Author's e-books - stories. Page - 4

The City of Jakarta is often described as the "Big Durian," by visitors astonished by the shear size, and the diversity of its people. Inside the "City of Dreams," are a collection of true stories that may amaze, amuse or simply confuse you. Tales of a megacity on the move- the people who survive in this City, and those who choose to remain in an often very surreal World. People whose everyday lives and dreams are often overlooked- who do make up the true heart of the city

There are short stories that I write when I'm bored or have nothing else to do. The first one, I had written before a few years ago, About an Alien girl and such. The Second one is about a swordsmen, named Fraia. She protects the land and house from a savage Brute, named Rio. He uses a Hammer of monstrous strength. The third is a fight with a newly found friend against a Hydra. They find it and kill it and such. (It was a role play with a friend and thus I made it into a chapter for one of my