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She looked over toward the right and smiled at the sight of the train, which was far off into the distance. She moved away and walked closer toward April.

The train began arriving and a few words popped up on the screen:


“Chugga, chugga, choo-choo… chugga, chugga, choo-choo…”


They watched the train drive closer to the explosive. The minute the train hit the rocket, Asmyne pressed the button. When nothing happened, she lost her smile. She continued pressing the button but nothing. She began to grow frustrated.

Once the train was gone, Asmyne dropped the remote and ran for the rocket. She examined it to see why it didn’t do anything and that was when the explosion happened. A word formed in all capital letters on the screen:




The smoke cleared and Asmyne’s glasses slide down her nose. Her hair was more out of place than ever. Dust covered her face. She quickly moved her mouth. A couple of small words formed on the screen:


“Oh… boy.”


Asmyne fell backwards. Another word formed on the screen:





Gimat was in his living room. He moved around. Semi walked into the room. “Why hello, honey,” he told his new wife.

Semi smiled.

“I was thinking before we destroy the earth, we should visit it first.”

“Oh… that sounds fun. Want to bring the kids?”

“No. They can stay here so that way we can be alone. Besides, I want to rub all of this in Asmyne’s face.” He locked eyes with Semi and smiled. “I love you so much.”



Asmyne and April were now in Asmyne’s laboratory. “Can I talk now?” April asked, making sure she could actually speak. She smiled in relief.

Asmyne pulled the hair tie out of her hair and her hair was so messy that it looked like she had been sitting in the electric chair. “What do you want now?” she asked, removing her glasses from her nose. She folded them up and placed them into the left top pocket on her lab coat.

“To apologize… about everything… Wiley told me about your ex-husband….”

“I’ve already told Damen about Gimat. I don’t believe in keeping secrets like that from the man I’m seeing. He just doesn’t know that me and Gi were married for ten years before he met Semi and decided he wanted his lab rat over me. It really hurt.”

“Yeah, Wiley also mentioned that Gimat left you because you can’t have children.”

Asmyne looked away. The hurt was slowly coming back but she didn’t want the earthling to know.

“So you and Damen lied to me when you told me you were pregnant?”

“Yeah that was a lie. Besides, even if I could have children, I and Damen haven’t actually done anything to place us in that predicament.”

April felt herself sigh with relief. “So Damen doesn’t know about you being an alien?”

“No. Not yet.”

“When are you going to tell him?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“What are you going to wait till after you’re married for ten years to tell him?” April asked. She hadn’t realized that her tone had gone from being kind and gentle to being angry and judgmental.

“No. I plan on telling him. I just want to wait for the right time. Now do not yell at me. I just found out that my ex-husband plans on destroying this planet and I’m doing what I can to stop him… got it?”

April didn’t reply. She blinked a couple of times, shocked.

“I have a lot of pressure. I don’t need any more.”

Wiley walked into the area. “Can you two please keep it down? I’m trying to take a nap.”

“Sorry, Wiley,” Asmyne told him.

“Sorry, Wiley,” April repeated.

Wiley turned around left.

The Dream

The following afternoon, Asmyne and April were walking around outside of the apartments. “You see, earthling, there is much you still don’t understand about me and Wiley, and well, if you want friends, you’ll have to learn how not to judge people before you get to know them,” Asmyne explained.

“I apologized….”

“Yes but you still have a lot of nosy questions. I can tell. You already know more than you should. I didn’t want you to know about Gimat at all really because I knew that you’d think the worst and I didn’t want to have to explain about him.”

“But you didn’t, Wiley did….”

“Still… it was my business… my personal business that you shouldn’t have learned about. You weren’t supposed to know that I was exiled to this planet for destroying my own planet… and you most certainly shouldn’t have learned that me and Wiley are aliens, but that mutt has a hard time keeping his mouth shut.”

“You’re so weird.”

“Me weird? You’re the one who’s living with a couple of aliens and I’m the weird one?”

“You are-” April didn’t know how to comment to Asmyne’s question. She and Sasha were the only two who knew Asmyne’s secret but if they told anyone they would have looked like idiots.

“Don’t know how to reply to that huh?”

A girl with curly strawberry blonde hair and ocean blue eyes walked over to them. She looked to be about a couple of years younger than them.

Asmyne raised an eyebrow at the girl. She could tell that the girl was trouble from the way she was dressed. Talk about trampy, she thought.

The girl wore a sleeveless, sandy brown alter top which revealed her belly button. The blue jean shorts she wore were too short and almost revealed a certain area that shouldn’t be seen.

Wow the earthling version of Semi, Asmyne thought. She better stay away from Damen or I’ll make her suffer.

“What do you want, Raye?” April asked.

Asmyne could tell from April’s voice that she didn’t like the girl either.

“Well, I heard that you and Bryson are finally together,” the girl answered with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

“Yeah… so?”

“Well, if you two break up can you give him my number?”

April dropped her mouth in disbelief.

“I assure you that April and Bryson will be together for a long time… they’ll wind up getting married,” Asmyne interrupted.

Raye looked at Asmyne, confused. “And who are you?” she asked, rudely.

“April’s roommate, Asmyne, and also her brother’s girlfriend,” the alien replied.

“You’re dating Damen?” Raye asked with even more jealousy.

“That’s what I just said.” Asmyne had a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “You like trying to steal guys from other girls… don’t you, tramp?”

“You’re so rude. I don’t even know you.”

“I know the kind of girl you are… just by the way you’re dress… if you had any respect for your body, you wouldn’t be dressed like a prostitute.”

“Who do you think you are my mother?”

“No, but if I was, I would be ashamed to know you. I would just disown you.”

Raye dropped her mouth at the insult. “You’re rude.” She left.

April turned to face Asmyne. “Wow,” she finally spoke with shock. “That was extremely rude.”

“But true… women shouldn’t be a loud to dress like that… especially a child. It’s a shame. How do you know that tramp?”

“We were friends at one time but then she started acting like a spoiled brat. Every time she was single and I had a boyfriend, she would try her best to break us up, so she could get him to herself.”

“Sounds like Semi, except we weren’t really friends. Did it work?”

“No… when me and my boyfriend, at the time, actually broke up it was for other reasons but we’d stay friends though.”

Asmyne smiled a little.

“Thanks for standing up for me. That was nice.”

“No problem. Someone needed to tell that girl something… or she was going to go through life thinking that everyone’s supposed to bow down to her.”



Gimat and Semi had landed on earth. They were in the woods next to the town. Gimat stood up and helped his ratty wife to her feet. “We’ll tell the earthling’s that we’re going to a costume party,” he said. “They’ll fall for it.”

Gimat grabbed Semi’s hand and they walked out of the woods and found their way to the town. “Is this our second honeymoon?” Semi asked, smiling.

“It’s whatever you want it to be, honey,” he answered, leading the way. He figured that asking for directions would be a good idea and seeing if anyone happened to know Asmyne.

“Yay! A second honeymoon! Can we go swimming?”

“Not now… maybe later… it’s so amazing how this planet looks like Sylestny.”

Semi looked around and had to agree with Gimat.



Later that night, April walked into Asmyne’s room and shock filled her body. “Oh my gosh.”

“What?” Asmyne asked.

“Your room… this is the first time I actually see this… your room is actually… a bedroom.”

Wiley jumped up onto Asmyne’s bed and curled up into a ball.

Asmyne looked around. She couldn’t understand why April was so surprised. “Um… yeah… where do you think I sleep at night? In my laboratory?”

“Yeah,” April answered.

“Well, this is my room,” Asmyne told her.

“And my room too, professor,” Wiley replied.

“And Wiley’s room too… don’t comment to that,” she added the last part for Wiley.

“Okay. Well, I was just coming in here to say goodnight… goodnight, Asmyne… goodnight, Wiley.”

“Good night, earthling.”

“Goodnight, April.” Wiley stuck his head up and smiled, sticking the tip of his tongue out.

April smiled at the wolf then left and closed the door behind her.



Asmyne and Damen were sitting by a swimming pool. They talked and laughed. Bryson and April were with them, off in their own little conversation.

“We should do this more often,” April laughed, glancing over at Asmyne and Damen.

“Yes… this is fun,” Bryson agreed.

Damen and Asmyne watched Bryson and April share a kiss.

“Aww,” Asmyne sighed. “That’s so sweet.”

“Oh… you think that’s sweet,” Damen said and he stood up. He pulled Asmyne up to her feet and they kissed.

Asmyne’s eyes closed. Once they were done, she pulled away from him and opened her eyes. She smiled until she realized that the man standing in front of her wasn’t Damen anymore. He was… Gimat.

“You’re cheating on my brother with your ex-husband.” April’s voice came from behind Asmyne with anger.

“Hello, Asmyne.” Gimat smiled, holding up Asmyne’s chin.

Asmyne jerked away from Gimat and closed her eyes again.



Asmyne jerked up and opened her eyes. She looked around the dark room. The moonlight was the only light in the room.

Wiley felt Asmyne jerk up and his sleepy eyes looked at her. “Are you alright, professor?”

“Yeah… I just had kind of a bad dream.”

“A nightmare?”

“No, it just wasn't a good dream. I went to kiss Damen… when we pulled away from each other he was Gimat.”

“Ooo… scandals.”

“Shut up, Wiley,” Asmyne said, eyeing him.


“What can it mean?”

“I don’t know.”

“I lost all the feelings that I had for Gimat a long time ago so it can’t be that. What if it’s telling me that… no… wait… maybe it’s because I’m worried that Damen’s going to do the same thing that Gimat did to me. I plan on telling him that we’re aliens but what if he leaves me after that. That would be a reason to-”

“Professor, relax. I haven’t met Damen yet… but I don’t think that he’s going to dump you… especially for another girl. Man, Gimat messed you up pretty bad, professor.”

“You really think so?”


“Okay. Well, I’m going to tell Damen soon… probably tomorrow. Good night, Wiley.” Asmyne lay back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

“Night, professor.” Wiley rested his head in between his paws and closed his eyes.

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