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pared. They are good, better, best, and bad, worse, worst. In spite of the fact that these adjectives are among the most common in use and their comparison may be supposed to be known by everybody, one often hears the expressions gooder, goodest, more better, bestest, bader, badest, worser, and worsest. Needless to say, these expressions are without excuse except that worser is sometimes found in old English.Illiterate people sometimes try to make their speech more forceful by combining the two
ivation of mushrooms. Florists need the loam and manure anyway, and these are just as good for potting purposes--better for young stock--after having been used in the mushroom beds than they were before, so that the additional expense in connection with the crop is the labor in making the beds and the price of the spawn. Mushrooms are not a bulky crop; they require no space or care in summer, are easily grown, handled, and marketed, and there is always a demand for them at a good price. If the
tant. Laugh a little, you know, and hold on to my arm."Marilee's fingers were cold on Dikar's arm, but her laugh rippled like a little stream running over pebbles in its bed. They walked slowly away from the fire reached the shadowy edge of the woods, were closed around by the forest darkness. "Now!" Dikar said, and he was flitting through the forest night, Marilee a silent shadow behind him. It was like her to stay close behind, like her to ask no questions as he ran through the
new civilization. Morning is still the most universal figure of progress, the type of a new life. More than all other natural occurrences it is used as a symbol of something higher.May we not, accordingly, discover that from a psychological as well as a physiological point of view, for reasons of health and development, morning is the most significant and important time of the day! No human being at the first moment of awakening is gloomy or angry. Everyone awakes in peace with all the world.
naudibly to himself, lifting the page a little at a time and sliding one of the transparent plastic sheets under it, working with minute delicacy. Not the delicacy of the Japanese girl's small hands, moving like the paws of a cat washing her face, but like a steam-hammer cracking a peanut. Field archaeology requires a certain delicacy of touch, too, but Martha watched the pair of them with envious admiration. Then she turned back to her own work, finishing the table of contents.The next page
lo sun | suno | soo'no thaw | degelo | deh-geh'lo thunder | tondro | tohn'dro weather | vetero | veteh'ro west | okcidento | ohk-tsee-dehn'toh wind | vento | vehn'toh2. Land and Water. (La Tero kaj la Akvo.) English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. -------------------+-------------------------+------------------------ Bay | golfeto | golf-eh'toh beach | marbordo | mahrbohr'doh canal | kanalo | kanah'lo cape | terkapo | tehr-kah'po cliff | krutegajxo | kroo-teh-gah'zho coast | marbordo |