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Die a Hundred Deaths by Levin Westfall (adventure books to read .txt) πŸ“• - American Library Books πŸ“š Read (28910) Books Online Free

An entry for Bookrix's Drabbles contest, this book contains three different stories that reflect a different facet of the final stage of life.

The Treehouse by Jordan Brunswick (classic book list .TXT) πŸ“• - American Library Books πŸ“š Read (28910) Books Online Free

β€˜What happened next?’ Jake said excitedly, we were sitting in the middle of lounge room on the soft old shag carpet in a circle, the lounge room was painted with a pearly white paint which was peeling off. There were four kids sitting on the floor, Nick, Jane, Jake and Nina, they were watching and waiting eagerly to hear what happened next in the story.

Something Inextricable by Adrienne Giacon (best novels for students TXT) πŸ“• - American Library Books πŸ“š Read (28910) Books Online Free

This short story is written from the view of a Half caste Maori woman in the 1800s, in the aftermath of her husbands death she struggles with the restraints of her culture and her very being. It contrasts the Western beliefs with the more naturalistic ones of the Maori people.

No Me Olvides by Anna (black male authors TXT) πŸ“• - American Library Books πŸ“š Read (28910) Books Online Free

Esta historia la comenze a escribir pensando en una persona en particular que tuvo fama y dinero, murio joven y nunca tuvo una segunda oportunidad en el amor, en esta historia tiene una segunda oportunidad para amar...