Author's e-books - Suicide. Page - 3

"Sami! Sam, don't do it! Sami, please!" I have never resented the distance separating us more than in this moment as I try to reach her through the webcam. "SAMI, COME BACK HERE NOW," I shriek, crying hysterically. When the black-haired girl walks out of her bathroom and back into my sight, her look says it all; I know instantly it happened again. It's never hurt quite this much, though. This time, there's the heart-wrenching pain of knowing that I was right here, unable to

"the walls close in as cold air touches my skin I'm tired of the lies trying to pretend that I'm not dying I fake a smile luckily they don't care enough to dial into my real emotions they couldn't bare the truth if only they tried pealing through my layers to see the real me then maybe they would finally love me"