Author's e-books - running away. Page - 1

As I was running away I looked back, over my shoulder while I hear him screaming for me to come back. Crap! He's right behind me!! I turn my head back... But not in time... I run into a very hard thing... I'm assuming a tree! Crap he's going to get me! I almost fall backwards when the tree grabs my arm, preventing me from it. Wait... What?? I look up to see a man. I look into his blue eyes that have a hint of gray in them, and almost forget why I was there in the first place... He shoves me

Maybe it just her looks are her cheeky charm which make Abbie fit but then there's her twin Alyssa. They are both good girls but when horror and deaths hit their town they move to a new location. somewhere where they can save and kill the supernatural that roam. But will this tear the sisters apart or will one die before they find out

Eden is special. She has always known there was something fundamentally different between her and the shildren she played with at the park. Between her and the teachers at her school. Even between her and her parents. When she was eleven her parents told her she was adopted, and her world became clearer. She understands why her parents never seemed to want her. Why she looks nothing like her parents. And why she has always been an outcast. Or atleast she thought this explained everything. When