Genre - Science Fiction. You are on the page - 130
This SciFi tale was written to explain to myself the very synchronistic reality I encountered, and contains Romance, Reincarnation, Future Tech, Hollow Earth, and scientific concepts that were only intuitively clear to me then. Later books expanded on that area, in stuff that was no longer fictional, but more of an alternate view of science and common sense...
The world is not what it seems. Millions of lightyears away from her home planet, Kira is the sole survivor of the Earth colony on Calypso. Trapped on the exotic rain forest planet, Kira is surrounded by natives who want her dead and watched by the organization that sent her there. Without warning, Kira is thrown into a world of politics, betrayal, and desperation. She must relearn the ability to love and trust if she is ever going to survive. Picture courtesy of Li Bromfield,