Books author - "Ashley Berrett"

When a Princess is born she is given a gift to care for her kingdom. A trinket they keep safe for ever. the trinket doesn't work for any one else once it has bonded to the princess. It is her job to discover her gift and help her kingdom. But how can Tess help her kingdom if she doesn't even know she is the princess?

In a perfect utopia, there are no thoughts of war, no jealousy, stealing, violence, dark colors, or sharp objects. There is perfect peace. this worlds creator is seemingly perfect too. with an exception of his family. There is a hidden disgrace amongst his unfathomable perfection. Courtney's chocolate hair flows like seaweed as she floats eye's closed in the water until she emerges to the surface, her blue eyes sparkling again. The all too familiar wall is in front of her. The stained metal has