Books author - "Alyx D. Vacca"
Jaydria lives in Raytown, Missouri. Tobias lives outside the city of Dag in Dagrolma. When the barrier between the two worlds suddenly shatter, their lives (along with everyone else) is thrown into chaos. Dagrolma is a fief in the world called Treah, everything that we on Earth would consider fantasy is reality. Jayd had lived what we would consider a normal life. And, if you lived in Dagrolma, Tobi did too. Everyone is affected and some people are finding the others ways of life unacceptable.
Jaydria lives in Raytown, Missouri. Tobias lives outside the city of Dag in Dagrolma. When the barrier between the two worlds suddenly shatter, their lives (along with everyone else) is thrown into chaos. Dagrolma is a fief in the world called Treah, everything that we on Earth would consider fantasy is reality. Jayd had lived what we would consider a normal life. And, if you lived in Dagrolma, Tobi did too. Everyone is affected and some people are finding the others ways of life unacceptable.