Author's e-books - humour. Page - 6

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to crash a fairground ride, upset the Russian mob, humiliate yourself before millions of people on national television, cause eleven thousand pounds damage to a restaurant in Blackpool as a result of your ineptitude with an industrial belt sander, be a bodyguard, make a movie with an A-list Hollywood actress, try to start a business in holographic confectionery, pole-dance, hang a lawnmower from a tree, receive a VIP tour of The Whitehouse, become

Fay Thompson moved to Crete from London to make a new life for herself on the Greek island in the sun. Over the years she built up strong friendships and established herself as a writer and reviewer of tourist resorts and excursions. It was everything she had ever wanted. She was finally in control of her life, it was organised, she knew where she stood, she was happy. Or was she? Adam Ford was a relative newcomer to the island but decided to move his business to Crete to escape a cutthroat and