Books author - "Ellen G. White"

Primitive Christianity and the Reformation are one and the same revolution, brought about at different epochs and under different circumstances. Although not alike in their secondary features, they are identical in their primary and chief characteristics. One is a repetition of the other. The former put an end to the old world; the latter began the new: between them lie the Middle Ages. One is the parent of the other; and although the daughter may in some instances bear marks of inferiority,

Last evening when we were at dinner, wine was offered to me. It was very well-mixed, sweet and delicious - but when I gave it to ThorΓ© and he tasted it, he commented on its extreme sweetness, and it struck me that there was too much sweetness in the wine. So I would drink no more, nor allow my friends to do so; and although shortly afterwards we were very sick, we were saved through the grace of God and the good remedies which were at hand. β¦ There is no end to the list, Madame; and then add to