Books author - "CreativeNative"

19-year-od Bronte is the born wielder of the Fire Blade. But to unlock all of it's powers, he must obtain the other four swords: the Rain Blade, the Lightning Blade, the Sand Blade and the all-powerful Sky Blade. The only problem is... that those swords have their own wielders... so to retrieve the blades, Bronte must kill them.

23-year-old Megan Foster has been cutting herself for five long years. She's even thought about ending her life. Her parents died in a car accident after she graduated high school. She has no siblings and no friends (because of a nasty rumor someone spread in her senior year.) Now she lives with her 67-year-old grandmother, Lilianna, in a small 2-bedroom apartment with no ambition whatsoever to register for college and persue her dream of becoming an actress and performing onstage. That's when