voice, ^Kim, Jason, and Zack have been hypnotized, and we can't seem to get a good shot on Sentry. Can you find a weakness somewhere?^

"Let me check," answered Billy, changing the view on his computer monitor. He instantly ran a series of scans on the monster the rangers were fighting. He brushed back his blonde hair with his hands as he hurriedly tried to read the computer readout.

"According to my analysis, the vast majority of Sentry's power is in his broad sword. If you destroy his sword, you disrupt his hypnotic abilities."

^How do we destroy the sword?^

asked Kat's voice.

"I'm not sure. It'll take a while for the computer scan to come up with a reasonable solution."

^We don't have the time! We'll figure something out. Tommy out.^

Billy sighed as he turned off the communicator. He activated the Viewing Globe and started to watch the battle. A part of him actually missed being on the front lines. I sure hope Zordon was right in choosing me to be the mentor of the Terran Rangers. It's much easier to be following orders than to give advice!

Billy turned to Tanya, who was still monitoring Rocky's condition. "Is he awake yet?"

"Not yet," answered Tanya, "but I could wake him up with a shot of smelling salts if you want. He just need his rest."

"He'll be okay. Good. Zordon really left us a great medical unit. It speeds up the healing process astronomically."

"Yeah. And it's a good thing too. Rocky probably would have died without this intensive care. He had a severe head injury, which could have caused internal bleeding in the cerebrum. Not a pretty sight."

"I really appreciate all the help you've been giving me, Tanya. I don't know how I'd monitor this big place without help. In the Command Center, there was always at least Alpha to lend a hand."

"No problem, Billy," said Tanya. "After all, Aisha sent me here to help, and that's what I'm doing. I may not be a ranger, but I can still lend a hand."

Billy smiled at her and then returned to the Viewing Globe. Maybe if I watch the fight, my amazing brain will come up with a way to defeat this creature.

Part Ten

Chapter Twelve

At the battered remains of the Command Center, the Blue and Red Rangers finished consulting with Billy while the Green Ranger struggled to keep Sentry contained in a raging cyclone.

"Guys!" he cried, "I don't think I can keep this up much longer!"

"I doubt you can, Green Ranger," said Sentry, delivering a debilitating punch to Adam through the cyclone, immediately knocking Adam unconscious.

"Four down," laughed Sentry, "two to go. Now I can concentrate on you, Tommy, and your little Kat too!"

The Red and Blue Terran Rangers stepped back slowly as Sentry approached, his hyena face growling and his massive sword drawn. As Tommy stepped back, his foot kicked something metallic on the dirt. He looked down to see the yellow Thunderbow.

"I have an idea," he said, picking up the bow, "Kat, remember when Kim shot Sentry's sword with a thunder arrow? It disoriented him! The Thunderbow probably packs the biggest punch."

"Do you think you can use the bow?" asked Kat, "I mean, you've never been into archery, and its supposed to harness lightning energy. Zordon said it was created to harness Zeus' thunderbolt."

"I'll give it a try," said Tommy, pulling back on the drawstring. Instead of a yellow thunderbolt forming on the bow, a red stream of fire appeared. Tommy released the fiery arrow at Sentry, who dodged it easily.

"You need to take archery lessons from the Yellow Ranger," laughed Sentry, "Anyone could dodge that pathetic shot!"

"Tommy, prepare to fire another shot!" said Katherine, clasping her hands together. A bluish white cloud formed around her hands, and she held out her arms towards Sentry, pointing her two index fingers. From her fingertips fired a mass of hailstones, as hard as rock. The small stones streaked through the air like speeding bullets, striking Sentry dozens at a time. Sentry growled and tried to block as many hailstones as he could. He then covered his face with his free hand, leaving his sword dangling in his other hand.

"Tommy, NOW

!" cried Katherine, increasing the

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