Books author - "Dr. Manisha Majumdar (De)"

This book gives brief idea on, Different modes of nutrition of plants, viz 1)Heterotrophic nutrition - 2)Autotrophic nutrition - 3)C3 and C4 plants 4)Crassulaceann Acid metabolism (CAM) 5)Metabolic pathways in plants. 6)Factors influencing photosynthesis 7)Translocation of photosynthates 8)Significance of photosynthesis.

This book gives you understanding on following; 1. What is tissue and plant anatomy? 2. About types of tissue β Meristem and Permanent tissue 3. What is tissue system? 4. All about primary and secondary growth of stem and root. 5. How different cells and tissue systems are arranged internally by studying sectional view of stems, roots and leaves of dicot and monocot plant? 6. What is the importance of studying plant anatomy? 7. How bark and wood are formed? 8. What are the importance of wood