American library books ยป Western ยป Chip, of the Flying U by B. M. Bower (best way to read e books .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซChip, of the Flying U by B. M. Bower (best way to read e books .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   B. M. Bower

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the added bitterness of Chip, who was rapidly nearing that state of mind which is locally described as being โ€œstrictly on the fight.โ€

โ€œI expect she thinks I'll amuse her some more!โ€ he thought, savagely, as they galloped away through the quivering sunlight.

For the first two miles the road was level, and Chip set the paceโ€”which was, as he intended it should be, too swift for much speech. After that the trail climbed abruptly out of Flying U coulee, and the horses were compelled to walk. Then it was that Chip's native chivalry and self-mastery were put to test.

He was hungry for a solitary ride such as had, before now, drawn much of the lonely ache out of his heart and keyed him up to the life which he must live and which chafed his spirit more than even he realized. Instead of such slender comfort, he was forced to ride beside the girl who had hurt himโ€”so close that his knee sometimes brushed her horseโ€”and to listen to her friendly chatter and make answer, at times, with at least some show of civility.

She was talking reminiscently of the dance.

โ€œJ. G. showed splendid judgment in his choice of musicians, didn't he?โ€

Chip looked straight ahead. This was touching a sore place in his memory. A vision of Dick Brown's vapid smile and curled up mustache rose before him.

โ€œI'd tell a man,โ€ he said, with faint irony.

The Little Doctor gave him a quick, surprised look and went on.

โ€œI liked their playing so much. Mr. Brown was especially good upon the guitar.โ€


โ€œYes, of course. You know yourself, he plays beautifully.โ€

โ€œCow-punchers aren't expected to know all these things.โ€ Chip hated himself for replying so, but the temptation mastered him.

โ€œAren't they? I can't see why not.โ€

Chip closed his lips tightly to keep in something impolite.

The Little Doctor, puzzled as well as piqued, went straight to the point.

โ€œWhy didn't you like Mr. Brown's playing?โ€

โ€œDid I say I didn't like it?โ€

โ€œWell, youโ€”not exactly, but you implied that you did not.โ€


The Little Doctor gave the reins an impatient twitch.

โ€œYes, yesโ€”YES!โ€

No answer from Chip. He could think of nothing to say that was not more or less profane.

โ€œI think he's a very nice, amiable young manโ€โ€”strong emphasis upon the second adjective. โ€œI like amiable young men.โ€


โ€œHe's going to come down here hunting next fall. J. G. invited him.โ€

โ€œYes? What does he expect to find?โ€

โ€œWhy, whatever there is to hunt. Chickens andโ€”erโ€”deerโ€”โ€


By this they reached the level and the horses broke, of their own accord, into a gallop which somewhat relieved the strain upon the mental atmosphere. At the next hill the Little Doctor looked her companion over critically.

โ€œMr. Bennett, you look positively bilious. Shall I prescribe for you?โ€

โ€œI can't see how that would add to your amusement.โ€

โ€œI'm not trying to add to my amusement.โ€


โ€œIf I were, there's no material at hand. Bad-tempered young men are never amusing, to me. I likeโ€”โ€

โ€œAmiable young men. Such as Dick Brown.โ€

โ€œI think you need a change of air, Mr. Bennett.โ€

โ€œYes? I've felt, lately, that Eastern airs don't agree with my constitution.โ€

Miss Whitmore grew red as to cheeks and bright as to eyes.

โ€œI think a few small doses of Eastern manners would improve you very much,โ€ she said, pointedly.

โ€œYโ€”e-s? They'd have to be small, because the supply is very limited.โ€

The Little Doctor grew white around the mouth. She held Concho's rein so tight he almost stopped.

โ€œIf you didn't want me to come, why in the world didn't you have the courage to say so at the start? I must say I don't admire people whose tempersโ€”and mannersโ€”are so unstable. I'm sorry I forced my presence upon you, and I promise you it won't occur again.โ€ She hesitated, and then fired a parting shot which certainly was spiteful in the extreme. โ€œThere's one good thing about it,โ€ she smiled, tartly, โ€œI shall have something interesting to write to Dr. Cecil.โ€

With that she turned astonished Concho short around in the trailโ€”and as Chip gave Blazes a vicious jab with his spurs at the same instant, the distance between them widened rapidly.

As Chip raced away over the prairie, he discovered a new and puzzling kink in his temper. He had been angry with the Little Doctor for coming, but it was nothing to the rage he felt when she turned back! He did not own to himself that he wanted her beside him to taunt and to hurt with his rudeness, but it was a fact, for all that. And it was a very surly young man who rode into the Denson corral and threw a loop over the head of the runaway.

CHAPTER IX. โ€” Before the Round-up.

โ€œThe Little Doctor wants us all to come up t' the White House this evening and have some music,โ€ announced Cal, bursting into the bunk house where the boys were sorting and packing their belongings ready to start with the round-up wagon in the morning.

Jack Bates hurriedly stuffed a miscellaneous collection of socks and handkerchiefs into his war bag and made for the wash basin.

โ€œI'll just call her bluff,โ€ he said, determinedly.

โ€œIt ain't any bluff; she wants us t' come, er you bet she wouldn't say so. I've learned that much about her. Say, you'd a died to seen old Dunk look down his nose! I'll bet money she done it just t' rasp his feelin'sโ€”and she sure succeeded. I'd go anyway, now, just t' watch him squirm.โ€

โ€œI notice it grinds him consider'ble to see the Little Doctor treat us fellows like white folks. He's workin' for a stand-in there himself. I bet he gets throwed down good and hard,โ€ commented Weary, cheerfully.

โ€œIt's a cinch he don't know about that pill-thrower back in Ohio,โ€ added Cal. โ€œAny of you fellows going to take her bid? I'll go alone, in a

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