Author's e-books - Horror. Page - 9

The recurring dream would not stop, over and over he saw it until he finally decided to do something about it. Crossing a gate to another dimension Arioch finds himself in a world where technology and magic are at odds. Unable to return to his own realm he must seek out his purpose in this world. ((Work in progress. Chapters will be added as I complete them. Also, I do not do heavy technical editing until I am finished writing so any technical critiques will but noted but are unlikely to be

.......At first, the silence was strained, Gabby was on high alert, for anything out of the ordinary, and for Angel's cry. In her peripheral vision, she could see that Daryl was relaxed, his eyes were closed, but he was still alert, she could see that the muscles under his shirt were strained, and he was too still. To find out how alert he was, Gabby moved slightly, her jeans making a soft scuffing noise on the floor........

"We thought we are all bounded.We believed death was the end of everything but we were wrong."-Marvin The odd is going to be equal to even. Note: (Based on a true incident....but the characters and the places here are entirely fiction .....I tried my best to make the story alive so,I leave it to reader's Imagination.)