Books author - "Elle Marie Calhoun"

Jodie Gold, the traditional teenager along with her 9 friends have a life full of happiness and fun. In the heart of Alabama is where they thrive though love and heartbreak and happiest moments of their lives an But things aren't all good for Jodie all the time. This story focuses on the life of Jodie Gold and her friends as they fight battles and eventually find the love the always wanted.

Maybe moving here to Unitah, Utah wasn't the right idea. But I'm here and there isn't a doubt in my mind that I wasn't supposed to come here. Everything is quiet at night until you hear the railroad sounds when there is nothing there. But I'm not the only one, we are now all involved and now we all all have to figure out what is going on.

When Amelia Robertson discovers a building she thought was deserted, her whole life becomes questionable. And who she really is may only be a mystery. As she figures out who she really is and in the process risk her life to find out the truth and what happened to her real parents all those years ago.