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oking for them here."March thought of asking him what he was looking for; but, feeling unequalto a technical discussion at least as deep as the deep-sea fishes,he returned to more ordinary topics. "Delightful sort of hole this is," he said. "This little delland river here. It's like those places Stevenson talks about,where something ought to happen." "I know," answered the other. "I think it's because the place itself,so to speak, seems to happen and not

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. He wore a faded blue sweater, ragged with dirt, and short pants. His hair was long and matted. Brown hair. It hung over his face and around his ears. He held something in his arms."What's that you have?" Hendricks said sharply. The boy held it out. It was a toy, a bear. A teddy bear. The boy's eyes were large, but without expression. Hendricks relaxed. "I don't want it. Keep it." The boy hugged the bear again. "Where do you live?" Hendricks said. "In

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among the bracken but a few paces apart.'What beast wouldst thou slay?' cried Deirdre, affrighted. 'It was no beast,' said Nathos, 'but yonder among the bracken lieth a deadman, if my javelin missed not its mark.' In fear and wonder Deirdre ran to the spot. No man lay there, but she sawon the bracken the form of a crouching man. She saw, too, the tracks thatmarked his escape. Nathos followed her, and stooped to take his javelin from the ground. Andthere, beside it, lay a wooden-hilted knife.

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picture, and gazed into those grey-green eyes till tears of passionate happiness filled my own."Oh! my dear, my dear, how shall I pass the hours till I hold you again?" No thought, then, of my whole life's completion and consummation being a dream. I staggered up to my room, fell across my bed, and slept heavily and dreamlessly. When I awoke it was high noon. Mildred and her mother were coming to lunch. I remembered, at one o'clock, Mildred coming and her existence. Now indeed the