Author's e-books - letters. Page - 1

In the land of Maldos, the birth of the fraternal twins Bernum and Malkia was considered as a sign of perfection. Perfectly balanced. Yin and yang. But the birth of their deformed younger brother, Dennik, and the death of their mother was considered the ultimate of curses and the child was regarded as a demon by all except for his father, brother, and sister. The twins vow to learn magic to find a cure for Dennik--but in Maldos the equality of yin and yang is a facade. Only boys are allowed to

After being forbidden to see or talk to one another,Kaleb and Cora send secret notes to one another using Kalebs pet bird, LuLu. Kaleb wants Cora forever and has since they met in the 3rd grade. Only to come stand up to her mom and find she has died just that night. Though, he can still see her. Right in front front of his face.

Alice has just moved 12345 miles away from her best friend, Alexsandera and Alices mother has been ever so curel to her since her fathers death when sends secret e-mails and texts and letters and calls to Alexsandrea her mother dosnet get to liking her hiding stuff so alice gets betten and trowin around and will Alexsandrea tell or keep letting her best friend get hurt