Author's e-books - Trust. Page - 1

Everybody at some point wants to be JUST LOVED in the right way and for denisexual people like us, being just loved is so important for nothing else works. We just want to be cuddled and respected and that doesn't mean we want SEX all the time and not everybody can satisfy us! Only our loved one's can satisfy our soul in every way.

Kara has been given a short leash all 16 years of her life, and she has no problems with that leash. Kara keeps to herself, loves nature, and is scared of strangers, but when given a one-time offer, she is allowed to go to her uncle's house in California for the whole summer. Her original idea of free is staying at home every night, doing nothing, untill she meets Austin at a park in the middle of the night. Sweet, caring, and intelligent, Austin shows Kara what it truly means to love life.

When Letty found out about her cheating boyfriend, Jonathan, all she could do to forget was focusing on her job. This, however, was interrupted by a fight between Jonathan and Michael, a dear friend that had a crush on her since forever. Kate, her best friend, is the only person capable of helping her with this so she can finally move on.