Author's e-books - justice. Page - 2

Zormna is at court once more for insubordination--assumed guilty and forced to prove herself innnocent. Unfortunately her record of pranks is against her. And the judges in the Council have a vendetta. At the least, she could lose her position in the Surface Patrol. At worst, she could end up in prison for a crime she did not commit.

Leonardo is a special boy with an emotional disability. But this is not to say that his ability to see things for what they are is in any way inhibited compared to other boys or even the grownups. In Leonardo's house there lives a Wretch, which is another word for a special kind of servant that every house in the city has. In fact, Wretches are all over the city, being put to use to do every conceivable work that can bring the people comfort. Recently, questions have arisen regarding the true