Books author - "Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath)"
The prophecy cats of ForestClan have still not fulfilled the prophecy, and neither their own hopes. Swiftpaw is desperate to stop Flowerpaw from giving any harm to a certain close friend of his, otherwise her life will be in danger. He is also investiagting who attacked Sandtail in battle, and why. Eagletalon, now finding out that Willowstream has been murdered, wants to find out who killed her, and why. Dawnsong is responisble for the safety of two kits who are apprantly sent by StarClan, but
The prophecy cats of ForestClan have still not fulfilled the prophecy, and neither their own hopes. Swiftpaw is desperate to stop Flowerpaw from giving any harm to a certain close friend of his, otherwise her life will be in danger. He is also investiagting who attacked Sandtail in battle, and why. Eagletalon, now finding out that Willowstream has been murdered, wants to find out who killed her, and why. Dawnsong is responisble for the safety of two kits who are apprantly sent by StarClan, but