Author's e-books - past. Page - 1

One day, Young Saeng wakes up in hospital. He doesn't understand why he is so achy and bruised, yet what frightens him the most is the fact, that he doesn't know who he is. All of his memories are gone and no one is even looking for him. After being treated he's discharged and thanks to the kindness of the first person he get closely to know, the nurse named Kim Aeri, he's in ability to start a new life. However the past distresses him. What he has done in the previous life, that there's no

Aditi Chauhan was the famous singer all over the world who goes with the name 'BLOSSOM ANGLE'. After her fresh break up with her boyfriend, she decided to go to a famous school River high to have a fresh start with a new identity, where she met one of her fans Rahul Sharma and fall in love with him.

An old Native American Indian man is telling a story to his grandson. His grandson does not know his Grandfather is very sick, and slowly dying. Before he leaves this world he has to know if his grandson walks the good red road, and that he will keep the stories alive and tell them to the next generation.