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Everything seems to be "up for grabs" as economies struggle to cope with debt and extremism. (Threats that have never been seen before in history (because of the scale of the capabilities for assault on a nation or a people) plus a populous which is growing more dependent on large national programs as opposed to personal initiative.) Great struggles exist from the encroachment of government into private lives and into every arena of social posturing from education, to religion, to
The universality of that revelation is startling. When the efforts of man, doing the work of the Lord, run into to difficulties-this admonition rises to meet him. Man's effort apart from the will and leadership of the Lord do not possess this attribute. When Zerubbabel met opposition and mountains of oppression from both inside the camp (Israel abandoned building the Temple and began building homes for themselves) and outside the camp (surrounding tribes sought legal and illegal means to stop
Everything seems to be "up for grabs" as economies struggle to cope with debt and extremism. (Threats that have never been seen before in history (because of the scale of the capabilities for assault on a nation or a people) plus a populous which is growing more dependent on large national programs as opposed to personal initiative.) Great struggles exist from the encroachment of government into private lives and into every arena of social posturing from education, to religion, to
The universality of that revelation is startling. When the efforts of man, doing the work of the Lord, run into to difficulties-this admonition rises to meet him. Man's effort apart from the will and leadership of the Lord do not possess this attribute. When Zerubbabel met opposition and mountains of oppression from both inside the camp (Israel abandoned building the Temple and began building homes for themselves) and outside the camp (surrounding tribes sought legal and illegal means to stop