Books author - "Forest Ostrander"

this is a continuation, i will upload the first and second when i can find them, but this is of a dream i once had and to not forget it, i wrote it into a story, enjoy! *note, the names in here are my actual friends and grandma's name, i'm the main character, and the animals that are mentioned are my animals that were once here but are now gone, I still have some that are alive and with me today, but a migority of them are waiting for me to come get them*

Forest wasn't an average 17 year old. Her life was turned upside down when a mysteriouse member of her family hands her a special relic with an ominous messege "They will come for it, protect it with your life" Now Forest has been protecting the relic for 17 long years and the coyotes are comming for it, can Forest protect tbe relic and the home of the humans who kindly took her in? Or will everything she ever knew and love be destroyed?

19 year old Forest never expected to have been taken out of the world so suddenly. She had just finally found the one she loved, finally made a mark in her life and she was just starting to make something of herself. That all changed when Forest was murdered one night after finding out a horrible fact about a gang of kids in her community. With her life now taken from her and her struggles as a lost soul, will Forest finally be able to help the ones she loves? Or will they be joining her? Will