Author's e-books - shoes. Page - 1

Fashion is an important aspect of our lives. Why do women and beauty products get along so well? The answer is simple: cosmetics make you appear beautiful, and women want to look beautiful, so you've got yourself a match made in heaven - the perfect couple. Today's fashion and the newest lipstick colors are no assurance that you will look beautiful if you do not feel good about yourself.

Two brothers aged about 8 and 10 went out early in the morning. It was a rainy season, younger brother put his leg in the mud with water. His shoes became dirty. Nearby, there was a abondened open well. There was a caution board outside not to enter. He went inside the well without seeing the board to wash his shoes. His elder brother protested him not to enter in the well. But he did not listen to the warning and entered by using few steps. Accidently, he fell in the well and could not come