American library books Β» Western Β» The Young Forester by Zane Grey (best novels in english .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«The Young Forester by Zane Grey (best novels in english .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Zane Grey

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stood others pike-poling the logs toward the trestle, where an endless chain caught them with sharp claws and hauled them up. Half-way from, the ground they were washed clean by a circle of water-spouts.

I walked up the trestle and into the mill. The noise almost deafened me. High above all other sounds rose the piercing song of the saw, and the short intervals when it was not cutting were filled with a thunderous crash that jarred the whole building. After a few confused glances I got the working order into my head, and found myself in the most interesting place I had ever seen.

As the stream of logs came up into the mill the first log was shunted off the chain upon a carriage. Two men operated this carriage by levers, one to take the log up to the saw, and the other to run it back for another cut. The run back was very swift. Then a huge black iron head butted up from below and turned the log over as easily as if it had been a straw. This was what made the jar and crash. On the first cut the long strip of bark went to the left and up against five little circular saws. Then the five pieces slipped out of sight down chutes. When the log was trimmed a man stationed near the huge band-saw made signs to those on the carriage, and I saw that they got from him directions whether to cut the log into timbers, planks, or boards. The heavy timbers, after leaving the saw, went straight down the middle of the mill, the planks went to the right, the boards in another direction. Men and boys were everywhere, each with a lever in hand. There was not the slightest cessation of the work. And a log forty feet long and six feet thick, which had taken hundreds of years to grow, was cut up in just four minutes.

The place fascinated me. I had not dreamed that a sawmill could be brought to such a pitch of mechanical perfection, and I wondered how long the timber would last at that rate of cutting. The movement and din tired me, and I went outside upon a long platform. Here workmen caught the planks and boards as they came out, and loaded them upon trucks which were wheeled away. This platform was a world in itself. It sent arms everywhere among the piles of lumber, and once or twice I was as much lost as I had been up in the forest.

While turning into one of these byways I came suddenly upon Buell and another man. They were standing near a little house of weather-strips, evidently an office, and were in their shirt-sleeves. They had not seen or heard me. I dodged behind a pile of planks, intending to slip back the way I had come. Before I could move Buell's voice rooted me to the spot.

β€œHis name's Ward. Tall, well-set lad. I put Greaser after him the other night, hopin' to scare him back East. But nix!”

β€œWell, he's here nowβ€”to study forestry! Ha! ha!” said the other.

β€œYou're sure the boy you mean is the one I mean?”

β€œGreaser told me so. And this boy is Leslie's friend.”

β€œThat's the worst of it,” replied Buell, impatiently. β€œI've got Leslie fixed as far as this lumber deal is concerned, but he won't stand for any more. He was harder to fix than the other rangers, an' I'm afraid of him.” he's grouchy now.

β€œYou shouldn't have let the boy get here.”

β€œStockton, I tried to prevent it. I put Greaser with Bud an' Bill on his trail. They didn't find him, an' now here he turns up.”

β€œMaybe he can be fixed.”

β€œNot if I know my business, he can't; take that from me. This kid is straight. He'll queer my deal in a minute if he gets wise. Mind you, I'm gettin' leary of Washington. We've seen about the last of these lumber deals. If I can pull this one off I'll quit; all I want is a little more time. Then I'll fire the slash, an' that'll cover tracks.”

β€œBuell, I wouldn't want to be near Penetier when you light that fire. This forest will burn like tinder.”

β€œIt's a whole lot I care then. Let her burn. Let the Government put out the fire. Now, what's to be done about this boy?”

β€œI think I'd try to feel him out. Maybe he can be fixed. Boys who want to be foresters can't be rich. Failing thatβ€”you say he's a kid who wants to hunt and shootβ€”get some one to take him up on the mountain.”

β€œSee here, Stockton. This young Ward will see the timber is bein' cut clean. If it was only a little patch I wouldn't mind. But this slash an' this mill! He'll know. More'n that, he'll tell Leslie about the Mexican. Dick's no fool. We're up against it.”

β€œIt's risky, Buell. You remember the ranger up in Oregon.”

β€œThen we are to fall down on this deal all because of a fresh tenderfoot kid?” demanded Buell.

β€œNot so loud.... We'll not fall down. But cautionβ€”use caution. You made a mistake in trusting so much to the Greaser.”

β€œI know, an' I'm afraid of Leslie. An' that other fire-ranger, Jim Williams, he's a Texan, an' a bad man. The two of them could about trim up this camp. They'll both fight for the boy; take that from me.”

β€œWe are sure up against it. Think now, and think quick.”

β€œFirst, I'll try to fix the boy. If that won't work... we'll kidnap him. Then we'll take no chances with Leslie. There's a cool two hundred an' fifty thousand in this deal for us, an' we're goin' to get it.”

With that Buell went into his office and closed the door; the other man, Stockton, walked briskly down the platform. I could not resist peeping from my hiding-place as he passed. He was tall and had a red beard, which would enable me to recognize him if we met.

I waited there for some little time. Then I saw that by squeezing between two piles of lumber could reach the other side of the platform. When I reached the railing I climbed over, and, with the help of braces and posts, soon got to where I could drop down. Once on the ground I ran along under the platform until I saw a lane that led to the street. My one thought was to reach the cabin where the Negro cook stayed and ask him if Dick Leslie had come to camp. If he had not arrived, then I intended to make a bee-line for my mustang.


Which end of the street I entered I had no idea. The cabins were all alike, and in my hurry I would have passed the cook's shack had it not been for the sight of a man standing in the door. That stalwart figure I would have known anywhere.

β€œDick!” I cried, rushing at him.

What Dick's welcome was I did not hear, but judging from the grip he put

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